Search for articles using ProQuest's Education Journals Database This video will demonstrate search techniques for finding useful articles in ProQuest's Educational Journals database. The techniques and tools in this video can be used in any of ProQuest's other databases. Action: Start at the library's home page and click the Databases by Subject link. Annotation: Some useful information about how to select a database. Action: Scroll to the subjects and click Education. Then click the Education Journals link. Annotation: Enter your search term here. Action: Type Autism in the search box and click search. Annotation: The database found 4,500 articles. Scan through the list to get a feel for what it found. Action: Scan down the list to search for useful articles. Click on an article and review at the article's record to see if it is useful. Annotation: The search term in the article's record is highlighted in red. Read the abstract for a sumary of the article and scroll down to view the text of the article. Action: Scroll through the article. Click the back button to return to the article list. Action: Review the articles found in the database. Annotation: I'm not happy with what the database found, I need to change my search. Action: Click the Advanced tab at the top of the page. Annotation: Using the Advanced search I can add a second search term with AND to focus my results. Action: Type Autism in the first search box. And therapy in the next search box. Annotation: There are fewer results and they are focused on therapy for autism. Action: Scan through the articles. Annotation: My search terms are also in the subjects that describe the article. Action: Click the article titled Autism Spectrum Disorder: Intervention.... Action: Note the term Intervention in the title that can be useful later. Annotation: This looks useful so I can send the article to my favorite e-mail account to make sure I can find it when I need it. Action: Click the email link at the top of the article and fill in the form. Annotation: This option will include the MLA or other citation for your works cited page. Action: Select MLA or other citation format from the list. Annotation: The PDF view displays the article as it appears in its original form. Action: Click the PDF link at the right of the article. Annotation: This button saves the article to your computer or thumb drive. Action: Click the save button at the top left of the pdf viewer. Action: Click the back button to return to the search screen. Annotation: I'm changing the search to find articles where autism is a subject Action: Select Subject from the list next to the search box. Annotation: I'm adding more terms similar to Therapy with OR to make sure I don't miss important articles. Putting a * at the end of the word finds more forms of that word. Action: Type OR Treatment OR Intervention. Put a * at the end of the words to find other forms. Annotation: Even though I have many articles I know they are useful. The information from other articles helps scan for useful articles in the results. Action: Look throug the list and click the article titled "Evidence-Based Practice and Autism Spectrum Disorders". Annotation: My search terms are in the abstract and subject list. Action: Action: Click the email link to deliver the article to your favorite account. Annotation: E-mail any article that looks useful to cut down on time searching for and re-finding articles. Action: Look through the list for more articles. Annotation: If there is no PDF OR HTML link the article may not be available in this database. Action: Click the article titled "Similar developmental trajectories in autism.." Annotation: Click here to see if you can get the article from another database. Action: Click the Search for article link in the upper right of the article to open the find in library screen. Annotation: This means the article is not available. Action: Scan through the article in the PDF viewer. Annotation: It may be possible to get it from another library. Close the window to return to the article. Action: To order the article from another library click the Interlibrary loan link. Annotation: Nothing else looks interesting on this page. Action: Click the next link at the bottom of the page to go to the next page of results. Action: Click the article titled "Environmental Fit, a model for assessing..." Annotation: I'm going to save this article because it may be useful. Action. Open the PDF window and save the article. Annotation: E-mail it to make sure you have it. Action: Click the email link and fill in the form.