��THE LIBRARY SCOOP Winter/Spring 2011 Volume 3, Issue 2 Orange County Community College Middletown & Newburgh campuses Newsletter of the Libraries of Orange County Community College Volume 3, Issue 2 Page # 1 Library Hours Middletown Monday - Friday 8 am 9 pm Saturday 9 am 3 pm Circulation: 845-341-4855 Reference: 845-341-4260 Library Hours Newburgh Monday 9 am 8 pm Tuesday 9 am 8 pm Wednesday 9 am 8 pm Thursday 9am 5:30pm Friday 9 am  5pm Saturday & Sunday Closed Circulation: 845-341-9020 Reference: 845-341-9049 The library staff is committed to providing helpful and friendly service. If you can t find a book, are having trouble formatting your paper, are wondering what books you checked out please direct your questions to anyone at the front desk of either library. Borrow a Netbook or Laptop Both Middletown and Newburgh libraries have portable computers available for SUNY Orange students, faculty and staff to borrow. The computers are to be used in the library and have wireless internet connection. They are available at the desk with your valid SUNY Orange ID. Check out one today. Environmental Issue: Fracking Fracking, also, known in the drilling industry as  hydraulic fracturing, is the environmental issue of this year. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation describes it as  pumping a fluid and a propping material such as sand down the well under high pressure to create fractures in the gas-bearing rock. The propping material holds the fractures open, allowing more gas to flow into the well than would naturally. Some researchers say the procedure can end the United States dependence on foreign oil, others say that it will pollute the drinking water for millions of people. Orange County is in the news because the Marcellus Shale, one of the largest deposits of the right type of rock, is found here. SUNY Orange Geology professor Larry O Brien says,  the Marcellus Shale is made up of fine sediments, full of organic matter, deposited in a sea that was in the area about 400 million years ago. The shale can be found in areas from southern New York, western Pennsylvania, Virginia and further south. Geologic processes turned the organic matter in the rock into natural gas. The debate about whether to fracture the shale and inject chemicals to remove the natural gas is very contentious. Both sides, pro and con, have a web presence with text and video arguing their side, making it hard to find reliable and unbiased information. Using Google to find sources for your research papers is tricky and demonstrates how important search terms are in getting useful information. Searching the term  fracking tends to find citizen advocate sites that are against the process. While searching for the term  hydraulic fracturing tends to find pro drilling sites from businesses associated with energy production and drilling. The search term also makes a difference in the results from the library s databases. The table to the right shows that more articles were found using the search term  Hydraulic Fracturing than with  Fracking . Be sure to search for articles using  Fracking OR Hydraulic Fracturing to get all articles that may be useful to you. Using AND seems right but the database will find articles with both terms and therefore fewer articles. In the case of the database Research Library  Fracking AND Hydraulic Fracturing finds 154 articles while  Fracking OR Hydraulic Fracturing finds 1,705. Be sure your search finds the articles or websites that help you get reliable information. Small changes in your search mean can finding information that is useful or useless. Librarians are always available to help you search for the articles you need. Database searched Articles found using the search term: Research Library ProQuest Fracking 248 articles found Hydraulic Fracturing 1611 articles found National Newspapers ProQuest Fracking 67 articles found Hydraulic Fracturing 159 articles found Environment Complete Fracking 12 articles found Hydraulic Fracturing 270 articles found Science Direct Fracking 14 articles found Hydraulic Fracturing 8676 articles found Points of View Fracking 241 articles found Hydraulic Fracturing 379 articles found Academic Search Complete Fracking 37 articles found Hydraulic Fracturing 425 articles found Fracking Diagram from: Manuel, John. "EPA Tackles Fracking." Environmental Health Perspectives 118.5 (2010): A199. Environment Complete. EBSCO. Web. 4 Jan. 2011. Call it Fracking or Hydraulic Fracturing. Remember, what you search for will affect what your search engine finds! The best bet is search  Fracking OR Hydraulic Fracturing to find the widest variety of articles or web pages. Seasonal Poetry Nature's Quadrigeminal Show Looking out�my window I see�the snow, Where tree lines delineate The sun's passage As�sunset shadows the day. � I savor the sun's warmth... Acknowledging nature As she fulfills her role Creating�life in the woods, And I live ever hopeful That Spring Will not be�far behind In her pageant of seasons. Florence DeVaughn-Gersten January 2010 Kaplan Hall Library is OPEN It was once an empty space but now the library filling up with books, magazines, librarians, chairs, desks and, of course, computers. Debbie Canzano supervised the boxing and movement of the library s collection. The library and ITS staff worked hard to get everything set up in time for the start of the spring semester. The library s new space has wide open spaces for group work and expansive windows to let in the sunlight. There are 63 computers at desks and work tables. As in the Key Building wireless internet connection is available. If you have problems getting access ask one of the library staff for help. The library has a new space and a new librarian, Stephanie Herfel is the newest Newburgh librarian. Stephanie starts with OCCC on February 14 as the circulation librarian in Newburgh. Her responsibilities will include making sure check out and return goes smoothly. Stephanie also joins Debbie and Porter taking turns at the reference desk and in library instruction classes in the library s new classroom. Computers in the classroom will allow students to follow along with the librarian searching the library s electronic resources. This is also an opportunity for SUNY Orange students and faculty to shape the new library. You can recommend books for purchase, magazines for subscription and services. The library staff want to make the library uniquely Newburgh and reflect the classes and students at the campus. Books can be sent back and forth for loaning via interlibrary loan. In addition all the electronic resources available at Middletown are available in the same way in Newburgh. Please stop in and check out your new library. LIBGUIDES AT YOUR SERVICE The library s Science, Environment and News databases access thousands of articles that are up to date. Reliable information you can get an A+ with. The SUNY Orange Library signed up with a new web service to provide research assistance to students and faculty. SUNY Orange Librarians create a LibGuide for a topic. The guides include helpful tips to find reliable information in the library, through the databases or from the internet. LibGuides are customized to a specific subject and provide details about useful sources for your research projects and how to use them. Guides are being set up for a variety of different subjects that relate to classes at the college. To access the guides go to the library s Subject/Research Guide page from the E-resources link in the library page s menu or your instructor will link to the page from Angel. It is not necessary to log in to access the guides, however links to databases require SUNY Orange A number. Currently there are guides for Psychology, Nursing and new books with more being added. The guides are in tabbed sections so you can go right to the information you need. They are full of links to books, searches, and other resources. It is like having a librarian right there for you. Each section has a comments area where students and faculty can share tips and make suggestions. The service offers librarians great flexibility in reaching students and faculty. Example of the SUNY Orange Nursing LibGuide with tabs for Getting started, finding electronic articles and reliable web sources. Librarian Debbie Canzano waits for your question at the Kaplan Hall Library s reference desk.