Guest User Computer Policy The Information Commons is a research facility of Orange County Community College. Guest users are local Orange County residents and other visitors who are not affiliated with SUNY Orange County Community College. Limited access to library computers and the wireless network are given as a courtesy to community members. The following rules apply: � Guest users must present a valid form of Identification upon request. A picture ID is preferred. � Guest users must be over 16 years of age. Persons under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent at all times. � Computers are to be used for research purposes only. � A 90 minutes maximum per day time limit applies. If no students are waiting to use the computers the library staff is permitted to extend time limits for special circumstances if requested to do so. Failure to leave when requested will disqualify user from returning. � Guest users may print on the college�s printers after setting up a PaperCut account and purchasing print credit to allow printing. Single sided prints cost 10 cents per page and double sided cost 14 cents per page (7 cents per side). � Students, faculty and staff of Orange County Community College and SUNY have priority. During periods of high student activity, guest users may be denied access or asked to vacate a computer. � Guest users must adhere to the Library Code of Conduct and all college rules and regulations (copies are available at the reference desk), including prohibition of the following. �...engaging in or disseminating illegal, obscene, threatening or unwelcome electronic communication, displaying or printing sexually explicit material in a public location, or damaging computer resources physically or electronically.� (Campus Network Utilization Policy). � A limited number of computers are available for guest users at any one time and are assigned on a first come first serve basis. � Because of license restrictions, some materials may be unavailable to guests. � You may not alter the computer configuration or install personal copies of software on library computers. I have read the above and agree to abide by the guest user computer policy. I understand that failure to do so may result in loss of access privileges and may result in referral to appropriate authorities. Name: ____________________________________ Date: _________ Signature: _________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Office Use Section: Type of ID Presented: _________________________________________ Staff Signature: ______________________________ Date: ___________ Guest User #: _________ Computer Assigned ____ Time: _________ Revised 2016