Orange County Community College Library VIDEOTAPE CATALOG SUBJECT AND TITLE LISTS 2009/2010 Compiled by Cataloging Department Aaltra [737.1] (2006) 1 videodisc (90 min.) : col. ; 4 � in. Rural neighbors who hate each other come to blows one day on a farm and get tangled up in a farm tractor, leaving them both paralyzed, wheel-chair bound, and simmering with spite. Academic advising: campus collaborations to foster retention [649.1] (2000) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Forum brings the most recent issues, information, and techniques in academic advising. Explores a collaborative, campus- wide approach to academic advising. Accident prevention and the elderly [12.4] (197-) 1 video (16 min.) : col. ; � in. Describes physical changes in elderly that lead to increased risk of accidents and makes suggestions to reduce dangers. Accountability in higher education [639.1] (1999) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. As the demand for accountability by public and state legislatures continues to grow, colleges and universities need to develop appropriate responses to this critical concern. The Addicted brain [316.1] (1987) 1 video (26 min.) : col. ; � in. Documentary takes viewers on a tour of the world�s most prolific manufacturer and biggest user of drugs--the human brain. Addressing the needs of the physically disabled child in school: therapist to teachers [204.1] (1987) 1 video (25 min.) : col. ; � in. A lecture directed to teachers on the needs of the physically disabled child in school. Adult learning in America: why and how Adults go back to school [537.1] (1996) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Videoconference reports the highlights from a 1995 National College Board survey that screened more than 100,000 households in all fifty states to locate adults who had recently returned to school. Adult learning: new research on continuous learning in the business environment. [436.1] (1994) 1 video (84 min.) : col. ; � in. Seminar guides participants through the five major principles that underlie successful adult learning and therefore improve the design and implementation of business training. Adults as students: their status and role in higher education [324.1] (1993) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Teleconference focuses on how adult students learn and what they want. Advancements in traumatic brain injury [673.1] (1997) 1 video (19 min.) : col. ; � in. Brain injuries hospitalize 373,000 people each year and kill 56,000 more. In this program, Dr. George Zitnay, president of the Brain Injury Association, and other experts discuss the various types of brain injuries within the context of new diagnostic methods and treatments. Innovative rehabilitation techniques are illustrated on actual brain injury sufferers. Several people with brain injuries reveal how the injuries have impacted their lives and the lives of their families. Advertising & the end of the world [671.1] (1998) 1 video (47 min.) : col. ; 1/2 in. Presents a compelling and accessible argument about consumerism and its impact on the earth�s future. Extensively illustrated with graphics and examples from commercial imagery. Advertising media: pt. 1 [391.1] (1990) 1 video (23 min.) : col. ; � in. Discusses advertising media including newspapers, magazines, television and radio. Adweek�s best spots [172.1] (1988) 1 video (22 min.) : col. ; � in. Contains excerpts from TV commercials running in 1986 and 1987. Affirmative action and reaction [507.1] (1996) 1 video (27 min.) : col. ; � in. Examines the issue of affirmative action with Lani Guinier, professor of law at the University of Pennsylvania. African religions: Zulu Zion [222.1, pt.10] (1978) 1 video (52 min.) : col. ; � in. Visits the Zulu Independent Churches of South Africa to explore the black African response to Christianity. Traces the history of religious beliefs in Africa, from the arrival of the first Christian missionaries to the current rediscovery of the African religious identity. Against all odds: inside statistics [265.1] (1989) 13 videos (26 parts, 30 min. each) : col. ; � in. An Annenberg/CPB project. 26 half-hour programs feature mathematical formulas and living examples that motivate mathematics learning. Against the odds: the artists of the Harlem Renaissance [562.1] (1994) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Tells the story of a group of black artists working during the 1920's and 1930's and the odds they faced in finding an artistic home. Agata and the storm [738.1] (2005) 1 videodisc (118 min.) : col. ;4 � in. When Agata, the popular bookshop proprietor and dispenser of sunny wisdom is suddenly wooed by a man almost half her age, her electricity hits high-voltage. The Age of intelligent machines [241.1] (1987) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. Host Ray Kurzweil explores technological frontiers and helps viewers understand the world of artificial intelligence and expert systems. Ageless America [429.1] (1993) 1 video (52 min.) : col. ; � in. Program deals with caring for the elderly; shy women live longer than men; the prospect of aging for a new generation of the middle-aged with fewer children and many more single women. Aging [63.2] (1973) 1 video (22 min.) : col. ; � in. Program examines the relationship between the elderly individual and society, interviewing several older people concerning their lifestyles. Aging parents [610.1] (1999) 1 video (90 min.) : col. ; � in. Subjects covered are: how to effectively manage a parent care crisis, caregiving from a distance, legal issues, finance and insurance, housing, government programs, family dynamics, and surviving the stresses of parent care. Aids: what everyone needs to know [125.1] (1986) 1 video (18 min.) : col. ; � in. A film for general audiences about the basic facts of AIDS and how they affect everyday life for the layman. Alcohol addiction [196.1] (1985) 1 video (23 min.) : col. ; � in. Program examines the most abused chemical in the United States : alcohol. Alexandra�s project [722.1] (2005) 1 videodisc (103 min.) : col. ; 4 � in. After receiving a much-awaited promotion, Steve returns home expecting to find his wife Alexandra and his two children waiting to surprise him. Instead he discovers an abandoned house and a mysterious video tape that he is forced to watch. Alice Walker [495.4] (1994) 1 video (35 min.) : col. ; � in. Alice Walker describes how the civil rights movement transformed her life. Allen Ginsberg with R. D. Laing [120.2] (1984) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Allen Ginsberg talks to R. D. Laing about his work and life. Alternative lifestyles in California: West meets East [222.1, pt.12] (1978) 1 video (52 min.) : col. ; � in. Visits the San Francisco Bay area to examine the new religious concerns of people who are looking East to Hinduism and Taoism for inspiration. Explores the search for a saner and more wholesome life in which ecology is held sacred and the accent is on good health. Alternatives to the lecture: active learning strategies [254.1] (1991) 2 videos (90 min.) : col. ; � in. Teleconference focuses on techniques that will enable faculty to utilize methods that will move away from passivity in student learning to more responsive efforts. Techniques for large and small classes are examined.. Alzheimer�s disease: a scientific and clinical update [250.1] (1991) 1 video (90 min.) : col. ; � in. Teleconference on current research in Alzheimer�s disease and practical advice for care and treatment of Alzheimer�s patients. Alzheimer�s disease: hope for the future [250.2] (1992) 1 video (90 min.) : col. ; � in. Features nationally recognized experts reviewing the most visible and promising of new therapies. Alzheimer�s: the tangled mind [678.1] (1998) 1 video (26 min.) : col. ; � in. Until now, a diagnosis of this debilitating disease meant uncertainty and despair. Now, thanks to the pioneering efforts of researchers, breakthroughs are being made in treatments that promise hope for patients. In this program, researchers discuss how new drugs, close to approval, and old drugs, such as anti-inflammatories, are being used to alleviate symptoms. In one case study, a patient is treated with nerve growth factor. We also meet a doctor who uses an experimental form of CAT scanning to identify people at risk of developing the disease. Ambulation with crutches, canes and walkers: basic gaits and hints to make them work [8.2] (1978) 1 video (36 min.) : col. ; � in. Describes techniques of ambulation, primarily crutch walking. America: a personal history of the United States (series) see individual titles in series; A Firebell in the night Gone West Home away from home The Huddled masses Inventing a nation Making a revolution The New found land America and the holocaust: deceit and indifference [409.6] (1993) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. -- (The Holocaust collection) Explores the painful and difficult story of America�s response to the murder of six million Jews by the Nazis and their collaborators. America in black and white: racial profiling and law enforcement [668.1] (1998) 1 video (44 min.) : col. ; � in. Focuses on racial profiling in law enforcement, investigating the issue from the victim�s point of view as well as through the eyes of the police. America through the TV looking glass: an Alfred I. DuPont Columbia University forum [498.1] (1996) 2 videos (90 min. each) : col. ; � in. Leading media professionals, attorneys, and academics debate issues such as the conflict of the two �goods�--free press and fair trial ; how television has become our national educator on historical subjects ; and how television journalism reflects and impacts American life. CONTENTS: Pt. 1. Trial TV: Journalism and justice.--Pt. 2. History by film clip. American business competes [313.1] (1992) 3 videos (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Videoconference series discusses the issues facing American business in its drive to be globally competitive. CONTENTS: Pt. 1. Educating to compete.-- Pt. 2. Innovating to compete.--Pt. 3. Marketing to compete. American enterprise (series) see individual titles in series: Government Innovation Land Organization People The American experience (series) see individual titles in series: The Crash of 1929 The Massachusetts 54th colored infantry Roots of resistance : a story of the Underground Railroad The Sins of our mothers Sit down and fight : Walter Reuther and the rise of the auto workers union An American story with Richard Rodriguez, parts I and II [263.2] (1990) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Freelance writer Richard Rodriguez talks about his experiences growing up in America as the son of immigrants. American storytellers [643.1] (1999) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Two 30 min. short stories: F. Scott Fitzgerald�s The sensible thing and Ralph Ellison�s King of the bingo game. American visions: the history of American art and architecture [638.1] (1996) 8 videos (60 min. each) : col. ; � in. Robert Hughes searches for the American- ness in our arts, culture and architecture. CONTENTS: Pt.1. The republic of virtue.-- Pt.2. The promised land.--Pt.3. The wilderness and the West.--Pt.4. The gilded age.--Pt.5. A wave from the Atlantic.--Pt.6. Streamlines and breadlines.--Pt.7. The empire of signs.--Pt.8. The age of anxiety. The Americans with disabilities act: functional job analysis and pre-placement screening [370.1] (1993) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Discusses the Americans with disabilities act and gives a 14-point job analysis checklist to help to analyze essential functions of a position. Americas [319.1] (1992) 10 videos (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Presents a multidisciplinary study of the 20th century political, economic, social, and cultural history of Latin America and the Caribbean. CONTENTS: Pt. 1. The garden of forking paths : dilemmas of national development.-- Pt. 2. Capital sins: authoritarianism and democratization.--Pt. 3. Continent on the move : migration and urbanization.--Pt. 4. Mirror of the heart : race and identity.--Pt. 5. In women�s hands : the changing roles of women.--Pt. 6. Miracles are not enough : continuity and change in religion.--Pt. 7. Builders of images : Latin American cultural identity.--Pt. 8. Get up, stand up : problems of sovereignty.--Pt. 9. Fire in the mind : revolutions and revolutionaries.--Pt. 10. The Americas : the Latin American and Caribbean presence in the United States. Amputee therapy [209.2] (1988) 1 video (27 min.) : col. ; � in. Describes physical therapy connected with amputation of a limb. Covers after surgery, basic exercises mobility before prosthesis, stump wrapping, creating a prosthesis, mobility after prosthesis, and advanced skills. Anatomy and attitudes: understanding sexuality [177.1] (1982) 1 video (40 min.) : col. ; � in. CONTENTS: Pt. 1. Exploring attitudes.--Pt. 2. Understanding male sexuality.--Pt. 3. Understanding female sexuality. Anatomy of the head and neck [50.1] (1979) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. Filmstrip reformatted to videotape. The anatomy of the head and neck is described through a series of dissections and illustrations. Andre Rieu : the Flying Dutchman [754.1] (2005) 1 videodisc (160 min.) : col. ; 4 � in. This blockbuster program presents a dynamic concert featuring guest artists, equestrian riders, fireworks and a delightful collection of musical favorites performed by the incomparable Johann Strauss Orchestra. Angel on death row [561.1] (1997) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Frontline takes on the death penalty debate with a personal profile of Sister Helen Prejean. Animals: How smart are they? [195.1] (1988) 1 video (26 min.) : col. ; � in. This program explores some of the research projects that attempt to discover higher intelligence in animals. Animated neuroscience and the action of nicotine, cocaine, and marijuana in the brain [674.1] (1998) 1 video (25 min.) : col. ; � in. Using sophisticated 3-D animation, this program takes viewers deep into the brain to study the effects of the three substances. An inconvenient truth (see Inconvenient truth) Ansel Adams: photographer [149.1] (1986) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. An appreciative retrospective interview with the premiere American landscape photographer. Anthropologists at work: careers making a difference [447.1] (1993) 1 video (36 min.) : col. ; � in. Captures anthropologists working at home and abroad in diverse settings. Antietam: a documentary film [670.1] (1998) 1 video (57 min.) : col . ; 1/2 in. Re-enactments illustrate the details of the three principle stages of the battle of Antietam fought Nov. 17th, 1862. Also features animated tactical maps, dramatic readings of personal papers, and expert narrative commentary. Anytown, USA [740.1] (2005) 1 videodisc (93 min.) : col. ; 4 � in. A funny eye-opening look into the hard- fought mayoral race between a legally blind, blunt-speaking, conservative Republican incumbent, a retired Democrat brought back into the fray, and a legally blind write-in candidate, in the small town of Bogota, New Jersey. Archaeology: questioning the past [162.1] (1987) 1 video (25 min.) : col. ; � in. Demonstrates how archaeology is taught at Marin Community College. Art is... [30.1] (1971) 1 video (28 min.) : col. ; � in. Demonstrates the variety, vitality, and accessibility of the arts. Includes examples of the combined talents of the most outstanding artists, composers, dancers, and performers in the United States today. Art of the short film [742.1] (2005) 1 videodisc (105 min.) : col. ; 4 � in. A collection of six short films from Australia, India, the United States, Japan and Germany. Art of the Western world [328.1] (1989) 9 videos (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Series examines masterworks of art in intimate detail and in multiple dimensions. CONTENTS: Pt. 1. The classical ideal.--Pt. 2. A white garment of churches - Romanesque and Gothic.--Pt. 3. The early Renaissance.--Pt. 4. The high Renaissance.-- Pt. 5. Realms of light - the Baroque.--Pt. 6. An age of reason, an age of passion.--Pt. 7. A fresh view - impressionism and post- impressionism.--Pt. 8. Into the twentieth century.--Pt. 9. In our own time. As you like it [227.2] (1936) 1 video (96 min.) : b&w. ; � in. Laurence Olivier�s movie production of William Shakespeare�s As you like it. The Ascent of man (series) see individual titles in series: The Drive for power The Majestic clockwork The Starry messenger The Asianization of America [472.1] (1993) 1 video (26 min.) : col. ; � in. This program examines Asians� successes in academia and to what extent they can or want to blend into the American melting pot. Asthma and allergies [595.5] (1998) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. Young children and adults manage asthma and allergy illnesses in different ways. This program discusses tips for preventing attacks and explains the results of promising research. Attention deficit disorder: a dubious diagnosis? [505.1] (1996) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. This program examines the hidden factors that have created a childhood A.D.D. epidemic. Author, author: a practical guide to conducting customized work force training [252.3] (1995) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Community colleges are making a concerted effort to accommodate the training needs of business and industry by bringing customized education directly to their doorsteps. Author, author: creating the new American college [252.4] (1995) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Discuses problems in higher education and addresses solutions to these problems. Author, author: developing the world�s best workforce [252.9] (1998) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Tony Zeiss describes the findings of the recent National Workforce Development Study Author, author: leadership by design [252.5] (1995) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Shows how effective leadership can strengthen integrity in higher education. Author, author: multicultural teaching & learning strategies for change in higher education [252.8] (1998) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Professor Estela Bensimon discusses multiculturalism in colleges and universities, paying particular attention to the different perspectives on its educative purpose. Author, author: reaching learners through telecommunications [252.2] (1994) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Teleconference offers practical advice to novice and experienced managers on every phase of administering a telecommunications-based education program. Author, author: strangers in their own land [252.6] (1996) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. John Roueche, Susanne Roueche, and Mark Milliron document trends and present model programs to help colleges shape strategies for dealing with the employment and integration of part-time faculty. Author, author: the effectiveness debate and the community college [252.91] (1998) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. John Roueche and Suanne Roueche discuss comprehension assessment and evaluation at community colleges. Author, author: the skillful teacher [252.1] (1991) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Stephen Brookfield offers insights and advice to teachers on avoiding such risks as burning out, harboring unrealistic goals, or becoming cynical, and how, not only to survive, but flourish in the classroom. The autistic child: a behavioral approach [113.1] (1983) 1 video (27 min.) : col. ; � in. Shows how the use of positive reinforcement can help the autistic child to discard dangerous and inappropriate behavior and substitute behavior that will allow him to communicate with others. Awakening and enlightenment: Jonathan Edwards and Benjamin Franklin [257.1] (1991) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. A panel discussion at Yale University on the lives and works of two men who shaped Colonial American thinking. Baboon behavior [716.1] (1961) 1 video (31 min.) : col. ; � in. Shows baboons in their native habitat in Kenya, and compares their behavior with that of counterparts in human development. Backstage/Lincoln Center: Luciano Pavarotti, Jessye Norman, the New York Philharmonic [424.1] (1994) 3 videos (30 min.) : col. ; � in. Provides a closer look at what goes on behind the scenes at some of the greatest music performances of our time. Balance dysfunction [323.2] (1993) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Program addresses the causes of balance problems, details how to choose an appropriate assessment strategy, and outlines which treatment methods will be most successful. Bali, masterpiece of the gods [215.1] (1990) 1 video (57 min.) : col. ; � in. Documentary on the rituals, history, and culture of the natives on the island of Bali. Bankrupt [102.93] (1981) 1 video (27 min.) : col. ; � in.�(Enterprise) Chronicles the decline, fall and eventual takeover of Inforex, a 70-million-dollar-a- year computer firm that rode the high-tech wave to prosperity in the early 1970s, then crashed in 1979 for lack of a second product as profitable as its first. Barbie nation: an unauthorized tour [623.1] (1998) 1 video (53 min.) : col. : � in. A penetrating analysis of the Barbie image as a cultural icon and sexual dowsing rod. It reveals a surprising number of faces and layers of social gender attitudes and behaviors. Barn burning / William Faulkner [108.3] (1985, c1980) 1 video (40 min.) : col. ; � in. William Faulkner�s story of the late nineteenth-century South. The son of a tenant farmer is torn between trying to win his father�s acceptance and his aversion to his father�s unrelenting and violent nature. Basic cutting tools: secondary cutting operations [72.3] (1968) 1 video (18 min.) : col. ; � in. Demonstrates secondary metal cutting operations such as reaming, broaching, and spot facing. Basic cutting tools: thread cutting [72.2] (1968) 1 video (18 min.) : col. ; � in. Presents a series of examples which illustrate the principles of thread cutting. The battle for Newburgh [750.1] (1963) 1 videodisc (54 min.) : b & w ; 4 � in. Part one presents background information about Newburgh, NY explaining why a conflict has arisen over the public welfare program. Part two shows how welfare funds in Newburgh are spent and explains how City Manager Mitchell as attacked the welfare program and has taken steps to restrict welfare eligibility and payment. Be a survivor: your interactive guide to breast cancer treatment [609.1] (1999) 1 video (30 min.) : col. , � in. Video includes treatment options and statements by cancer survivors to help present a realistic picture and convey a message of hope. Beginning prosthetic training for the above-knee amputee [9.2] (1977) 1 video (24 min.) : col. ; � in. Instructs the therapist in preparing the patient for application of prosthesis, applying and removing an above-knee prosthesis, and selecting appropriate exercises for beginning prosthetic training. Beginning with Bong [147.2] (1987) 1 video (55 min.) : col. ; � in. Documentary on the transition to regular classrooms for six physically handicapped children. Bell Hooks: cultural criticism and transformation [608.1] (1997) 1 video (66 min.) : col. : � in. Bell Hooks demonstrates how learning to think critically was central to her own self- transformation and how it can play a role in students� quest for a sense of agency and identity. Benchmarking: the quality improvement process for the 90's [468.1] (1995) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Training series provides an up-close look at corporations which are in different stages of the benchmarking process. Berkeley in the sixties [379.1] (1990) 1 video (118 min.) : col. ; � in. Documentary illuminates the rise and fall of the legendary student protests which shaped a generation and changed the course of America. The Berlin trilogy [746.1] (2006) 3 videodiscs (286 min) : col. ; 4 � in. CONTENTS: v.1 Berlin: journey of a city � the Allied occupation from1945 to 1994 -- v.2 the Berlin Airlift � the most dramatic rescue operation of the 20th century -- v.3 Berlin metamorphoses � reunification, rebuilding and reconciliation after the Cold War. Bertolt Brecht [52.1] (1972?) 1 video (26 min.) : b&w. ; � in. Isaiah Sheffer discusses Bertolt Brecht and his work. Be with me [718.1] (2005) 1 videodisc (93 min.) : col. ; 4 � in. Be with me is a tapestry of three stories woven around the themes of love, hope, tragedy and redemption. Beyond the dream VII: a celebration of Black history -- the vanishing black male - - saving our sons [448.1] (1995) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Videoconference on the black male in America. Bill Moyers spirit & nature [251.1] (1991) 1 video (88 min.) : col. ; � in. At Middlebury College in Vermont, representatives of major world religions join the community to wrestle with the challenges of the deepening global environmental crisis. Billy Collins [467.1] (1995) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Poet Billy Collins reads from his works at Orange County Community College on March 7, 1995. The Biology of small life [592.1] (1998) 2 videos (240min) : col. ; � in. Explore the hidden world of small life forms in this collection of short video segments that illustrate the behavior and ecological interactions of microorganisms. CONTENTS: Pt.2. Flagellates and amoebas.--Pt.3.Ciliates.--Pt.4.Cnidarians.-- Pt.5. Flatworms-- Pt.6. Molluscs.-- Pt.7. Annelids. Pt.8.Arthropods.--Pt.9. Echinoderms.--Pt.10.--Nematodes, rotifers, bryozoans, and minor phyla. Bipolar disorder: current progress and future directions in diagnosis and management [291.1] (1992) 1 video (90 min.) : col. ; � in. Features excerpts from the American Psychiatric Association�s symposium on bipolar disorder, held at its annual meeting. Includes latest research findings for treating and diagnosing bipolar disorder patients. Black Robe [520.1 (1992) 1 video (101 min.) : col. ; � in Based on the novel �Black Robe� by Brian Moore. Originally produced as motion picture in 1991. In the 17th century, Father Laforgue, a young idealistic Jesuit nicknamed Black Robe by his Algonquin Indian guides, is assigned to go up river into the Canadian wilderness on a perilous journey to convert the Huron Indians. His young aide and translator, Daniel, falls in love with Annuka, the daughter of the Algonquin chief. Torn between his own desires and ideals of the priesthood, Laforgue�s faith is tested, and his life and the outcome of the mission imperiled, as the expedition faces the elements and hostile Indians. Black women writers [420.1] (1992) 1 video (28 min.) : col. ; � in. A specially adapted Phil Donahue program featuring Alice Walker, Michelle Wallace, Ntosake Shange, Angela Davis, and Maya Angelou. Blacks and blue [602.1] (1998) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Geraldo Rivera investigates racial tensions and the police. Bloomfield basic mathematics [435.3] (1994) 3 videos (90 min.) : col. ; � in. Tapes based on Derek Bloomfield�s textbook Basic mathematics. Bloomfield intermediate algebra [435.2] (1994) 5 videos (90 min.) : col. ; � in. Tapes based on Derek Bloomfield�s textbook Intermediate algebra. Bloomfield introductory algebra [435.1] (1994) 4 videos (90 min.) : col. ; � in. Tapes based on Derek Bloomfield�s textbook Introductory algebra. The Blue collar trap [280.1] (1972) 1 video (51 min.) : col. ; � in. Examines the life styles, ambitions, frustrations, and motivations of the modern assembly line worker. Body defenses against disease [398.1] (1989) 1 video (22 min.) : col. ; � in. Program uses vivid animation to survey the various types of microbes that can cause disease and to dramatize the body�s struggle against them. Body, mind & soul: the mystery and the magic with Deepak Chopra [522.1] (1996) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Dr. Chopra lectures on his guiding principle that the mind exerts the deepest influence on the body, and freedom from sickness and aging depends on finding the balanced awareness within. Breaking silence [353.1] (1984) 1 video (58 min.) : col. ; � in. Educates the general public on the problems of incest and the effect that it has on the family. Breakthrough results with benchmarking [468.2] (1995) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Carla O�Dell discusses the evolution of benchmarking and how it has progressed into a strategic management tool that crosses all industries and functional levels. Bridges to learning: new applications of telecommunications and computing [189.1] (1988) 1 video (32 min.) : col. ; � in. A program for educators, administrators, continuing education and institutional and staff development. Issues discussed include programmatic planning, system costs, faculty/administrative involvement, political involvement and needs assessment. Bromley coats: honesty behind the seams [238.1] (1986) 1 video (10 min.) : col. ; � in. Examines the operation of the Bromley Coat Factory in Middletown, New York. Brooklyn Bridge: a film by Ken Burns [647.1] (1981) 1 video (58 min.) : col. ; � in. Traces the transformation of the Brooklyn Bridge from a heroic engineering feat to a symbol of strength, vitality, ingenuity, and promise in American culture. Brunnstrom techniques for facilitation of upper extremity motion of the stroke patient, stages 1-3 [109.1] (1978) 1 video (23 min.) : b&w. ; � in. Provides general review and illustrates techniques of Brunnstrom theory. Buddhism: footprint of the Buddha -- India [222.1 pt.3] (1978) 1 video (52 min.) : col. ; � in. Visits Sri Lanka and India to discover the type of Buddhism practiced throughout Southeast Asia. Includes talks with monks, school children, novices, and housewives who describe their own religious experiences and discuss the high moral standards demanded by Buddhism. Buddhism: the land of the disappearing Buddha -- Japan [222.1, pt.9] (1978) 1 video (52 min.) : col. ; � in. Visits Japan to investigate the Japanese experience of Buddhist worship and the complexities of Zen. Buddy [733.1] (2004) 1 videodisc (100 min.) : col. ; 4 � in. Kristoffer�s love life is on the rocks. But what can you expect from a guy who likes to videotape himself and his friends pulling outrageous stunts? Building hope: community development in America [443.1] (1994) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Program traces the evolution of the community development movement over the past 30 years. Building quality child care : independence [199.3] (1991) 1 video (18 min.) : col. ; � in. Discusses the development of independence in early childhood education. Burton White: babies and childcare, what to do? [186.3] (1984) 1 video (47 min.) : col. ; � in. A lecture by Burton L. White, the Director of the Center for Parent Education, on babies and childcare. Buyout [102.91] (1984?) 1 video (28 min.) : col. ; � in.--(Enterprise) Describes the purchase of a roller bearings plant from General Motors by the employees of the plant. The company, Hyatt Clark Industries, went to a participative management system. The difficulties of implementing the system are discussed. Campfire [721.1] (2005) 1 videodisc (96 min.) : col. ; 4 � in. A 42-year-old widowed mother of two teenage daughters wants to join the founding group of a new settlement in the West Bank. This is about their struggles with the acceptance committee and their living as outcasts in the settlement. Cancer wars [598.1] (1998) 4 videos (60 min. each) : col. ; � in. Series brings viewers the social, historical, political and medical struggles and turning points that have accompanied the international fight against cancer. CONTENTS: Pt.1. Blind to danger.-- Pt.2.Heroes and villains.--Pt.3. Moving the target.--Pt.4. Living with the enemy. The Canela Indians of Brazil [708.1] (1999) 1 video (53 min.) : col. ; � in. This program, based on the research of Smithsonian Institute anthropologist, Dr. William H. Crocker, documents the unique Canela way of life, focusing on their extraordinary bonding rituals and their conflict resolution skills they call �mending ways�. Can�t slow down [428.1] (1993) 1 video (28 min.) : col. ; � in. Program asks how we are spending our time and how the constant rush is affecting everything about our relationship and our health. Career advantage [599.1] (1998) 26 parts on 13 videos (30 min. each) : col. ; � in. Career and life-planning telecourse helps students gain the self knowledge they need to enter the job force and maintain a successful and rewarding career. CONTENTS: Pt.1. Introduction.--Pt.2. Where are you now?--Pt.3. Self-knowledge and beliefs.--Pt.4. Values.--Pt.5. Personality and interests.-- Pt.6. Knowledge, skills and abilities.--Pt.7. Keeping track of self knowledge and exploration.--Pt.8. Introduction.--Pt.9. The changing workplace: technology and globalization.-- Pt.10. What employers want: skills and attitudes.--Pt.11. What�s out there: how the world of work is organized.--Pt.12. Generating career options.--Pt.13. Researching career options: new technologies and techniques.--Pt.14. Informational interviewing and networking.- -Pt.15. Evaluating career options.--Pt.16. Overcoming barriers to employment.--Pt.17. Lifelong learning.--Pt.18. Introduction to career planning and implementation.--Pt.19. Decision making strategies.--Pt.20. Goal setting and action planning.--Pt.21. Finding work opportunities: new technologies and current techniques.--Pt.22. Staying on track in your work search.--Pt.23. Resume preparation.--Pt.24. Interviewing strategies. Career encounters [629.1] (1993) 3 videos (25 min. each) : col. ; � in. Presents a series of documentary-style programs that explore careers in various professions. CONTENTS: Pt.1. Architecture.--Pt.2. Mechanical engineering.--Pt.3. Women in engineering. Caring for children: an introduction to the child care profession [307.1] (1992) 12 videos (30 min.) : col. ; � in. Series assists child care centers and family homes in providing day care by examining ideas that have worked for experienced child care professionals. CONTENTS: Pt. 1. Becoming a teacher of young children.--Pt. 2. Caring for infants in child care homes and centers.--Pt. 3. Caring for toddlers in child care homes and centers.--Pt. 4. Caring for preschoolers in child care homes and centers.--Pt. 5. Caring for school-agers in childcare homes and centers.--Pt. 6. Caring for mixed-age groups in child care homes and centers.--Pt. 7. Preparing environments for children.--Pt. 8. Promoting health, safety and nutrition.--Pt. 9. Enhancing self-esteem and respecting diversity.--Pt. 10. Developing effective teaching techniques and strategies.--Pt. 11. Building a partnership with parents.--Pt. 12. Becoming a child care professional. Caring for infants and toddlers : a discussion with Bettye Caldwell [186.1] (1985) 1 video (18 min.) : col. ; � in. A discussion of caring for infants and toddlers designed for early childhood educators. Caring for the adult and pediatric ventilator patient [277.1] (1992) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Seminar focuses on state-of-the-art research- based nursing practice in the management of adult and pediatric patients, receiving ventilatory assistance. Carol�s journey [720.1] (2004) 1 videodisc (100 min.) : col. ; 4 � in. Carol, a twelve-year-old Spanish-American girl from New York, travels with her mother to Spain in the spring of 1938, the height of the Civil War. Separated from her beloved father, Carol arrives in her mother�s home village and transforms the secretive family environment. Castle: tours of the world�s most magnificent structures. [648.1] (1983) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Presents an animated tale about a fictional thirteenth century fortress and town built by King Edward I to subdue the rebellious Welsh. Cathedral: tours of the world�s most magnificent structures. [648.2] (1985) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Combines location sequences and animation to show the building of a Gothic cathedral. Catholicism: Rome, Leeds, & the desert [222.1, pt.4] (1978) 1 video (52 min.) : col. ; � in. Visits Rome, Spain, and England to explore the diversity and unity of the Catholic religious experience. CEO exchange [661.1] (2000) 4 videos (60 min. each) : col. ; 1/2 in. Features in-depth, candid conversations on high-level business issues with internationally recognized and respected CEO�s. CONTENTS: Pt.1. Creating the 21st century CEO. �Pt.2. Challenges of the 21st century CEO. �Pt.3. Internet shopping in the 21st century. �Pt.4. Cutting edge technologies. Challenge to America (series) see individual titles in series: The Culture of commerce The Heart of the nation Change, Change [168.4] (1984) 1 video (58 min.) : col. ; � in. Deals with the 1960's, which were years of rapid change in America, including the increasing impact of television, computerization, social unrest, assassinations, the war in Vietnam and the landing of a man on the moon. Examines the causes and effects of these diverse changes on American culture. Change master companies: putting theory into action [207.1] (1987) 1 video (42 min.) : col. ; � in. Based on the book : The change masters / Rosabeth Moss Kanter. Shows how Hewlett-Packard, Security Pacific Bank, and the Stanley Works have refocused their business and personnel strategies by using the concepts developed by Dr. Rosabeth Moss Kanter. The change masters: understanding the theory [207.2] (1987) 1 video (29 min.) : col. ; � in. Based on the book : The change masters / Rosabeth Moss Kanter. Dr. Rosabeth Moss Kanter identifies change masters as individuals and companies who anticipate change and respond with new ideas. She describes the seven ingredients that are essential to successful change masters, and explains how to create the kind of environment that builds innovation and permits acceptance to change. Changing culture of the workplace [536.1] (1996) 8 videos (30 min. each) : col. ; � in. Series demonstrates how today�s workers can develop the skills needed for the new job market. Changing the way we work [458.1] (1995) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. This program probes two innovative workplace examples of how the �team� concept is working (I. e, labor management partnerships). Cheating crisis in America�s schools [703.1] (2004) 1 video (40 min.) : col. ; � in. In a six-month investigation, Primetime traveled to colleges and high schools across the United States to see how students are cheating, and why. Chef�s special [102.94] (1983) 1 video (28 min.) : col. ; � in.�(Enterprise) Shows how a small restaurant is established to show what is involved in setting up a new business. Chick Corea [146.1] (c1982) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Jazz ensemble, featuring chick Corea, piano; Stanley Clarke, bass; Joe Henderson, saxophone; Lenny White, drums. Child care: outdoor safety [229.1](1990) 3 videos (20 min.) : col. ; � in. A three part program on setting up playgrounds for child care centers. Children of violence [201.1] (1982) 1 video (55 min.) : col. ; � in. Documentary examines the lives of Mexican- American street gang members in East Oakland, California through on location taping and interviews. Chinua Achebe [263.5] (c1989) 1 video (28 min.) : col. ; � in. Nigerian writer Chinua Achebe discusses the impact of colonialism on his culture and relates that he began his own writing in reaction to certain stereotypes in western literature. Choices for arthritis [582.1] (1998) 1 video (160 min.) : col. ; � in. Program provides an introduction to a wide range of treatments for rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. The Civil War [235.1] (1990) 9 videos (70 min.) : col. ; � in. CONTENTS: Pt. 1. The cause, 1861.--Pt. 2. A very bloody affair, 1862.--Pt. 3. Forever free, 1862.--Pt. 4. Simply murder, 1863.--Pt. 5. The universe of battle, 1863.--Pt. 6. Valley of the shadow of death, 1864.--Pt. 7. Most hallowed ground, 1864.--Pt. 8. War is all hell, 1865.--Pt. 9. The better angels of our nature, 1865. A class divided [473.1] (1992) 1 video(60 min.) : col. ; � in. Program presents the long-term effects of racial stereotyping in schools and suggests how new approaches can make a positive difference with students and teachers. The Classics of political television advertising [123.1] (1986) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. A collection of political TV advertising messages hosted by Eugene McCarthy. A classroom with blocks [187.2] (1987) 1 video (13 min.) : col. ; � in. Illustrates how preschoolers can learn through playing with blocks. Clinic equipment [11.2] (197-) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. Demonstrates equipment used by occupational therapists for overcoming handicaps. Clinical electrical stimulation: systematic approach to clinical application of electrical stimulation [107.2] (1984) 1 video (48 min.) : col. ; � in. Examines the usefulness of electrical stimulation of muscles in orthopedic treatment. Cold War [748.1] (1998) 12 videos (1116 min). : col. & b/w ; � in. Cold War is an epic story told on a human scale through the observations of more than 500 eyewitnesses, from the statesmen who determined world policy to ordinary men and women whose lives it safeguarded�or threatened. Twenty-four one-hour episodes trace the series of events, great and small, that combined to shape the modern age. Cold water: intercultural adjustment and values conflict of foreign students & scholars at an American university [359.1] (1988) 1 video (48 min.) : col. ; � in. Presents foreign students� main areas of difficulty in their intercultural adjustment. Collaborative learning: model & method [258.1] (1991) 1 video (90 min.) : col. ; � in. + workbook. Teleconference covers tenants of collaborative learning as espoused by the De Anza Project group. The colonel comes to Japan [102.2] (1981) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in.�(Enterprise) A look at Kentucky Fried Chicken�s entry into the Japanese fast-food market. The Comer process: education, health, and family services collaborating for children�s sake [402.1] (1994) 1 video (90 min. ) : col. ; � in. National town meeting features the work of Dr. James Comer of the Yale Child Development Program. Commerce on the Internet [496.1] (1996) 4 videos (30 min. each) : col. ; � in. Programs look at how organizations can use the Internet to reduce costs through open communication links and horizontal and vertical electronic data integration. Communicating non-defensively : don�t take it personally [388.4] (1982) 1 video (22 min.) : col. ; � in. + 1 leader�s guide. Uses a series of vignettes to illustrate common examples of defensive behavior. Shows steps to ease this behavior with the viewpoint of enhancing relationships with both subordinates and superiors. Communicating with the elderly [607.1] (1986) 1 video (15 min.) : col. ; � in. Addresses the communication skills needed for health care workers in dealing with the elderly. Communication skills: expository writing [96.1] (1967) 1 video (59 min.) : col. ; � in. Defines exposition and describes various forms of discourse. Outlines diverse ways of developing an expository paragraph and follows each with appropriate exercises. Comprehensive management of HIV disease [232.1] (1990) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Panel discussion of major issues in caring for patients with HIV. Includes the natural history of HIV disease ; rationale of antiviral therapy ; clinical implications of early initiation of therapy ; patient identification, counseling, and management ; the future of HIV management. Computer chronicles [480.1] (1995) 5 videos (30 min.) : col. ; � in. 10 thirty-minute programs take an in-depth look at a single aspect of computer equipment, software, or trend. CONTENTS: Pt. 1. Global computer technology.--Pt. 2. Power Mac/Power PC.-- Pt. 3. Computer art.--Pt. 4. Windows �95.-- Pt. 5. Virtual meetings.--Pt. 6. Digital photo finishing.--Pt. 7. OS/2 Warp.--Pt. 8. Losing your memory.--Pt. 9. Mobile computing.--Pt. 10. The Internet. Computer chronicles 1998 [480.2] (1998) 24 videos (30 min. each) : col. ; � in. Series focuses heavily on the Internet and other online subjects while taking viewers on location throughout the world to talk to industry leaders and look at global technology. CONTENTS: Pt.1.Push technology- personalized news.--Pt.2. Net advertising primer.-- Pt.3. Do it yourself Java tools.-- Pt.4. The virtual university.--Pt.5. Cyber fiction.--Pt.6. The European technology roundtable exhibition (ETRE).--Pt.7. ETRE part 2.--Pt.8. Electronic commerce.--Pt.9. The battle of the browsers.--Pt.10. Consumer buying guide.--Pt.11. Best of COMDEX.-- Pt.12. Web plug-ins.--Pt.13. Cyber privacy.-- Pt.14. Putting your business online.--Pt.15. Best online games.--Pt.16. Home designed software.--Pt.17. Storage solutions.--Pt.18. Internet showcase.--Pt.19. My web site.-- Pt.20. Desktop video.--Pt.21. Travel planning.--Pt.22. Doc in a box.--Pt.23. Tenth annual computer bowl, part 1.--Pt.24. Tenth annual computer bowl, part 2. The confessions of RosaLee [502.3] (1996) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. The story of RosaLee Cunningham, a thief, former prostitute, and drug addict, and the mother of eight children. Her story illustrates how poverty, racism, crime, illiteracy, and drug use are interrelated, and how they can persist over three generations in the same family. Confronting sexual harassment on campus [317.1] (1992) 1 video (120 min.) ; col. ; � in. Teleconference focuses on how college and universities can effectively balance the needs and rights of all parties. Connect with English [571.1] (1997) 12 videos (30 min. each) : col. ; � in. A 25 part course designed for English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). Connecting early childhood learning: a curriculum development series [437.1] (1994) 4 videos (20 min.) : col. ; � in. Examines how pre-kindergarten children develop and learn. CONTENTS: Pt. 1. Infant curriculum : great explorations.--Pt. 2. Toddler curriculum : making connections.--Pt. 3. Sharing nature with young children.--Pt. 4. Music across the curriculum with Thomas Moore. Conquering America: Bharati Mukherjee [617.1] (1990) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; 1/2 in. Talks about being an immigrant in America today. The corporation [749.1] (2004) 2 videodiscs (145 min.) : col. ; 4 � in. Combining analysis with footage from advertising, television news and industrial films, The Corporation is an entertaining and provocative look at the inner workings, curious history, controversial impacts and possible futures of the modern global conglomerate. The Cousteau odyssey: the Nile [126.1] (1979) 1 video (116 min.) : col. ; � in. Presents Jacques Cousteau exploring the Nile, providing a look at life along the river, its past and present and the legends that are part of its history. CPR 2001-the next stage [318.1] (1993) 2 videos (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Addresses computer-based patient record technology. Crack [194.2] (1987) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. Phil Donahue and a panel of experts examine one of the most perplexing problems of our day in a manner that invites discussion. The Crash of 1929 [342.5] (1991) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. -- (The American experience) Portrait of an era culminating in the stock market crash of 1929. Creating prime-time drama: Felicity [651.1] (2000) 1 video (90 min.) : col. ; � in. Seminar on creating the television drama Felicity. Creating prime-time drama: the West Wing [651.2] (2000) 1 video (90 min.) : col. ; � in. Seminar on creating the television drama The West Wing. Crime and punishment in America [559.1] (1997) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Program traces the history off the U.S. criminal justice system and our ever-evolving concept of crime and how it should be punished. Crime family [600.1] (1996) 1 video (50 min.) : col. ; � in.--(American justice series) The New York based Genovese crime family is explored. Critical thinking: required learning for the 21st century [538.1] (1996) 1 video (90 min.) : col. ; � in. Videoconference discusses ways in which teachers can help their students comprehend and clearly articulate problems; keenly reason between and among conflicting procedures; and arrive at practical solutions no matter what the subject matter or discipline. Crooked cops [601.1] (1996) 1 video (50min.) : col. ; � in. Mike Wallace explores police corruption in the United States. Crossroads cafe [545.1] (1996) 26 parts in 14 videos (30 min. each) : col. ; � in. This two-term course provides a new approach to learning English for speakers of other languages. Cuba and American television [693.1] (2002) 2 videos (90 min. each) : col. ; � in. Two-part seminar series examining the important role television played in the Cuban Missile Crisis. CONTENTS: Pt.1. The Cuban missile crisis and television. -- Pt.2. After the missile crisis. Culture [474.1] (1991) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. Explains that cultural practices and beliefs occur within historical and environmental contexts. Portrays culturally diversity within the United States, showing that different subcultures and cultural expressions address individual human needs. Cultural diversity and historic preservation [314.1] (1992) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Program explores the inter-relationships between cultural diversity, historic preservation, neighborhood revitalization, and the saving of America�s historic environments. The Culture of commerce [419.2] (1994) 1 video (58 min.) : col. ; � in. Explores the systematic differences between the individualistic capitalism of America and Britain and the communitarian capitalism of Japan and Germany. Dancing in moccasins: keeping Native American traditions alive [616.1] (1994) 1 video (49 min.) : col. ; � in. Examines the needs and problems of today�s Native Americans, both those who live on the reservation and those who have chosen the mainstream. Dark passages [564.1] (1995) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Shot on location in West Africa and in Virginia, this video tells the story of the impact of the Atlantic slave trade. Dave Brubeck: Take Five in a Quartet 1 videodisc (83 min.) : col. ; 4 � in. Featuring both the classic tunes and his newest works, The Dave Brubeck Quartet entertains their fans with the energy and eloquence of true artists who love their job. The Day after Trinity [160.1] (1981) 1 video (88 min.) : col. ; � in. Documents the life of J. Robert Oppenheimer, focusing on his role in the development of the atomic bomb during World War II. Day break [724.1] (2006) 1 videodisc (85 min.) : col. ; 4 � in. Day Break, based on a compilation of true stories and shot inside Tehran�s century-old prison, revolves around the imminent execution of Mansour, a man found guilty of murder. Dealing with Alzheimer�s: facing difficult decisions [250.3] (1994) 1 video (23 min.) : col. ; � in. Interviews family caregivers who have faced difficult decisions regarding care. Dealing with diversity [345.1] (1993) 24 videos (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Telecourse explores cultural diversity in America in 24 one-hour programs. Dear America: letters home from Vietnam [347.1] (1988) 1 video (87 min.) : col. ; � in. The words of real soldiers taken from their letters home from the war are interwoven with actual news footage of the time and the music of the period. Dear Lisa: a letter to my sister [356.1] (1991) 1 video (45 min.) : col. ; � in. Takes a comprehensive and multicultural look at women�s hopes and dreams and the realities of being female in the 1990's. Deciding who dies [560.1] (1997) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Program examines the questions about the fairness of the death penalty by focusing on three cases in the deep south. �Degenerate art� [637.1] (1993) 1 video (57 min.) : col. ; � in. Describes Nazi attacks on the avant garde and their desecration of modernist art culminating in the 1937 exhibition of �Entartete Kunst� (degenerate art) in Munich. Degrees of difference: culture matters on campus [604.1] (604.1) 1 video (30 min) : col. ; � in. Program is designed to support faculty, staff, students and administrators in rethinking policies and procedures with respect to social and cultural differences. Delegating [388.3] (1981) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. + 1 leader�s film guide. Examines the concept of delegating by means of scenarios, making viewers aware of some of the hidden traps in delegation, as well as providing basic steps for managers and teachers that can ease the workload. Delmar�s medical assisting video series: administrative and clinical procedures [606.1] (1997) 15 videos (35 min. each) : col. ; � in. Coverage includes the essential and advanced DACUM components of the occupational analysis, conforming to guidelines set up by the Department of Health and Human Services. CONTENTS: Pt.1. Professionalism and communication skills The Democrat and the dictator [168.1] (1983) 1 video (58 min.) : col. ; � in. Presents a study of the contrasting, and yet similar, events that shaped the lives of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Adolph Hitler. Dental hygiene instrumentation : the curet : mandicular right and left segments [28.2] (1983) 1 video (15 min.) : col. ; � in. Demonstrates instrumentation of the curet on the mandicular right and left segments. Dental hygiene series [28.1] (1976) 4 videos (159 min.) : b&w ; � in. CONTENTS: Pt. 1. Alginate impression ; Gypsum pouring up casts ; Periodontial dressing.--Pt. 2. The oral inspection ; Periodontial probe.--Pt. 3. Pit and fissure sealant ; Mouth guard construction ; construction of acrylic resin tray ; Rubber basic impression.--Pt. 4. Rubber dam application ; Matrix band application. Depression and manic depression [677.1] (1996) 1 video (28 min.) : col. ; � in. Explains depression and manic depression through the experiences of several people, including Mike Wallace, Kay Redfield, Lama Dejani, and Robert Boorstin. Provides an overview of the medications and therapy currently in use. Desire under the elms [309.1] (1957) 1 video (111 min.) : b&w ; � in. Play stars Sophia Loren, Anthony Perkins, and Burl Ives. Destinos: an introduction to Spanish [294.1] (1992) 7 videos (30 min.) : col. ; � in. Spanish language telecourse designed to give students full communactive proficiency in Spanish. Developing advising programs in community colleges [279.1] (1992) 1 video (150 min.) : col. ; � in. Teleconference focusing on critical issues facing the field of advising. The developing child [565.1] (1998) 2 videos (30 min. each) : col. ; � in. + workbook CONTENTS: Pt. 1. Study of the child: history and trends.--Pt. 2. Theories of development. Development of normal motor and reflex behavior [107.1] (196?) 1 video (50 min.) : b&w ; � in. Illustrates reflex responses and the motor developmental sequence of normal infants at six different ages in the first year of life. Developmentally appropriate practice : a panel discussion and critique [186.9] (1987) 1 video (54 min.) : col. ; � in. A panel of early childhood experts discusses NAEYC�s position on developmentally appropriate practice. Developmentally appropriate practice: children-birth through age five [186.6] (1987) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. Illustrates age appropriate practices for early education teachers. Developmentally appropriate practice: curriculum -- the role of the teacher [186.8] (1988) 1 video (27 min.) : col. ; � in. Illustrates how to develop an effective curriculum through a trip to the zoo. Developmentally appropriate practice: discipline - guidance techniques for young children [186.7] (1988) 1 video (28 min.) : col. ; � in. Discusses discipline and how to achieve it in an early childhood setting. Deviance [474.3] (1991) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. Shows that behavior labeled as deviance occurs within a context of society, history and culture. Presents examples of deviance ranging on a continuum from minor cultural variations to behavior, including elite deviance, that is destructive to individuals and to society. A different place: the intercultural classroom [433.1] (1993) 2 videos (37 min.) : col. ; � in. + 1 guide. Pt. 1. (21 min.) Is a docu-drama depicting cultural conflicts in the classroom. Pt. 2. (16 min.) offers an analysis of the drama by an interdisciplinary team of experts. Difficult dialogues [612.1] (1999) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. To be used as the basis of a faculty workshop, to train faculty how to successfully engage students in dialogues about and across race, culture, gender, and sexual orientating. Discipline without punishment [388.2] (1982) 1 video (20 min.) : col. ; � in. + 1 leader�s guide. Introduces the concept of �positive discipline,� as developed and discussed by management consultant Richard C. Grote. Using vignettes involving supervisors and employees, with commentary by Richard C. Grote and clinical psychologist Susan Forward, shows that discipline can become a positive tool for supervisors to use in helping employees take responsibility for their own behavior. Discovering psychology [237.1] (1990) 26 programs in 7 videos (30 min.) : col. ; � in. Computer animation and documentary footage of classic experiments help the viewer better understand psychological concepts and relate them to today�s complex world. CONTENTS: Pt. 1. Past, present, and promise.--Pt. 2. Understanding research.--Pt. 3. The behaving brain.--Pt. 4. The responsive brain.--Pt. 5. The developing child.--Pt. 6. Language development.--Pt. 7. Sensation and perception.--Pt. 8. Learning.--Pt. 9. Remembering and forgetting.--Pt. 10. Cognitive processes.--Pt. 11. Judgment and decision making.--Pt. 12. Motivation and emotion.--Pt. 13. The mind awake and asleep.--Pt. 14. The mind hidden and divided.--Pt. 15. The self.--Pt. 16. Testing and intelligence.--Pt. 17. Sex and gender.-- Pt. 18. Maturing and aging.--Pt. 19. The power of the situation.--Pt. 20. Constructing social reality.--Pt. 21. Psychopathology.--Pt. 22. Psychotherapy.--Pt. 23. Health, mind, and behavior.--Pt. 24. In space, toward peace.--Pt. 25. A union of opposites.--Pt. 26. New directions. Discovering the future: the business of paradigms [387.1] (1990) 1 video (38 min.) : col. ; � in. +Trainer manual. Joel Barker shows what paradigms are and explains their effects. Mr. Barker�s paradigm concepts empower people to better anticipate and deal with change. Discussion with Dr. Carl Jung: introversion-extroversion and other contributions [231.1] (1968) 1 video (36 min.) : b&w. ; � in. Dr. Jung explains his relationship with Freud and differences with Freudian theory, his views of the unconscious and introversion- extroversion theories, his concept of archetypes, and his reaction to some of the contemporary challenges to psychology. Dr. B. F. Skinner, part 1 [231.2] (1965) 1 video (50 min.) : b&w. ; � in. Explains Dr. Skinner�s evaluation of the Freudian theory and his views on motivation, operant conditioning, schedules of reinforcement, punishment and teaching machines. Dr. Carl Rogers: pt. 1 [231.4] (1970) 1 video (50 min.) : col. ; � in. Dr. Carl Rogers explains motivation, perception learning : the self client-centered therapy encounter group movement. Dr. Jean Piaget with Dr. Barbel Inhelder: pt. 1 [231.3] (1969) 1 video (40 min.) : col. ; � in. Important stages of intellectual (cognitive) development and traditional American views on motivation, learning and perception. Doing a self-study: why and how [186.4] (1986) 1 video (14 min.) : col. ; � in. Introduces self-study to the early childhood program staff in order to gain accreditation from the National Academy of Early Childhood Programs. The dollars and sense of exporting [233.1] (1990) 1 video (18 min.) : col. ; � in. Describes why and how United States firms export. The domain of the Calusa [709.1] (1995) 1 video (29 min.) : col. ; � in. Follow anthropologist Frank Cushing to the steaming mangrove muck of Key Marco in 1896, as he excavates one of the most remarkable collections of Native American artifacts ever found. Double jeopardy [244.2] (1991) 2 videos (145 min.) : col. ; � in. Panel discussion explores the larger questions of energy and the environment. The drama of child development [230.1] (1977) 4 videos (20 min. per module) : col. ; � in. CONTENTS: Pt. 1. The neonate ; Infancy : landmarks of development ; Infancy : trust, attachment & maternal deprivation ; Behavior & relationships.--Pt. 2. Nutrition ; Alternatives in child care & education ; Exceptional children ; The child in the family.--Pt. 3. Play ; Sex role development ; language development ; Moral development.--Pt. 4. Preadolescence ; Adolescence : growth & development ; Adolescence : search for identity ; Adolescence : relationships with others. Dream voyage [193.2] (1985) 1 video (26 min.) : col. ; � in. Explores what happens to the human body during sleep, using a computer display to show the waves that sweep across the brain during sleep. Dreamworlds: desire, sex, power in rock video [360.1] (1990) 1 video (55 min.) : col. ; � in. Addresses the effect of commercial images on people�s everyday practices. Drifters [731.1] (2005) 1 videodisc (120 min.) : col. ; 4 � in. Would-be immigrant Er Di is back in China, expelled from the United States for working illegally. While in the U.S. he fathered a child, and when his American-born son comes to China for a visit, Er Di is barred from seeing him. The Drive for power [62.8] (1973) 1 video (52 min.) : col. ; � in. Explains how industrialization and political revolutions altered man�s concept of power during the 18th century and points out the significance of these developments in the progress of man. The Drug tape [271.1] (1990) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. Actor Howard Hesseman demonstrates the effects of various drugs from alcohol to heroin. The Dutch miracle [497.1] (1991) 1 video (50 min.) : col. ; � in. Program examines the factors that enabled the Netherlands to become the greatest trading and shipping nation in the 17th century. Dutchman [515.1] (1967) 1 video (55 min.) : b&w. ; � in. An expanded version of Amiri Baraka�s original one act play on race relations. Dying for a job: workers� stories about safety [450.1] (1995) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. Secretary of Labor Robert Reich considers what needs to be done to ensure workplace safety and listens as workers tell their compelling stories. E. E. Cummings: the making of a poet [131.1] (1971) 1 video (24 min.) : col. ; � in. Presents E. E. Cummings telling how he became a great writer, revealing the sources, sites, friends and the events which influenced him. The Early Americans [105.1] (1985) 1 video (42 min.) : col. ; � in. Archeological excavations in America are examined for clues to early man in America. Animated maps, panoramic landscapes and scenes from the past and present show how man�s interaction with the environment led to his rise from nomadic hunter to builder of empires. Eating disorders [190.1] (1986) 1 video (25 min.) : col. ; � in. Explores the medical, social, and emotional factors associated with eating disorders and shows people working with their physician to overcome destructive eating patterns. Ecology of the Chesapeake Bay [253.1] (1991) 1 video (90 min.) : col. ; � in. Teleconference dealing with economic, social, and political issues that relate to the Chesapeake Bay. Economics U.S.A. [157.1] (1985) 7 videos (30 min.) : col. ; � in. Introduces economics. Covers macro and micro principles. Documents past and present economic events. Edouard Manet, painter of modern life [115.2] (1983) 1 video (27 min.) : col. ; � in. Examines major paintings by Edouard Manet that influenced his contemporaries and changed the definition of later art. Explains the works in the artist�s own words and in those of his friends, Zola, Baudelaire, Mallarme, and others. Educating to compete [267.1] (1991) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Videoconference on how the quality of America�s schools will determine the nation�s ability to compete. Education 2000 : the nature and role of assessment in the 21st century [285.1] (1992) 2 videos (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Teleconference on the nature and role of assessment in the 21st century. Effective leadership for all: learning from women [268.1] (1991) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Teleconference conducted by Sally Helgesen on leadership styles. The Effective uses of power and authority [180.3] (1978) 1 video (32 min.) : col. ; � in. Shows how the skills of using power and authority can be learned and used effectively in the business situation. Efficient time management [641.1] (1999) 1 video (20 min.) : col. ; � in. Video presents some helpful hints on how to find the time to accomplish your goals. Egypt : quest for eternity [713.1] (1982) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Host E.G. Marhsall looks at the ancient Egyptians who spent their whole lifetime preparing for life after death. Shows how the monuments and temples they left behind celebrate the power and mystery of their civilization. Highlights the works of Ramses. Eldercare: options for the 90's [264.1 (1991) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Teleconference provides viewers with a first hand look at successful eldercare programs at corporations. Electronic career fair: CAD - the technology tool in your future [542.4] (1997) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Explores careers in computer assisted design. Electronic career fair: computer technology occupations [542.1] (1996) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Explores the advantages to a computer career and the different careers available. Electronic career fair: nursing - LPN & RN [542.3] (1997) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Explores careers in nursing. Electronic career fair: rehabilitation therapy occupations [542.2] (1997) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Explores careers in rehabilitation therapy. Ella Jenkins: learning can be fun [199.1] (1984) 1 video (58 min.) : col. ; � in. Ella Jenkins lectures and demonstrates how learning can be fun for children in the classroom. Ellis Island Immigration Museum: Face of America [760.1] (2002) 1 video (28 min.) : col. ; � in. More than 100 million citizens in the U.S. can trace their ancestry to an immigrant who landed at New York�s Ellis Island. Ellis Island is more than a museum, it is hallowed ground; it is the place where many immigrants from all over the world first touched American soil. Emotional intelligence [632.1] (1999) 1 video (62 min.) : col. ; � in. Program focuses on emotion as another measure of intelligence, redefining about it means to be �smart.� The Empowered manager [477.2] (1990) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. + leaders guide. Film demonstrates that it is possible to create an entrepreneurial spirit with a large, traditional organization. Engaging students in the large class [482.1] (1995) 1 video (35 min.) : col. ; � in.--(Master teaching series) Deals with the dilemmas that are associated with large-sized classes and suggests way to maximize student engagement and interaction. The English modules [45.1](1976) 8 videos (135 min.) : col. ; � in. CONTENTS: Unit 1. Introduction to the sentence (15 min.).--Unit 2. Sentence kern 1 recognition (12 min.).--Unit 3. Modification (12 min.).--Unit 4. Function words and endings (35 min.).--Unit 5, Pt. 1. Noun modification (32 min.).--Unit 5, Pt. 2. Verb modification (12 min.).--Unit 6. Nominalization (17 min.).--Unit 7. Advanced sentence combining (10 min.). English works! [407.1] (1994) 3 videos (200 min.) : col. ; � in. Literacy series aims to help limited English speakers who are currently in the workplace and who need to understand and develop skills for appropriate communication at work. Enterprise (series) see individual titles in series: Bankrupt Buyout Chef�s special The Colonel comes to Japan Fired Hardball The Kyocera experiment Not by jeans alone Perfectly Frank The selling of Terri Gibbs Soft sell Tailspin Workout Entertaining the world : the impact of American culture overseas [698.1] (2003) 1 video (90 min.) : col. ; � in. A panel of distinguished media executives, creators, and cultural critics discuss the production of American entertainment for international distribution, and the ways in which the culture we export affects global attitudes about the United States. Epigenetics: how food upsets our genes [763.1] (2008) 1 videodisc (43 min.) : col. ; 4 � in. This program examines growing indications that food affects our genes-a concepts vitally important to the science of epigenetics. Viewers encounter a wide range of experiments, case studies , and historical evidence. Epilepsy [595.6] (1998) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. The program explores the range of epileptic seizures and looks at new surgical techniques that can help those who in the past would have had to live with crippling seizures. Equal possibilities? [456.1] (1994) 1 video (14 min.) : col. ; � in. Dateline NBC examines gender bias in science classes. Equipped to play [234.1] (1989) 1 video (56 min.) : col. ; � in. Discusses the attributes of toys that make them useful in early childhood education. Essential opera [336.1] (1992) 1 video (56 min.) : col. ; � in. Presents twelve highlights from the world�s most popular operas. Ethics in America [346.1] (1988) 10 videos (60 min.) : col. ; � in. This ten-part series examines contemporary ethical conflicts through a wide range of provocative case studies. Each program follows a panel of distinguished Americans as it tackles ethical issues drawn from business, government, politics, law, community affairs, journalism, the military, medicine, or scientific research. CONTENTS: Pt. 1. Do unto others.--Pt. 2. To defend a killer.--Pt. 3. Public trust, private interests.--Pt. 4. Does doctor know best?--Pt. 5. Anatomy of a corporate takeover.--Pt. 6. Under orders, under fire (part 1).--Pt. 7. Under orders, under fire (part 2).--Pt. 8. Truth on trial.--Pt. 9. The Human experiment.--Pt. 10. Politics, privacy, and the press. Ethnic notions: black people in white minds [334.1] (1987) 1 video (57 min.) : col. ; � in. Presents a disturbing voyage through American history for the first time tracing the deeply-rooted stereotypes which have fueled anti-black prejudice. Eudora Welty [46.1] (1975) 1 video (29 min.) : b&w. ; � in. Examines the style of Eudora Welty. She reads and comments on her short story �Why I live at the P.O.� Eureka! [761.1] (1980) 6 videos (149 min.) : color ; � in. This unit includes five programs: Energy and Force (Pt.1&2); Simple machines; Heat and Temperature; The Conduction of Heat; The Convection of Heat. Evaluation and treatment of venous insufficiency ulcers [266.2] (1992) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Using lecture and patient demonstration, Joseph McCullough, explains the processes utilized by the physical therapist in evaluating and managing patients with chronic venous insufficiency ulcerations. Everybody rides the carousel [192.1] (1975) 1 video (72 min.) : col. ; � in. This animated film looks at the eight stages of psychologist Erik Erikson�s theory of personality development. Everybody�s business: HIV/AIDS on campus [321.1] (1993) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. + 1 manual. Teleconference on HIV and AIDS on the college campus and in the workplace. Examination and treatment of biomechanical dysfunction and soft tissue lesions at the ankle and foot [404.1] (1994) 2 videos (55 min.) : col. ; � in. Designed to integrate the work of Dr. James Cyriax with the latest information available on the examination and treatment of painful soft tissue problems in the anatomical regions of the ankle and foot. Excel for Windows 5 advanced features learning system [485.3] (1994) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. + workbook and 3 � in. data diskette.--(Microvideo computer training) Designed for PC users who want to learn advanced capabilities of Excel. Excel for Windows 5 basic features learning system [485.1] (1994) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. + workbook and 3 � in. Data diskette.--(Microvideo computer training) Designed for PC users who want to learn basic features of Excel. Excel for Windows 5 intermediate features learning system [485.2] (1994) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. + workbook and 3 � in. data diskette.--(Microvideo computer training) Designed for PC users who want to learn some exciting features of Excel. Experiment: physics [184.1] (1987) 4 videos (15 min.) : col. ; � in. A series of programs showing experiments that are difficult or impossible to perform in the average school laboratory. CONTENTS: Pt. 1. The determination of the velocity of light.--Pt. 2. pV isotherms of CO2--Pt. 3. The determination of the Newtonian constant of gravitation.--Pt. 4. Millikan�s oil-drop experiment. Explaining social deviance [517.1] (1994) 2 videos (300 min.) : col. ; � in. -- (The Superstar teachers series) 10 lectures by Paul Wolpe address central questions in our understanding of our own behavior and others. Exploration: under the sea, beyond the stars [633.9] (1999) 1 video (100 min.) : col. ; � in.�(Millennium evenings at the White House ; 9) Astrophysicist Neil de Grasse Tyson and geophysicist Marcia McNutt examine what we are learning from deep sea and deep space research and what those fields have in common. Exploring Internet [403.1] (1994) 2 videos (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Teleconference introduces viewers to INTERNET, its technology, and its applications. Eyes on the Prize: America�s civil rights years [129.1] (1987) 6 videos (60 min. each) : col. ; � in. Comprehensive history of the people, the stories, the events, and the issues of the civil rights struggle in America. CONTENTS: v.1. Awakenings, 1954-56.-- v.2. Fighting back, 1957-62.--v.3. Ain�t scared of your jails, 1960-61.--v.4. No easy walk, 1962-66.--v.5. Mississippi : is this America? 1962-1964.--v.6. Bridge to freedom, 1965. Eyes on the prize II: history of the civil rights movement from 1965 to the present [129.2] (1990) 8 videos (60 min. each) : col. ; � in. CONTENTS: v.1. The time has come, 1964- 65.--v.2. Two societies, 1965-68.--v.3. Power, 1967-68.--v.4. The promised land, 1967-68.--v.5. Ain�t gonna shuffle no more, 1964-72.--v.6. A nation of law? 1968-71.-- v.7. The keys to the kingdom, 1974-80.--v.8. Back to the movement, 1979-mid-1980s. Faces of culture [445.1] (1994) 26 videos (30 min. each) : col. ; � in. Introductory cultural anthropology series highlights major lifestyles and illustrates the adaptation of humans to their environments. Faculty advising training [649.2] (1996) 1 video (91 min.) : col. ; � in. Video uses situation and discussion to help faculty improve advising techniques. Falling angels [739.1] (2004) 1 videodisc (109 min.) : col. ;4 � in. A story of three sisters coming of age in a wildly dysfunctional family in the 1960s. Familia [723.1] (2006) 1 videodisc (102 min.) : col. ; 4 � in. Mimi, a divorced aerobics instructor who is up to her ears in debt, leaves Montreal with her restless 14-year-old daughter and moves in with her childhood friend. Family in crisis [364.1] (1988) 1 video (28 min.) : col. ; � in. This Phil Donahue program centers on the plight of poor children growing up in single- parent households. Fearless public speaking [303.1] (1992) 6 videos (30 min.) : col. ; � in. Professional speaker, Conrad Teitell demonstrates methods for developing and delivering a sound, entertaining speech. The Feast [410.1] (1970) 1 video (29 min.) : col. ; � in. Examines the first stages of alliance formation between two mutually hostile Yanomano Indian villages in Southern Venezuela and northern Brazil. Describes in detail the preparations for a feast involving inhabitants of the villages and presents scenes of chanting, dancing and trading at the feast. Feminist strategies: women and the visual arts [622.1] (1992) 1 video (24 min.) : col. ; 1/2 in. Documentary on various women artists giving creative expression to feminist perspectives on some of today�s most challenging personal, social and cultural concerns. The Fifties and sixties in America: the culture of the cold war [640.1] (1999) 1 video (90 min.) : col. ; � in. �(Television and the cold war) Seminar examines the influence of Cold War tensions on the public affairs and entertainment programming of the era. Financial strategies for a new century: tips from America�s experts [644.1] (1999) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Teleconference on personal financial decision-making A Firebell in the night [21.6] (1973) 1 video (52 min.) : col. ; � in. Discusses causes and miseries of the Civil War and the racial wounds that still trouble the United States. Fired [102.1] (1983) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in.�(Enterprise) A look at how a company deals with firing one of its executives. The First measured century [687.1] (2000) 2 videos (90 min. ea.) : col. ; � in. Looks at American history through data and measurement, revealing how the lives of everyday Americans have changed over the last century. Examines how social science pioneers, by measuring many aspects of Americans� lives, influenced history. Presents examples of the interaction of statistics and society, from Julia Lathrop�s data-driven crusade to reduce infant mortality to Daniel Patrick Moynihan�s controversial analysis of the breakdown of the black family. Also discusses Robert and Helen Lynd�s early 20th century sociological study of Muncie, Ind., America�s �Middletown,� and includes commentary by Theodore Caplow, a professor of sociology, and Bruce Geelhoed of Ball State University�s Center for Middletown studies. Floating palaces [752.1] (1996) 4 videos (200 min.) : col. ; � in. Floating Palaces sets sail on the grand tour of the transatlantic liners, from the ultra- luxurious staterooms and private swimming pools of the elite to the below-deck accommodations of less fortunate immigrant travelers. Follow the great ships as they are drafted into combat and witness the haunting tragedies that led the luxury liners Lusitania, Titanic, and Andrea Doria to their doom. Foodessence : myths & taboos [712.1] (1999) 1 video (23 min.) : col. ; � in. Our diets, from one culture to the next, say a lot about who we are. Beliefs vary on what is good to eat and what is bad. Some are personal preferences, while most are culturally determined. Our food myths and taboos are powerful, persistent and ever- changing. Footsteps of giants [154.1] (1986) 1 video (46 min.) : col. ; � in. An historical survey of America�s space program and its achievements, including a special appearance by President Reagan. For the living [409.1] (1993) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in.--(The Holocaust collection) Chronicles the creation, design and building of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. For the love of wisdom [584.1] (1998) 25 parts on 13 videos (30 min. each) : col. ; � in. Telecourse is a multicultural introduction to philosophy that covers the major theories of reality, knowledge, and values, as well as the analytic method of logic. CONTENTS: Pt.1. The axial age.--Pt.2. The big questions: the Greeks.--Pt.3. The big questions in Asia and Africa.--Pt.4. We�re not in Kansas anymore.--Pt.5. A net of jewels, a sacred cosmos.--Pt.6. The Hebrews and the Greeks.--Pt.7. A little lower than the angels.--Pt.8. Body/mind/spirit.--Pt.9. Made in the image of God.--Pt.10. Varieties of religious experience.--Pt.11. Leaving the medieval world behind.--Pt.12. Reason or the senses.--Pt.13. The dirt they left behind.--Pt.14. Do you swear to tell the truth?--Pt.15. The truth will set you free.-- Pt.16. Truth and beauty.--Pt.17. Seeing the world differently.--Pt.18. Welcome to the post-modern world.--Pt.19. The social contract.--Pt.20. Women and Revolutions.-- Pt.21. A room of one�s own.--Pt.22. It takes a village to raise a child.--Pt.23. Expanding the moral universe.--Pt.24. Karma and care.--Pt.25. The final frontier. The Forbidden goddess [624.1] (1993) 1 video (28 min.) : col. ; 1/2 in. Recent work in the heart of the Holy Land is revealing the story of a duel partnership between Yahweh and his wife, the Canaanite goddess, Asherah. The Forensic autopsy [59.1] (1978) 1 video (94 min.) : col. ; � in. CONTENTS: Pt. 1. Autopsy instruments, the external examination, the incision, removal of the organs, removal and dissection of the brain.--Pt. 2. Dissection of the neck and thoracic organs, removal and dissection of the heart, removal and dissection of the abdominal organs . The forest for the trees [727.1] (2006) 1 videodisc (81 min.) : col. ; 4 � in. Melanie leaves home to become a teacher, armed with alternative methods and bright- eyed optimism. Soon enough, though, storm clouds begin to form: she�s tortured by her students and rejected by her colleagues. Forgotten Ellis Island [753.1] (2007) 1 videodisc (62 min.) : col. & B/W ; 4 � in. Producer Lorie Conway was given exclusive access to film the abandoned hospital complex. With many never-before-seen photographs and video, Forgotten Ellis Island is the first film produced about this extraordinary hospital. Formal organizations [474.2] (1991) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. Shows how humans are engulfed by bureaucracies throughout their lives. Examines the values and functions of formal organizations as well as their dysfunctions. Discusses alternative forms of formal organizations. Formal reasoning patterns [164.3] (1971) 1 video (33 min.) : col. ; � in. Tasks involving proportional reasoning, separation of variables, combinatorial logic, and the integration of these in an analysis of a balanced beam with weights are performed by secondary school students. The foundations of wealth [151.1] (1985) 2 videos (10 min.) : col. ; � in. Teaches the basic concepts of economics. Uses both animation and documentary footage to illustrate and explain ideas and to show economic forces in everyday life. France-TV magazine [274.1] (1991) 39 videos (60 min. each) : col. ; � in. + guides. A French language magazine in video format. Frank Lloyd Wright [611.1] (1999) 2 videos (90 min. each) : col. ; � in. Using archival photographs, live cinematography, interviews, newsreel footage and home movies, the film tells the story of Frank Lloyd Wright�s turbulent life and his extraordinary professional career. Frederick Douglass: when the lion wrote history [459.1] (1994) 1 video (90 min.) : col. ; � in. Film utilizes archival photos and images, interviews with scholars, and live-action cinematography of historical locations from the life of Frederick Douglas. The French Revolution [587.1] (1995) 2 videos (20 min. each) : col. ; � in. An indecisive king, a frivolous queen, and a hundred years of oppressive taxes finally inspired the people of 18th century France to take their future into their own hands. CONTENTS: Pt.1. Origins. -- Pt.2. The Revolution Continues. From bedside to bargaining table [103.1] (1983) 1 video (20 min.) : col. ; � in. Nurses talk about their concerns in the wards and the operating room and what they are doing about it. From Jesus to Christ: the first Christians [591.1] (1998) 4 videos (60 min. each) : col. ; � in. Explores the life of Jesus and the movement he started, challenging familiar assumptions and conventional notions about the originals of Christianity. From social interaction to social structure [682.1] (1991) 1 video (58 min.) : col. ; � in. Describes social relationships and various levels of social structure from groups to societies, demonstrating that sociology is uniquely suited to study these realities. Frontline (series) see individual titles in series: The confessions of RosaLee So you want to buy a President? The vanishing father Welcome to Happy Valley When the bough breaks Frosh : student identity on a changing campus [378.1] (1993) 1 video (98 min.) : col. ; � in. Documentary presents an unprecedented look inside today�s freshman world of scary freedoms and challenging new lifestyles. The fruit fly: a look at behavior biology [41.1] (1974) 1 video (22 min.) : col. ; � in. Shows how the fruit fly is used to study behavior. Full view additive wax method of forming an harmonious occlusion [50.2] (1979) 1 video (35 min.) : col. ; � in. CONTENTS: Pt. 1. Placing the wax cusps (ca. 12 min.).--Pt. 2. Forming the stamp cusps (ca. 13 min.).--Pt. 3. Forming the shear cusps (ca. 10 min.). Gabriel Garcia Marquez: magic and reality [495.1] (1982) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Presents a literary biography of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the Colombian novelist and Nobel prize winner, through conversations with the author, his friends, and his critics. Examines the course of Garcia Marquez�s life, the source of his plots and characters, and the forces that have engendered his narrative style. Traces his so-called magical realism, a blending of the real and the fantastic, to the cultural diversity of the Caribbean. Explores the history of Colombia. A gadget go around: be-OK self-help aids [11.3] (197-) 1 video (28 min.) : col. ; � in. Demonstrates assistive devices for overcoming handicaps. GED 2002: everything you need to know [665.1] (2000) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. GED administrators learn how to prepare their GED teachers for the new GED 2002; GED teachers learn what�s new on the GED 2002 and discover strategies they can use to prepare students for the new format. Georgia O�Keefe [150.1] (1977) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. A portrait of the painter, using contemporary interviews. Germany live [493.1] (1996) 8 videos (60 min. each) : col. ; � in. Developed in Germany and presented in German with English subtitles, these programs look at life and culture in various regions of Germany. The Global assembly line [357.1] (1986) 1 video (35 min.) : col. ; � in. Follows the lives of working people in the free trade zones of developing countries, as manufacturing industries close labor- intensive operations in the United States to search the globe for lower-wage work forces. Documents what goes on behind the scenes in electronic assembly plants, garment factories, and communities across the United States-Mexico border and in the Phillippines. Global quest: the Internet in the classroom [449.1] (1994) 1 video (12 min.) : col. ; � in. Video explaining the Internet. The Gold rush [513.1] (1925) 1 video (82 min.) : sd., b&w. ; � in. Classic Charlie Chaplin masterpiece of comedy and pathos. Gone West [21.5] (1974) 1 video (52 min.) : col. ; � in. Deals with the Louisiana Purchase, the Lewis and Clarke Expedition, the exploration of the distant reaches of the waterways, the forcing of Indian nations west of the Mississippi, and the gold rush. Government [49.3] (1976) 1 video (29 min.) : col. ; � in. Actor William Shatner portrays a middle management government employee who discusses how the Government has contributed to America�s economic growth as employer, borrower, and consumer. Raises the need for greater responsiveness to individual and national needs. The Government story (series) see individual titles in series: Invitation to conflict The Justice machine The Presidential persuaders The Right to lobby Supreme Court and society Graduate school: paying the bill [310.1] (1992) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Teleconference discusses funds for graduate study in science and engineering programs. Grammar: solving common sentence problems [99.1] (1978) 1 video (56 min.) : col. ; � in. Identifies and helps remedy run-on sentences, comma splices, sentence fragments, disagreement of subject and verb, disagreement of pronoun and antecedent, misplaced and dangling modifiers, and violations of parallel structure. Le grand voyage [741.1] (2005) 1 videodisc (113 min.) : col. ; 4 � in. A few weeks before his college entrance exams, Reda, a young man who lives in the south of France, finds himself obligated to drive his father to Mecca. Grant�s march: the Vicksburg campaign [156.1] (c1987) 1 video (71 min.) : col. ; � in. Documents Grant�s march on Vicksburg during the Civil War. Every scene is filmed on the march route showing exactly where the action took place. The Great depression [382.1] (1993 7 videos (60 min) : col. ; � in. Documentary chronicles the sweep of events between the two world wars, a period dominated by the economic depression that followed the stock market crash of 1929. CONTENTS: Pt. 1. A job at Ford�s.--Pt. 2. The road to rock bottom.--Pt. 3. New deal/New York.--Pt. 4. We have a plan.--Pt. 5. Mean things happening.--Pt. 6. To be somebody.--Pt. 7. Arsenal of democracy. Growing old in a new age [369.1] (1993) 13 videos (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Comprehensive and multicultural examination of gerontology. CONTENTS: Pt. 1. Myths and realities of aging.--Pt. 2. How the body ages.--Pt. 3. Maximizing physical potential of older adults.--Pt. 4. Love, intimacy and sexuality.- -Pt. 5. Learning, memory and speed of behavior.--Pt. 6. Intellect, personality and mental health.--Pt. 7. Social roles and relationships in old age.--Pt. 8. Family and intergenerational relationships.--Pt. 9. Work, retirement and economic status.--Pt. 10. Illness and disability.--Pt. 11. Dying, death and bereavement.--Pt. 12. Societal and political aspects of aging.--Pt. 13. The future of aging. Growth and development [664.1] (1996) 1 video (27 min.) : col. ; � in. This program looks at how growth in the standard of living occurs and what government policy can do to affect the process. The Growth of intelligence in the preschool years [164.1] (1972) 1 video (31 min.) : col. ; � in. Shows children from three to six years old doing certain tasks and describes the development of logical intelligence during the sensory motor, preoperational, and concrete stages. Hamlet [338.3] (1979) 2 videos (222 min.) : col. ; � in. This version of Shakespeare�s Hamlet stars Derek Jacobi as Hamlet. Hamlet [118.1] (1985) 1 video (40 min.) : col. ; � in. This version of Shakespeare�s Hamlet is in a 35 minute format. It is divided into three parts, each part is followed by questions the student should answer. Hardball [102.3] (1982) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in.--(Enterprise) A look at how the Oakland Athletics baseball team is managed as a business. Harold Pinter with Benedict Nightingale [120.6] (1984) 1 video (55 min.) : col. ; � in. Playwright and director Harold Pinter discusses his work in the theatre with particular reference to his violent and disturbing play One for the road, which investigates torture in totalitarian regimes. The Harvard Business Review video series see individual titles in series: Managers can avoid wasting time The Middle manager as innovator Hawaii, Oslo [726.1] (2006) 1 videodisc (132 min.) : col. ; 4 � in. Hawaii, Oslo is the story of a handful of desperate people whose paths cross on the hottest day of the year in Oslo. Healing and the mind [349.1] (1993) 5 videos (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Bill Moyers talks with physicians, scientists, therapists, and patients who are taking a new look at the meaning of sickness and health. CONTENTS: v. 1. Mystery of chi.--v. 2. The mind body connection.--v. 3. Healing from within.--v. 4. The art of healing.--v. 5. Wounded healers. Healthcare crisis: who�s at risk? [666.1] (2000) 1 video (56 min.) : col. ; 1/2 in. The program presents an overview of the health-care debate and offers small steps we can take today to alleviate some of the suffering and poses some of the long term questions we, as a nation, must face. Health care reform: information management and technology requirements [376.1] (1993) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Talks about issues of interest to health care providers when changes occur in health care system. The Heart of the nation [419.1] (1994) 1 video (58 min.) : col. ; � in.--(Challenge to America) Explores the central values of Japan, Germany, and the U.S. and focuses on what drives each of these societies. Here we go again : are professors and teachers shortchanging women and girls? [289.1] (1992) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Teleconference discusses how schools shortchange girls and the implications for higher education. Heredity, health, and genetic disorders [213.1] (1985) 1 video (44 min.) : col. ; � in. Originally issued as filmstrip in 1982. Describes sickle-cell anemia, PKU, Tay- Sachs disease, Down�s syndrome, and other genetic disorders. Also provides information about genetic screening, counseling, and the most recent advances in medical technology for treating genetic disorders in the future. The Hidden city of Petra [525.1] (1995) 1 video (50 min.) : col. ; � in. Documentary uncovers the secrets of the ancient city of Petra. The High price of health [597.1] (1998) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Documentary explores the changing world of American medicine and the controversial money and medical issues surrounding the rise of HMOs. Hinduism: 330 million gods [222.1, pt. 2] (1978) 1 video (52 min.) : col. ; � in. Visits various sites in India and observes the performance of several types of religious ceremonies. Explores the Hindu approach to God and the complexity of the Hindu religious experience. The History and functions of the Supreme Court [499.1] (1995) 1 video (24 min.) : col. ; � in. Examines the early days of the Court and its landmark cases up to the present day. History of human population [588.1] (1995) 2 videos (30 min. each) : col. ; � in. Learn what changes stimulated population growth. Discover how cultures adopted to the areas where they had to live. Hollywood screenwriters and their craft [500.1] (1996) 1 video (90 min.) : col. ; � in. Examines the profession of motion picture screenwriting. The Holocaust collection (series) see individual titles in series: America and the holocaust : deceit and indifference For the living Kristallnacht : the journey from 1938 to 1988 Memory of the camps A Portrait of Elie Wiesel The Triumph of memory Home away from home [21.2] (1973) 1 video (52 min.) : col. ; � in. Describes how merchant adventurers and social dissenters poured in from Elizabethan England to settle America�s east coast. Honey, we bought the company [652.3] (1998) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Discusses new ways created by American workers to save jobs by redefining business culture. Covers such issues as cooperative businesses, profit-sharing, employee-owned businesses, sole proprietorships, and franchises. How computers are changing the way we learn [242.4] (1991) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Faculty and computer experts explain how computers are changing the way students learn. How difficult can this be? : the F.A.T. City workshop [389.1] (1990) 1 video (70 min.) : col. ; � in. + 1 discussion guide. Program allows the viewer to experience life the way a learning disabled student does. How to deal with buying objections [390.1] (1989) 1 video (42 min.) : col. ; � in. (Real selling ; pt. 3) Discusses how salesmen deal with buyers objections. How to define goals and objectives [180.2] (1986) 1 video (18 min.) : col. ; � in. Illustrates three useful assumptions about setting objectives and the corresponding pitfalls of these assumptions. How to lead effectively [180.1] (1986) 1 video (19 min.) : col. ; � in. Illustrates how to use power effectively by selecting an appropriate leadership style to suit the needs of the situation and individuals. How to survive in school: note taking and outlining skills [69.1] (1977) 1 video (63 min.) : col. ; � in. Teaches the student the important steps involved in the taking of notes and the ability to outline classroom information. How to use the Readers� Guide [145.1] (1987) 1 video (20 min.) : col. ; � in. Introduces students to the basic research skills they need to locate articles through the use of the Readers� Guide. How we got the vote [130.1] (1976) 1 video (53 min.) : col. ; � in. Tells the history of women�s suffrage. Features pioneers in the movement, popular songs lampooning women�s rights, newsreels, photos and cartoons on the subject, and feature films depicting the plight of women. How young children learn to think: a discussion with Constance Kamii [186.2] (1985) 1 video (19 min.) : col. ; � in. A discussion on how children learn numbers and mathematics. The Huddled masses [21.9] (1973) 1 video (52 min.) : col. ; � in. Visits ships� holds, Ellis Island, and the Lower East Side garment factory sweat shops in order to evoke turn-of-the-century immigration. The Hudson River PCB story : a toxic heritage [581.1] (1998) 1 video (27 min.) : col. ; � in. The story of the Hudson River pollution problems. The Hudson river: an American paradise [330.1] (1991) 1 video (90 min.) : col. ; � in. Documentary, narrated by Hal Holbrook, looks at the present and future of the Hudson River Valley. The Human animal: woman & man [469.1] (1991) 1 video (52 min.) : col. ; � in. Follows television host Phil Donahue around the United States as he takes a look at the role-differences between women and men. Human geography: people, places and change [544.1] (1996) 4 videos (300 min.) : col. ; � in. Ten 30-minute programs function as a map to the cultural landscape of our time. Programs focus on the experiences of individual communities that are grappling with major geo-socio changes. CONTENTS: Pt. 1. Imagining new worlds.-- Pt. 2. Reflections on a global screen.--Pt. 3. Global firms in the industrializing East.--Pt. 4. Global tourism.--Pt. 5. Alaska: the last frontier?--Pt. 6. Population transition in Italy.--Pt. 7. Water is for fighting over.--Pt. 8. A migrant�s heart.--Pt. 9. Berlin: changing center of a changing Europe.--Pt. 10. The world of the dragon. Human sexuality: the lifelong experience [177.2] (c1982) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. CONTENTS: Pt. 1. From birth to old age.-- Pt. 2. Expressions of sexuality. I am a dancer [117.1] (1973) 1 video (90 min.) : col. ; � in. Rudolph Nureyev is seen as a pupil in ballet class exhibiting the sweat and dedication needed. Dancers include Margo Fonteyn, Carla Fracci, Lynn Seymour, and Deanne Bergsma. I remember Harlem [512.1] (1981) 4 videos (58 min. each) : col. ; � in. Traces the rise, decline, and regeneration of America�s largest Black community over three centuries. CONTENTS: Pt. 1. The early years, 1600- 1930.--Pt. 2. The depression years, 1930- 1940.--Pt. 3. Toward freedom, 1940-1965.-- Pt. 4. Toward a new day, 1965-1980. The Idea of gender [514.1] (199-?) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. -- (Europe and America in the modern age ; pt. 17) Professor Sheehan discusses the long history of male domination and the very gradual rise of feminine freedom under 19th century liberalism. Ideas into action [388.1] (1993) 1 video (14 min.) : col. ; � in. + 1 guide. Looks at the subject of creative thinking and innovation in organizations. Imagination and change: science in the next millennium [633.2] (1998) 1 video (65 min.) : col. ; � in. Professor Stephen Hawking discusses his view of scientific progress in the next thousand years. Improving minority adult participation in higher education [278.1] (1992) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Examines the reasons for low minority participation in higher education ; the special programs that encourage women to return to school ; special programs for low-income adults and adults from multi-national backgrounds. Improving multimedia and online courses with instructional design [686.3] (2002) 1 video (90 min.) : col. ; � in. Shows faculty how to use instructional design to adapt their teaching methods and strategies to today�s new students and changing classroom environments. Improving service with TQM and controlling costs in the public sector [296.1] (1992) 4 videos (90 min.) : col. ; � in. Looks into the implementation of Total Quality Management in the public sector. In a brilliant light, Van Gogh in Arles [115.1] (1984) 1 video (58 min.) : col. ; � in. Tells the story of Van Gogh�s fifteen months in the south of France, the climax of his productive career. In search of excellence [386.1] (1986) 1 video (90 min.) : col. ; � in. Explores examples of American business successes and examines management in large and small companies. In the beginning: the creationist controversy [476.1] (1995) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Two 60 minute programs present both sides of the creationist and evolution debate, including the social, political, philosophical, and theological issues. Incest [194.1] (1987) 1 video (28 min.) : col. ; � in. This program, hosted by Phil Donahue, focuses on the problem of incest. Incest survivors are interviewed. An inconvenient truth [706.1] (2006) 1 videodisc (96 mins.) : col. ; 4 � in. Former Vice President Al Gore presents an eye-opening and compelling view of the future of our planet � and our civilization � in the must-see documentary of the year. This is a wake-up call that cuts through myths and misconceptions to deliver the message that global warming is a real and present danger. The incredible human machine [122.1] (1981) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Documentary which shows exactly how the human body performs some of its assorted functions. The Industrial Revolution [586.1] (1995) 2 videos (22 min. each) : col. ; � in. Beginning in one small corner of England, the Industrial Revolution progressed throughout the 17th and 18th centuries until it transformed not only manufacturing processes, but the lives of everyone in the world. Inequity in the classroom: a video for professors and adult educators [453.1] (1991) 1 video (26 min.) : col. ; � in. Examines sexual and racial biases that women students frequently encounter in colleges, universities and adult education settings. Informatics meets genomics [633.8] (1999) 1 video (129 min.) : col. ; � in. Information technology and genetic research are responsible for changes today that may have the most dramatic impact on future life. Vinton Cerf, a �father of the Internet� and Eric Lander, a key player in modern genome research, discuss technological change and how their fields may influence each other. Information literacy for the 21st century learner [751.1] (2006) 1 videodisc (90 min.) : col. ; 4 � in. This teleconference examines information literacy instruction and the relationship between information literacy and student success in moving from high school to community college. Information processing [42.1] (1971) 1 video (26 min.) : col. ; � in. Using for its base a crowded noisy cocktail party as observed from a control booth, analyses how people process information. Information STAT: Rx for hospital quality, pt.1 [308.1] (1992) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Discusses access to information in hospitals. Information STAT: Rx for hospital quality, pt.2 [308.2] (1992) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Discusses access to information in hospitals. Innovation [49.1] (1976) 1 video (29 min.) : col. ; � in. Actor William Shatner portrays an industrial scientist who discusses how inventive men and ideas have influenced America�s economic growth and success. Encourages the continued search for improved ways of doing things. Innovative teaching and learning [490.1] (1995) 2 videos (180 min.) : col. ; � in. 6 thirty minute programs on innovation in teaching. Innumeracy & beyond: ruminations of a numbers man [304.1] (1992) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. John Allen Paulos shares enthusiasm for math, his thoughts on achieving numeracy, and his generous wit. In search of human origins Episode 1 : the story of Lucy [711.1] (1994) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. In 1974, Johanson unearthed Lucy, at almost 3 million years of age, our oldest human ancestor. Lucy�s tiny three-and-a-half-foot- tall skeleton set the world of paleoanthropology on its ear by showing that walking upright, not a larger brain, was the key factor that separated us from the ape. Inside the FBI: fighting the family [488.2] (1995) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Shows how The FBI uses informants, undercover agents, and tough new laws to crack down on organized crime. Inside the FBI: the price of freedom [488.1] (1995) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. The story of the FBI�s secret war on political dissent. Integrating technology into the language curriculum [530.1] (1996) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Teleconference addresses new technologies as they affect the language lab. How useful are these technologies? Where do they fit in the language curriculum? What are the benefits and drawbacks of incorporating technology? Integrating the Feldendrais method in physical therapy practice [276.1] (1992) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. A historical, philosophical, and scientific perspective of the Feldendrais method. Examines its clinical implications and provides a hands-on demonstration of functional integration. International videoconference on the electronic library [438.1] (1994) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Videoconference discusses the broad professional implications of the electronic library. Internet for educators [589.1] (1998) 1 video (66 min.) : col. ; � in. The program is a step-by-step guide to the World Wide Web, e-mail, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), and other technologies, all from educator�s point of view. Internet plagiarism [688.1] (2001) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Workshop discusses various aspects of Internet plagiarism. Interview with a terminally ill patient [61.1] (197-?) 1 video (76 min.) : b&w. ; � in. CONTENTS: Pt. 1. Interview with a terminally ill patient (ca. 36 min.).--Pt. 2. Interview with the daughter of a terminally ill patient (ca. 40 min.). Into the world [193.3] (1985) 1 video (26 min.) : col. ; � in. Details the events of labor and delivery, as the camera shows a woman giving birth to her first child. Intravenous injection [40.2] (1979) 1 video (20 min.) : b&w. ; � in. Dr. Milton Jaffee demonstrates the methods of intravenous injection in dentistry. Inventing a nation [21.4] (1973) 1 video (52 min.) : col. ; � in. Discusses the writing of the Constitution and the secret Independence Hall debates involving Hamilton, Mason and Madison which set precedence for modern politics. Invitation to conflict [32.3] (1968) 1 video (29 min.) : b&w. ; � in. Presents a history of the struggle between the President and Congress over the conduct of foreign policy, and discusses the powers of the Senate and the House in controlling the actions of the President in these matters. Invitation to social psychology [614.1] (1975) 1 video (25 min.) : col. ; � in. Selects interpersonal events in a bustling student cafeteria to introduce such topics as affiliation, attribution theory, dissonance, and conformity; then moves to a more technical discussion of the issues. Isabel Allende: the woman�s voice in Latin-American literature [495.2] (1994) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Isabel Allende describes the emotions that inform her fiction and the events that set them in motion. Islam: empire of faith [689.1] (2000) 2 videos (180 min.) : col. ; � in. Documents the rise and growth of Islam throughout the world, from the birth of Prophet Muhammad in the 6th century through the peak of the Ottoman Empire 1000 years later. Discusses the impact of Islamic civilization on world history and culture. Islam: there is no god but God [222.1, pt. 5] (1978) 1 video (52 min.) : col. ; � in. -- (The long search) Visits Egypt to explore the experience of Islamic worship. Includes interviews with a number of Moslems who discuss their personal attitudes and approaches to their religion. Island of hope -- Island of tears: the story of Ellis Island and the American immigration experience [552.1] (1996) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. Tells the story of Ellis Island and the immigrants who were processed there. Isometric and isokinetic exercises [422.1] (1993) 2 videos (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Examines the testing and clinical application of isometric and isokinetic rehabilitative treatment. Issues in health care [596.1] (1998) 3 parts on 1 video (30min. each) : col. ; � in. This three part series deals with ethical questions facing the medical profession. CONTENTS: Pt.1. Prescription for happiness? --Pt.2. The gene genie.--Pt.3. Diseases and their friends. Issues in seizure management: looking toward the future [295.1] (1992) 1 video (90 min.) : col. ; � in. Teleconference focuses on diagnosis and treatment, paying particular attention to etiology, manifestation, and diagnostic techniques which distinguish seizure disorders from other conditions. It can happen to you [187.3] (198-?) 1 video (28 min.) : col. ; � in. Self-defense film for women. It happens to us: a film about the abortion experience [352.1] (1972) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. Women talk about their abortion experiences and the problems involved in illegal vs. legal medically safe abortions. Presents medical information on current methods, related statistics, and discussion of the contradictions in the morality that produces unwanted pregnancy. It�s your future: are you ready? [583.1] (1998) 1 video (100 min.) : col. ; � in. Developed by the American Association of Retired Persons, the program examines major lifestyle and financial issues involved in retirement planning. J. F. K., from boyhood to presidency [119.1] (1983) 1 video (60 min.) : b&w. ; � in. John Kennedy�s personality, accomplishments and influence on world affairs are explored and reflected through newsreel and government footage. Japan [261.1] (1987) 4 videos (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Host Jane Seymour guides viewers through the intricacies of today�s Japanese culture. CONTENTS: Pt. 1. The electronic tribe.--Pt. 2. The sword and the Chrysanthemum.--Pt. 3. The legacy of the Shoguns.--Pt. 4. A proper place in the world. Japan, the land & its people: customs & manners, the fabric of Japanese society [516.1] (1989) 1 video (29 min.) : col. ; � in. Explains the various aspects of Japan�s customs and manners. The Japanese [372.1] (1960) 1 video (52 min.) : col. ; � in. The first comprehensive film report after World War II on the intriguing paradox that is Japan. Jazz: an expression of democracy [633.4] (1998) 1 video (94 min.) : col. ; � in. �(Millennium evenings at the White House ; 4) Reviews the development of jazz in the United States during the 20th century, through live performances, film clips, and comments from scholars. The jilting of Granny Weatherall / Katherine Anne Porter [108.2] (1980) 1 video (57 min.) : col. ; � in. Katherine Anne Porter�s story about a stubborn, once domineering matriarch who, on her death bed, faces the long-suppressed realization that all life cannot compensate for the shame-filled day she was left standing at the altar. Jobs: a way out? [532.1] (1996) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Program is based on the premise that poverty and chronic unemployment add fuel to the violent culture of America--and a generation of young people locked in that violence will produce a generation of adults locked out of America�s social and economic future. John Scofield: on improvisation [226.2] (1985) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. John Scofield, guitarist, gives instruction on such topics as the use of seventeen major modes and scales, chromatics, passing tones, soloing, picking techniques, and various approaches to improvisation. Joining the empowered team: AMA�s 7th annual secretaries briefing [423.1] (1994) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Panel discussion concerning the secretary�s changing role in organizations; developing new skills for a new age; joining the empowered team. Joint protection for arthritis patients [209.1] (1988) 1 video (20 min.) : col. ; � in. An occupational therapist describes techniques used by arthritis patients to deal with their affliction. Includes morning and bathroom care; office solutions; and kitchen solutions. Joseph Campbell and the power of myth [173.1] (1988) 6 videos (60 min.) : col. ; � in. A series of discussions on myth with Joseph Campbell conducted by Bill Moyers. CONTENTS: Pt. 1. The hero�s adventure.-- Pt. 2. The message of the myth.--Pt. 3. The first storyteller.--Pt. 4. Sacrifice and bliss.-- Pt. 5. Love and the goddess.--Pt. 6. Masks of eternity. Journey [290.1] (1992) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Explores future career options for 12-18 year-old students and maps out critical steps needed to reach these goals. Journey to the forgotten river [223.1] (1990) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Chronicles the effect on animals of the drought that overtook northern Botswana during the 1980s. Judaism: the chosen people [222.1, pt.7] (1978) 1 video (52 min.) : col. ; � in. Consists of interviews with several Jews living throughout the world who attempt to define the significance of being one of the chosen people. Juran on quality improvement [326.1] (1981) 16 videos (30 min.) : col. ; � in. + 1 workbook. Presentation introduces us to the tools and methods necessary for the habit of annual improvement in industry. The Justice machine [32.1] (1968) 1 video (29 min.) : b&w. ; � in. A profile of the federal court system, including its organization, relationship to state courts, and the concept of judicial review. Katherine Anne Porter: the eye of memory [523.1] (1987) 1 video (56 min.) : col. ; � in. Presents a portrait of American writer Katherine Anne Porter. Recollections of Porter by a nephew and friends are interwoven with dramatizations from her short stories. Includes commentary by Eudora Welty and Robert Penn Warren. The Kennedy Center�s spotlight on theater: from page to stage [491.1] (1995) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. Program follows the development of a new theater work for high school students based on Edgar Allan Poe stories. The killing fields [707.1] (1984) 1 videodisc (141 min.) : col. ; 4 � in. Dith Pran is an aide, translator and friend of a journalist who is covering the war in Cambodia. He is eventually exiled to the labor camps in Cambodia�s countryside, where he endures four years of starvation, torture and war before escaping to Thailand. King Gimp [701.1] (2003) 1 videodisc (50 min) : col. ; 4 � in. Dan Keplinger was born with cerebral palsy. Filmed over thirteen years, this Academy Award-winning documentary chronicles Dan�s life from his years in a special school to his college graduation. A frank, uplifting epic of triumph over adversity, the program is also the portrait of an artist�s birth. Kristallnacht: the journey from 1938 to 1988 [409.4] (1988) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. -- (The Holocaust collection) Living witnesses of the Crystal Night recall the horrors of the destruction and violence which left hundreds of German and Austrian synagogues burned and wrecked, thousands of Jewish businesses vandalized and the glass of broken windows littering the streets. The Kyocera experiment [102.5] (1981) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. A profile of a Japanese-managed company with American salesmen whose styles are very different. Labor management relations [60.1] (1983) 1 video (35 min.) : col. ; � in. Edith Luft lectures on labor management relations focusing on union objectives. Land [49.5] (1976) 1 video (29 min.) : col. ; � in. -- (American enterprise) Actor William Shatner portrays a modern well-to-do farmer who discusses how land, considered as real estate, as a source of natural resources, and in relation to transportation, has determined America�s economic growth and success. Language of leadership: the Churchill method [312.1] (1992) 1 video (75 min.) : col. ; � in. James C. Humes appears as Winston Churchill. Mr. Humes draws from many famous Churchill speeches and anecdotes to illustrate five basic principles of good public speaking. The Last to know [350.1] (1981) 1 video (45 min.) : col. ; � in. A documentary about four women of different backgrounds who are similarly dependent upon alcohol or prescribed drugs. Describes the nature of their addiction and how it is possibly perpetuated by the medical establishment and other societal forces. Lead poisoning [595.3] (1998) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. Lead has a disastrous effect on the health of children and adults. Causes, treatments, and prevention are documented in this program. Leadership and the new science [478.1] (1995) 1 video (23 min.) : col. ; � in. + leaders guide. Video version of Dr. Margaret J. Wheatley�s management book dealing with organizational life. The Leadership challenge: how to get extraordinary things done in organizations [477.1] (1990) 1 video (26 min.) : col. ; � in. + leaders guide. Examines the traits that all great leaders possess, and details strategies you can employ to develop your own leadership skills. Learning [174.1] (1971) 1 video (26 min.) : col. ; � in. Shows experiments in learning. B. F. Skinner and Richard Malott deal with operant conditioning. Nathan Azrin demonstrates aversive conditioning. Jack Hailman deals with sign-stimuli, and G. P. Baerends demonstrates super-normal conditioning. Explains the work of David McClelland on motivation training, and the work of Lewis Lipsitt on infant learning. A Learning college for the 21st century [567.1] (1997) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Terry O�Banion maintains that throughout the remaining years of this century, a learning revolution will occur as increasing numbers of community colleges renew their efforts to become more learning-centered. Learning to learn: proven strategies for student and workforce success [311.1] (1992) 1 video (90 min.) : col. ; � in. Teleconference is a research-based, research-validated program that teaches strategies that impact on both academic and workplace performance. Leslie M. Silko: native American novelists [495.3] (1995) 1 video (50 min.) : col. ; � in. Leslie Silko, native American, discusses her own background and the interrelationship between her smaller, immediate Indian world and the larger, brutal surrounding world. Lewis & Clark: a film by Ken Burns [574.1] (1997) 2 video (60. min. each) : col. ; � in. Film tells the story of the entire Corps of Discovery, not just the two famous captains. Libraries, copyright, and the internet [635.1] (1999) 1 video (90 min.) : col. ; � in. Experts discuss copyright principles raised in videotaped scenarios of real-world use. The Library of Congress video collection [462.1] (1994) videocassettes (80 min.) : b&w. ; � in. Ongoing series that make widely available early archival film prints held in the Library of Congress�s Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division. CONTENTS: v.1. The African American cinema I: Oscar Micheaux�s Within Our Gates (1919).--v.5. The African American cinema II: The Scar of Shame (1926).--v.6. America�s first women filmmakers: Alice Guy-Blache and Lois Weber. Lice are not nice [442.1] (1985) 1 video (11 min.) : col. ; � in. + 1 guide. Examines the characteristics and habitat of head lice, focusing on treatment procedures and ways of preventing the spread of the parasite. Includes animation and cinemicrography. Life in the woodlot [55.3] (1960) 1 video (17 min.) : col. ; � in. Describes the natural law of the woods pointing out a pyramid of life in which the lower orders sustain and support the higher orders . Life map: a learning-centered system for student success [662.1] (2000) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. The LifeMap approach offers a proven, team-based model that can be used at any college to make measurable gains in enrollment, retention, academic achievement, and completion rates. The Life of a black cop [684.1] (2000) 1 video (22 min.) : col. ; � in. Shows the case of police officer DeLacy Davis, who spoke out against police brutality. Undeterred by the flack he has attracted to himself, Officer Davis and others who feel as he does continue to rally to each other�s support to promote fair treatment under the law�for everyone. Life on the Internet II [590.1] (1998) 13 parts on 7 videos (30 min. each): col.; � in. Series focuses on ways individuals use the Internet to make a difference in their lives. CONTENTS: Pt.1. Finding things.-- Pt.2. Coming attractions.-- Pt.3. Cyber gourmet.-- Pt.4. Young, smart and on line.-- Pt.5. Net work.-- Pt.6. Art on the net.-- Pt.7. Searching for a cure.-- Pt.8. The invisible net.-- Pt.9. Virtual neighbors.-- Pt.10. Copy right.-- Pt.11. Finding people.-- Pt.12. Cyber stocks.-- Pt.13. Net safe. Life�s first feelings [187.4] (1986) 1 video (56 min.) : col. ; � in. � (Nova) Explores emotional development of infants. Listening to children: a moral journey with Robert Coles [503.1] (1996) 1 video (90 min.) : col. ; � in. Author and child psychiatrist Robert Coles granted a film crew access to his explorations of the lives of eight American children who struggle to make sense of an all too turbulent world. Literacy changes lives [575.1] (1998) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Program focuses on the changes taking place in several adults� lives as they learn to read or apply new literacy skills. Literary visions [301.1] (1992) 8 videos (30 min.) : col. ; � in. Organized around three major genres of literature--short fiction, poetry and drama-- the programs examine literary elements such as character, plot, and symbolism. The Living body (series) see individual titles in series: Dream voyage Into the world Our talented brain The living past: commitments for the future [633.1] (1998) 1 video (67 min.) : col. ; � in. � (Millennium evenings at the White House ; 1) Millennium evenings at the White House; Professor Bernard Bailyn speaks on the historical connections between the country�s past and its present. Living with AIDS [595.8] (1998) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. � (The doctor is in) Most of us link death with AIDS, but the fact is that most people who have HIV or AIDS live for many years with the disease. This program profiles several people with the HIV virus and examines the issues they face. Living with Grace: Alzheimer�s disease [147.1] (c1984) 1 video (28 min.) : col. ; � in. Focuses on the life of one woman suffering from Alzheimer�s disease, loss of memory, emotional swings, catastrophic reactions and confusion. Living with grief after sudden loss [504.1] (1996) 1 video (150 min.) : col. ; � in. Group of panelists discuss dealing with grief associated with a sudden loss. Long life, happiness, and prosperity [734.1] (2004) 1 videodisc (91 min.) : col. ; 4 � in. Twelve-year-old Mindy Ho inexpertly tries Taoist magic to find her mother a boyfriend and fix her mother�s financial situation and seemingly hopeless romantic prospects. The long search (series) see individual titles in series: African religions : Zulu Zion Alternative lifestyles in California : West meets East Buddhism : footprint of the Buddha -- India Buddhism : the land of the disappearing Buddha -- Japan Catholicism : Rome, Leeds, & the desert Hinduism : 330 million gods Islam : there is no god but God Judaism : the chosen people Orthodox Christianity : the Rumanian solution Protestant spirit U.S.A. Reflections on the long search Religion in Indonesia : the way of the ancestors Taoism : a question of balance--China The Longest hatred : the history of anti- Semitism [421.1] (1993) 2 videos (150 min.) : col. ; � in. Drawing on interviews with Semites and anti-Semites, this program traces anti- Semitism from its earliest manifestations in antiquity to the recent ominous outbreaks in German, Russia, and elsewhere. Looking at young children: observing in early childhood settings [202.1] (1988) 1 video (17 min.) : col. ; � in. Designed to assist instructors who teach skills in the observation of young children. The Lottery / Shirley Jackson[161.1] (1969) 1 video (18 min.) : col. ; � in. Presents the short story, The Lottery, by Shirley Jackson, about society and the individual. Louise Erdrich and Michael Dorris [120.7] (1984) 1 video (27 min.) : col. ; � in. � (Writers in conversation ; 59) Husband and wife writing team, Erdrich and Dorris, discuss the political and cultural role of the American Indian in the contemporary United States. Louise Nevelson in process [528.2] (1977) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. -- (Portrait of an artist ; v.3) Louise Nevelson is seen creating two pieces of sculpture as she discusses her feelings for her art and the creative process. Lumbar spine - the cyriax approach [323.5] (1993) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Details how to recognize the anatomical origin of low back complaints. Outlines the discal theory of lumbar mechanical derangement and illustrates the Cyriax approach to lumbar examination. Macintosh in the classroom [242.1] (1991) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Addresses the impact of computing on teaching and learning in higher education. Program includes a panel discussion, video clips and demonstrations. Macintosh solutions for administrators [242.5] (1991) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Addresses innovative ways college administrators are using Macintosh computers. Madness [306.1] (1992) 5 videos (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Jonathan Miller examines the cultural history of mental illness. CONTENTS: Pt. 1. To define true madness.--Pt. 2. Out of sight.--Pt. 3. Brain waves.--Pt. 4. The talking cure.--Pt. 5. In two minds. The Majestic clockwork [62.7] (1973) 1 video (52 min.) : col. ; � in. � (The ascent of man ; no.7) Focuses on the contributions of Newton and Einstein in the evolution of physics. Explores the revolution that ensued when Einstein�s theory of relativity upset Newton�s description of the universe. Making a revolution [21.3] (1973) 1 video (52 min.) : col. ; � in. � (America) Explains that the diverse colonies in America drew together in common complaints against England. Traces the tradition of turning to arms in case of trouble. Malamed�s local anesthesia administration 2 videodiscs (120 min.) : col. ; 4 � in. With this groundbreaking DVD � correlated directly with the chapters in Malamed�s Handbook of Local Anesthesia, 5th Edition � you get two 1-hour DVDs that bring all the latest developments in local dental anesthetic drugs, armamentaria, and administration techniques to life. Mammography of the augmented breast [288.1] (1988) 1 video (10 min.) : col. ; � in. Describes the Eklund modified compression techniques. Man, energy & the environment (series) see individual titles in series: Double jeopardy The Natural gas debate The Man hunters [124.1] (1972) 1 video (52 min.) : col. ; � in. Traces what is currently known about man�s evolution. Uses historical footage and original film shot at excavations and universities around the world to show the �man-hunters� at work, piecing together the story of our ancestors: Neanderthal, Homo Erectus, and Australopithecus, a form of man-ape now shown to be as much as three and one half million years old. Managed care maze: what about the children? [577.1] (1998) 1 video (30min) : col. ; � in. Program follows several culturally diverse families as they negotiate the health care system. Management briefing on the requirements of the Americans with disabilities act [297.1] (1992) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Teleconference on legal requirements of ADA, employment issues of ADA, and physical facilities. Management�s five deadly diseases : a conversation with Dr. W. Edwards Deming [293.1] (1984) 1 video (16 min.) : col. ; � in. In a direct, one-to-one approach the management system and personal perspectives of Dr. Edward Deming are outlined. Discusses how he helped transform the failing Japanese industry of the 1950's. Outlines five concepts apparent in American business that inhibit growth and productivity. The man of the year [732.1] (2004) 1 videodisc (106 min.) : col. ; 4 � in. Maiquel lost a bet and had to dye his hair blonde. This triggers a head-on collision with destiny in which Maiquel goes from nobody to hero to outlaw � all in 24 hours. Marcus Garvey: toward Black nationhood [506.1] (1983) 1 video (45 min.) : col. ; � in. A documentary, combining archival material and live interviews with Marcus Garvey, Jr., and others, which introduces the life and work of the pioneer Black nationalist leader Marcus Garvey. Margaret Drabble and Mary Gordon [120.4] (1984) 1 video (45 min.) : col. ; � in. � (Writers in conversation ; 12) Two women, novelists and mothers, talk together about the way mothers and children are portrayed both in their own work and by other writers from Jane Austen to Sylvia Plath. Marketing: selling [60.2] (1983) 2 videos (82 min.) : col. ; � in. Steve Winter lectures on professional selling and sales promotion. Martin Luther King, Jr.: from Montgomery to Memphis [47.1] (1969) 1 video (27 min.) : b&w. ; � in. Documents Martin Luther King�s life and his contributions to the civil rights campaign. Mary Cassatt: impressionist from Philadelphia [528.l] (1975) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. -- (Portrait of an artist ; v.2) The life and work of Mary Cassatt are traced through her painting, drawings, and prints. The narration is taken from her letters and journals, which describe her feelings about being a woman artist, about living and working in Paris, and about her fellow artists such as Degas and Renoir. Mary Silliman�s war [521.1] (1990) 1 video (94 min.) : col. ; � in. True story based on the memoirs and letters of Mary Silliman, 1736-1818. Portrays life in the United States during the 18th century. The Massachusetts 54th colored infantry [342.3] (1991) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. -- (The American experience) Through the use of historical narratives and archival photos tells the story of the heroic African-American Union regiment dramatized in the movie Glory. Master teaching series [531.1] (1996) 1 video (70 min.) : col. ; � in. Programs designed to promote effective teaching in higher education. CONTENTS: Pt. 1. Engaging students in the large class (35 min.).--Pt. 2. Toward an ethical learning community (35 min.). Math: a moving experience [212.1] (1981) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. Kindergarten children develop self esteem while learning mathematics concepts through a series of classroom experiences integrating mathematics, movement and imagination. Math and data analysis [242.2] (1991) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Addresses how the computer can be used to bring math and data analysis alive in the classroom. Mathematics for machinists [72.1] (1968) 1 video (23 min.) : col. ; � in. Discusses the application of mathematics to the actual working environment of a machinist. Maya Angelou [400.1] (1982) 1 video (58 min.) : col. ; � in. � (Creativity with Bill Moyers) Thirty years after she left it, Maya Angelou, poet, musician, and actress, returns to Stamps, Ark., the rural southern town where she grew up. She confronts the scenes of her past, turning over the leaves of memory to recount the inspirations and agonies of her youth in a segregated community. Hosted by Bill Moyers. Maya Lin�a strong clear vision [683.1] (1995) 1 video (83 min.) : col. ; � in. A portrait of the artist/architect/sculptor, the daughter of Chinese immigrants, who designed the Vietnam Veterans Memorial while a 21 year old undergraduate of Yale. The meaning of the millennium [633.5] (1999) 1 video (98 min.) : col. ; � in. � (Millennium evenings at the White House ; 5) Professor Natalie Davis and professor Martin Marty examine the millennium from historical, religious and humanistic perspectives. Measure for measure [338.1] (1979) 1 video (145 min.) : col. ; � in. -- (The complete dramatic works of William Shakespeare) Kate Nelligan stars in this production of Shakespeare�s play. Medea [510.1] (1990) 1 video (90 min.) : col. ; � in. This is the stunning Kennedy Center production of Euripides� great classic about a woman driven by emotion beyond the brink of rationality. Megatrends [171.1] (1985) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. Shortened version of the sixty minute program in which John Naisbitt, author of the book �Megatrend�s� outlines his ideas on social trends, economy and modern business. Memory of the camps [409.5] (1989) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. -- (The Holocaust collection) Documentary film of Nazi concentration camps. Includes scenes of the gas chambers, medical experimentation labs, crematoria and the haunted, starving, survivors. Memphis PD: war on the streets[669.1] (1996) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. This program takes a compelling look at the day-to-day realities facing police officers in Memphis, TN, whose problems with stress, depression, and suicide reflect the larger trend affecting police throughout the country. Focuses on several male and female police officers, following them both into the front lines of crime, and into their private lives, in which they allow their tough facades to fall away and reveal the pain underneath. Men at work [717.1] (2006) 1 videodisc (77 min.) : col. ; 4 � in. A comedy about four old friends who, driving back from a failed ski trip, encounter a strange and enormous rock by the side of the road above a lake. The men�s frivolous attempt to dislodge the rock gradually disintegrates into a tale of betrayal, defeat and renewed hope. Menopause: passage to paradise [511.1] (1996) 1 video (24 min.) : col. ; � in. Program explores the process of menopause with those who have experienced it. Mental health and older adults [594.1] (1998) 8 parts on 4 videos (20 min. each) : col. ; � in. Designed by mental health professionals, this comprehensive training series brings more quality to the lives of older adults by substantially expending the knowledge base for geriatric service providers. CONTENTS: Pt.1. Older adult development.--Pt.2. Mental health problems of older adults.--Pt.3. Communicating with oriented older adults--Pt.4. Communicating with severely confused older adults.--Pt.5. Grief, loss, and older adults--Pt.6. Therapeutic reminiscence--Pt.7. Communicating with moderately confused older adults.--Pt.8. Antipsychotic and antidepressant medication and side effects. Methodology: the psychologist and the experiment [24.1] (1975) 1 video (31 min.) : col. ; � in. Explores the basic rules or methods common to all research by documenting two different experiments. The Mexicans: through their eyes [282.1] (1992) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Explores some of the diverse aspects of Mexico : its cultural triumphs and its urban chaos, its history of blood and conquest, and some of its recent environmental success stories. MI: intelligence, understanding, and the mind [535.1] (1996) 1 video (50 min.) : col. ; � in. + teaching guide. Howard Gardner�s video presentation of his theory of multiple intelligences, or �MI�, and of recent work on performance-based assessments, education for understanding, and the use of MI to achieve more personalized curriculum, instruction, and assessment. Microsoft Windows 3.1 advanced features [483.2] (1993) 2 videos (150 min.) : col. ; � in. + 1 workbook and 3 � in. data diskette. -- (Microvideo computer training) Designed to teach the advanced features of Microsoft Windows. Microsoft Windows 3.1 learning system [483.1] (1992) 2 videos (150 min.) : col. ; � in. + 1 workbook and 3 � in. data diskette. -- (Microvideo computer training) Designed to teach the fundamental features of Microsoft Windows. The middle of the world [730.1] (2004) 1 videodisc (86 min.) : col. ; 4 � in. Based on a true story. A man and his family journey 2000 miles across the hinterlands of Brazil on bicycle in search of a good life. Millennium evenings at the White House (series) see individual titles in series: Exploration Imagination and change Informatics meets genomics Jazz: An expression of democracy The living past The meaning of the millennium The perrils of indifference: lessons from a violent century Poets laureate: The American voice in poetry Women as citizens Mind-body health [464.1] (1995) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Program shows the effect of the mind in preventing physical illness, ameliorating its effects when it does occur, and healing the person when cure is unlikely. The miracle of life [65.1] (1983) 1 videocassette (57 min.) : col. ; � in. � (Nova) A documentary which shows the actual conception and development of a baby. Looks inside the male and female reproductive organs to show the formation of sperm and the passage of a fertilized egg through the fallopian tube. Uses a microscope to observe DNA, chromosomes, and other minute body details building up to the moment of birth. Mr. Drums: Buddy Rich and his band [146.2] (c1985) 1 video (55 min.) : col. ; � in. Buddy Rich and his band recorded live at One Pass� King Street Studios, San Francisco, April 3, 1985. Mr. Finley�s feelings [38.1] (1957) 1 video (10 min.) : col. ; � in. Presents a day in the life of Tom Finley, who is subject to normal emotional stresses. Shows how his emotional tensions get him and his associates into a variety of difficulties, and how he gains an insight which enables him to appraise his situation. A model wellness program for the older adult [260.1] (1991) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. + handbook. Teleconference focuses on enhancing the quality of life of the older adult. The Molecular building blocks of life [548.1] (1997) 6 parts in 3 videos (various lengths) : col. ; � in. The world of cell biology is the focus of this series. The programs, which range in length from fourteen to twenty-eight minutes each, provide quick access to observations and demonstrations in the form of short teaching modules. The Monkey trial [705.1] (1997) 1 videodisc (50 min.) : col. & b & w ; 4 � in. The Scopes monkey trial which challenged Darwin�s theory of evolution. Monster Thursday [735.1] (2006) 1 videodisc (103 min.) : col. ; 4 � in. Three friends and one love triangle. All want to quest for the perfect wave and love. Moral development: the Milgram study [613.1] (1973) 1 video (27 min.) : col. ; � in. Re-creates the classic experiment first performed by Dr.Stanley Milgram in which one of two participants is required to administer what he believes are high voltage electric shocks to the other participant. Discussion emphasizes the influences of social and environmental factors on moral reasoning. Morality: the process of moral development [164.2] (1977) 1 video (25 min.) : col. ; � in. Illustrates the stages of moral development, starting with four year-old children and continuing to its most complete unfolding in young adults. Motivation, the classic concepts [180.5] (1985) 1 video (21 min.) : col. ; � in. Explains the classic concepts of motivation and illustrates how they operate in the workplace through dramatizations that take place in a computer manufacturing firm. Multimedia fair use guidelines [479.1] (1995) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Videoconference discuses fair use guidelines for multimedia that the Consortium of College and University Media Centers is developing. Multimedia 201: beyond the basics [242.3] (1991) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Panel discussion addresses the uses of multimedia in the classroom. Multiple personality disorder [187.5] (1985) 1 video (16 min.) : col. ; � in. A segment of 60 Minutes on multiple personality disorders. Multiple sclerosis [595.7] (1998) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. � (The doctor is in) MS affects mostly young women and has no cure. This award-winning program shows the variety of symptoms that plaque its victims, and how a positive attitude and willingness to change can mean better health. Mummies and the wonders of ancient Egypt [759.1] (1996) 2 videodiscs (200 mins.) : col. ; 4 � in. Join us as the world�s greatest Egyptologists and the latest computer technology bring this extraordinary world to life. We�ll unlock the secrets of the Pyramids and the Sphinx, decipher long-secret hieroglyphs and explore the glittering sepulcher of the legendary Tutankhamun. Music across the curriculum [199.2] (1991) 1 video (17 min.) : col. ; � in. Discusses the role of music in early childhood education. Myofascial release techniques-spinal pain [323.4] (1993) 2 videos (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Seminar reviews the scientific and clinical rationale for managing low back pain through the use of myofascial release techniques. Mysteries of Egypt [714.1] (1999) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Presents a story of a grandfather who enchants his granddaughter with tales of tombs and treasures. Travel back more than 4,000 years to a time when the Great Pyramids of Giza were built. A special 30- minute bonus program gives you an insider�s look at what it took to create this film. Mysteries of mankind [585.1] (1988) 1 video (60 min) : col. ; � in. Explores the findings of scientists Louis, Mary, and Richard Leakey, Donald Johanson, and Jane Goodall. Shows their use of technological tools to probe man�s past. Archeological digs are shown and the technological advances made in identifying evidence is discussed. Mystery of the senses: hearing [672.1] (1995) 1 video (13 min.) : col. ; � in. Explore the complex workings of the ear. Learn why it is so important to our survival, then travel to Greenland to study why many Inuit Eskimos are losing their hearing. Mystery of the senses: smell [672.2] (1995) 1 video (12 min.) : col. ; � in. Traces the origins of the sense of smell then discover why many animals� noses have far surpassed the human sniffer. Mystery of the senses: taste [672.3] (1995) 1 video (12 min.) : col. ; � in. Travel around the world to explore the variety of taste sensations � from a Day of the Dead meal in Mexico to a university lab devoted to studying taste perception. Mystery of the senses: touch [672.4] (1995) 1 video (12 min.) : col. ; � in. Learn how the sense of touch is interpreted in the brain and how it stimulates growth in infants. Mystery of the senses: vision [672.5] (1995) 1 video (14 min.) : col. ; � in. Examine how both science and art have the ability to recreate what we see. Observe a Navajo artist create a sandpainting, then learn how the eye and brain actually perceive the colors on his palette. N! ai, the story of a !Kung woman [56.1] (1978) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Explores the reservation established by the South African government for 800 !Kung. The conditions on the reservation, including lack of food and water, are examined over a 27 year period beginning in 1951. National desk [634.1] (1999) 3 videos (60 min. each) : col. ; � in. Series examines the issues and patterns that make up life in America today. CONTENTS: Pt.1. We the (rude) people.-- Pt.2. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of sleaze: media and politics.--Pt.3. The popular culture-The best of times & worst of times.-- Pt.4. The war on boys.--Pt.5. Politics & warrior-women in military.--Pt.6. Title IX and women in sports. National energy strategy debate [244.4] (1991) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Panel discussion explores the issue of a national energy strategy. The Natural gas debate [244.3] (1991) 2 videos (150 min.) : col. ; � in. Panel discussion explores natural gas as an energy source and how it affects the environment. Navigating the Internet [519.1] (1996) 2 videos (47 min. each) : col. ; � in. An instructional video to the information superhighway. Net.Learning [660.1] (1998) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; 1/2 in. PBS special explores the practices, problems, and promises of online higher education. CONTENTS: Pt.1. Anytime, anywhere.� Pt.2. So many lessons. Neurologic rehabilitation [266.3] (1992) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Seminar highlights the impact of new perspectives arising from contemporary research in the area of motor control, motor learning, and motor development. Clinical examples illustrate the evaluation and treatment of individuals with neurologic dysfunction. Neurotic behavior: a psychodynamic view [112.2] (1973) 1 video (19 min.) : col. ; � in. Describes the basic dilemma of the neurotic person, showing how mental defenses serve to reduce anxiety. Follows and episode in the life of a troubled college student as he attempts to cope with reality. The New American workforce [457.1] (1995) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Introduces viewers to the organizational structure and skills needed for the American workplace of the future. New applications in CT scans [225.1] (1985) 1 video (38 min.) : col. ; � in. Lecture on new applications of CT scanning including three dimensional imagining. New conflict on campus: can we live with the first amendment? [375.1] (1993) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Teleconference discusses how traditional notions of academic freedom conflict with newly emerging ideas of student academic freedom. The New found land [21.1] (1973) 1 video (52 min.) : col. ; � in. Explains how the white man got to North America and what he was seeking. Describes the arrival of the Spanish, the French, and the British in North America. The New living body: the brain [676.1] (1995) 1 video (20 min.) : col. ; � in. Introduces brain structure and function, localization of brain activity, motor and sensory neurons, and simple reflex arcs. Computerized tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and advanced surgical techniques are used to explore the brain. A new look at motivation [58.1] (1980) 1 video (32 min.) : col. ; � in. Program examines the needs of people in the work environment as defined by David McCelland. He takes three categories-- affiliation, the need for close relationships; power, the need to influence; and achievement, the need to succeed--and gives the personality types that fit each category. New York: a documentary film [650.1] (1999) 5 videos (2 hrs. each) : col. ; � in. Series chronicles the history of New York from its founding in 1624 as a Dutch trading post to its continuing pre-eminence in the culture and economy of the world. CONTENTS: Pt. 1. 1609-1825. The country and the city. � Pt. 2. 1825-1865. Order and disorder. � Pt. 3. 1865-1898. Sunshine and shadow. � Pt. 4. 1898-1918. The power and the people. � Pt. 5. 1919- 1931. Cosmopolis. Night and fog [ 401.1] (1955) 1 video (32 min.) : col. ; � in. Award winning documentary using actual black and white footage shot inside Hitler�s concentration camps. In French with English subtitles. 1992 [281.1] (1989) 1 video (27 min.) : col. ; � in. Documentary featuring current recycling programs around New York State. No more privacy all about you [430.1] (1993) 1 video (28 min.) : col. ; � in. Program examines the rapid exchange of vast amounts of information made possible by computers and bought and sold without the subjects� knowledge or permission. Non-surgical examination and treatment of soft tissue lesions at the shoulder [266.1] (1991) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. + 1 booklet Seminar by Russell Woodman integrates Dr. James Cyriax�s approach to soft tissue lesions at the shoulder with other pertinent examination and treatment procedures. Not all cops: not all kids [33.1] (196-?) 1 video (27 min.) : b&w. ; � in. Police and youngsters from the South Bronx spend a weekend upstate and discuss their perception of each other. Not by jeans alone [102.4] (1981) 1 video (81 min.) : col. ; � in A look at how Levi Strauss Company plans to branch out into the clothing industry. NTU engineering faculty forum: facilitating collaborative learning among minority students [333.1] (1993) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Discusses the Minority Engineering Program (MEP) approach to improving the academic performance and retention of all engineering students. The Nutcracker [117.2] (1977) 1 video (78 min.) : col. ; � in. Presents Tchaikovsky�s Nutcracker, performed by Mikheil Baryshnikov and the American Ballet Theater. The Nuts and bolts of performance appraisal [475.1] (1973) 1 video (32 min.) : col. ; � in. Provides techniques for improving performance appraisal programs. Includes guidelines on checklists and tools to use and rules to follow in devising a performance appraisal program. Occupational performance history interview: Sherry [206.1] (1987) 1 video (31 min.) : col. ; � in. An occupational therapist interviews Sherry, who has been hospitalized for mental disorders, to discover her occupational performance history. Occupational therapy for the convalescent home patients [16.3] (c1977) 1 video (11 min.) : col. ; � in. Describes role of occupational therapist in the treatment of cerebral vascular accident patient. Oedipus the King [465.1] (1991) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Based on : Oedipus the King / Sophocles. Contemporary translation that remains true to the text; setting the play in the past yet not the distant past, an indeterminate past; and, dispensing with masks, using British classical actors. On being a white African with Nadine Gordimer [263.1] (1990) 1 video (28 min.) : col. ; � in. Nadine Gordimer discusses, with Bill Moyers, growing up as a white South African under apartheid, the causes of the tensions and violence in black townships today, and her views on the future of South Africa. On being gay: a conversation with Brian McNaught [167.1] (1987) 1 video (80 min.) : col. ; � in. Lecturer Brian McNaught talks entertainingly about what it�s like to be Irish, Catholic and gay. On our own terms: Moyers on dying [658.1] (2000) 4 videos (90 min. each) : col. ; 1/2 in. Bill Moyers reports on the growing movement in America to improve care for people who are dying. CONTENTS: Pt.1. Living with dying. � Pt.2. A different kind of care. �Pt.3. A time to change. �Pt.4. A death of one�s own. On the other hand [302.1] (1992) 22 videos (25 min.) : col. ; � in. This series, hosted by deaf sign language expert J. Charlie McKinney, provides a solid foundation to signing. One night with Blue Note preserved [146.3] (1985) 2 videos (55, 60 min.) : col. ; � in. Almost thirty jazz artists perform at Town Hall in New York City on Feb. 22, 1985. One woman, one vote [461.1] (1995) 1 video (106 min.) : col. ; � in. Documents the seventy-year battle for women suffrage, which finally culminated in the passage of the Nineteenth amendment to the constitution. Operating audiovisual equipment [368.1] (1993) 2 videos (35 min.) : col. ; � in. CONTENTS: Pt. 1. Preproduction planning for video (10 min.)--Scriptwriting : filling the empty pages (16 min.)--Operating the camcorder (8 min.) Pt. 2. Traces on tape : recording the video image (18 min.)--Video tape editing(41 min.) Organization [49.2] (1976) 1 video (29 min.) : col. ; � in. � (American enterprise) Actor William Shatner portrays a dynamic entrepreneur who discusses how America�s economic growth is based on organizational techniques such as mass production and mass marketing. The origin and evolution of the universe [540.1] (1991) 5 videos (60 min. each) : col. ; � in. CONTENTS: v.1. The Grand design.--v.2 . The Birth of the stars and the great cosmic cycle.--v.3. The Origins of quasers.--v.4. The Origin of galaxies.--v.5. The Origin of the universe. The origin of species : an illustrated guide [680.1] (2000) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. This program brings Charles Darwin�s �The origin of the species� to life, clearly capturing the thesis of each chapter. Supported by outstanding nature photography, this elegant examination of speciation, domestic breeding, natural and sexual selection, and the relationship between all living things is an excellent introduction to the subject of evolution. Origins of life [116.2] (1982) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. A look at Darwinian theory and beginnings of life, plus rare Scopes Trial footage from the Rohauer Collection. Orthodox Christianity: the Rumanian solution [222.1, pt.6] (1978) 1 video (52 min.) : col. ; � in. Examines the unique relationship existing between the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Communist state in Romania. Visits a number of Romanian churches and observes how the orthodox liturgy is conducted. Our talented brain [193.1] (1985) 1 video (26 min.) : col. ; � in. Explores the neural structure of the brain and its relationship to human culture. Focuses on the physiological brain capacity, use of memory, and use of symbols. Our towns [652.4] (1999) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. A television journey outside the Beltway and beyond Hollywood to meet extraordinary ordinary Americans who face new challenges at work. Out of Ireland: the story of Irish emigration to America [460.1] (1995) 1 video (111 min.) : col. ; � in. Traces the story of flight from the famine- swept villages of 19th century Ireland to the industrialized cities of 20th century America. Out of the depths: the miner�s story [168.3] (1984) 1 video (58 min.) : col. ; � in. Deals with the struggle of miners and laborers in the American West, with miners recalling working conditions in the mines of the early 1900's. Describes the events which led to the famous 1913 United Mine Workers� strike and the 1914 Ludlow Massacre. Out of the past: an introduction to archaeology [320.1] (1992) 8 videos (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Examines the scientific tools and sophisticated research that are revolutionizing our ideas about ancient societies. Overuse syndromes [305.1] (1992) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Seminar discusses the anatomy of the upper extremity relative to overuse syndromes, the pathophysiology of compression neuropathies, the peripheral nerve anatomy and physiology involved, and examines both the conservative and surgical treatment modalities available. An Overview of cancer [340.1] (1987) 1 video (14 min.) : col. ; � in. Using computer graphics and animation, this program illustrated the process of normal cell division and shows how an abnormal cell grows into a tumor. The Pacific century [425.1] (1992) 10 videos (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Series follows the nations of the Pacific through 150 years of contemporary history. CONTENTS: v.1. The two coasts of China: Asia and the challenge of the West.--v.2. The Meiji Revolution.--v.3. From the barrel of a gun.--v.4. Writers and revolutionaries.-- v.5. Reinventing Japan.--v.6. Inside Japan, Inc.--v.7. Big business and the ghost of Confucius.--v.8. The fight for democracy.-- v.9. Sentimental Imperialists: America in Asia.--v.10. The Pacific Century: the future of the Pacific Basin. Panic: clinical perspectives for panic disorders in the 90's [240.1] (1990) 1 video (90 min.) : col. ; � in. Panel discussion on panic disorders. Panic disorder workshop [501.1] (1996) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Videoconference provides an alternate clinical approach to caring for panic disorder patients. In addition, health care professionals learn to consider panic disorder early in the diagnosis; begin treatment promptly; and consider referral to a psychiatrist. Pantomime [509.1] (1995) 1 video (26 min.) : col. ; � in. Short play by Trinidad�s foremost black writer is a metaphorical exploration of relations between black and white in the post-colonial world. Paris is burning [361.1] (1992) 1 video (76 min.) : col. ; � in. Motion picture depicts behind-the-scenes story of the young men of Harlem who originated �voguing.� Partnerships with parents [199.5] (1989) 1 video (28 min.) : col. ; � in. Discusses how to develop good parent- teacher relationships in early childhood education. Pass it on: a film about communication [394.1] (1985) 1 video (12 min.) : col. ; � in. Focuses on miscommunication in organizations and the mistakes caused by them. Pathology examples in the human brain [675.1] (1998) 1 video (24 min.) : col. ; � in. Dr. Marco Rossi, a neuropathologist, examines various human brain specimens and presents evidence of trauma or disease. Patterns of adults pursuing non-credit study [255.1] (1991) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Teleconference examines the characteristics and preferences of the increased numbers of adults engaged in non-credit study. Paul�s case / Willa Cather [108.4] (1985, c1980) 1 video (52 min.) : col. ; � in. Willa Cather�s story about a young man who yearns to leave his ordinary life and enter the sophisticated world of glamour. He escapes to New York, on the money stolen from his employer. PBS Project Access: the future of online student services [642.1] (1999) 1 video(60 min.) : col. ; � in. Overview of PBS Project Access which will establish an interactive web-based student advising and decision-making service, which will be administered by the Adult Learning Service. A peck on the cheek [736.1] (2003) 1 videodisc (136 min.) : col. ; 4 � in. A little girl�s search for her biological mother takes the family to strife-torn Sri Lanka. Pediatric IV therapy [221.1] (1986) 1 video (40 min.) : col. ; � in. Program shows the assembly of IV flow devices and electronic infusion monitors. In addition, it presents a compassionate exploration of children�s needs, with appropriate explanations for different age groups. Peer harassment [455.1] (1991) 1 video (15 min.) : col. ; � in. Program deals with peer harassment in college. People [49.4] (1976) 1 video (29 min.) : col. ; � in. � (American enterprise) Actor William Shatner portrays a community college teacher and specialist in ethnic studies who discusses how the �people� have contributed to America�s economic growth and success through their ingenuity, determination, and optimism. Shows the importance of education in American society. Perfect English pronunciation [411.1] (1991) 2 videos (60 min.) : col. ; � in. With animation, mouth closeups and practice, the student can learn how to perform sounds. CONTENTS: Pt. 1. Consonants.--Pt. 2. Vowels, diphthongs and word endings. Perfectly Frank [102.6] (1984) 1 video (28 min.) : col. ; � in. � (Enterprise) A look at Frank Perdue�s chicken processing operation. A Perfectly normal day [383.1] (1978) 1 video (27 min.) : col. ; � in. Designed to teach office workers how to develop a new attitude toward reducing and managing the daily crises and interruptions that occur in a working situation. The perils of indifference: lessons from a violent century [633.7] (1999) 1 video (113 min.) : col. ; � in. � (Millennium evenings at the White House ; 7) Elie Wiesel speaks on violence in the 20th century, the peril of societal indifference relating the ethnic violence in the part, today and in the future. The Persistence of racism [471.1] (1994) 1 video (28 min.) : col. ; � in. Specially adapted Phil Donahue program presents stories of discrimination against black people that whites will find shocking. Personality [101.1] (1971) 1 video (29 min.) : col. ; � in. Shows personality evaluation methods, such as self-report, multiple input, ink blots, and personality tests. Personality: adolescence [63.1] (1978) 1 video (21 min.) : col. ; � in. The factors operating in personality development during the teenage years are explored. Personality disorders: failures of adjustment [101.2] (1985?) 1 video (57 min.) : col. ; � in. Dramatizes sociopathic, paranoid, schizoid, avoidant, narcissistic, histrionic, passive- aggressive and compulsive disorder types. Shows causes of these disorders and recent breakthroughs in treatment. Perspectives of night nursing [224.1] (1985) 1 video (20 min.) : col. ; � in. Program focuses on night nursing through thoughts and feelings of night nurses. Also examines sleep : the effect of sleep on health and health promotion. Perspectives on aging [19.1] (197-?) 2 videos (106 min.) : col. ; � in. Filmstrip reformatted to videotape. CONTENTS: Program 1. Myths and realities (ca. 24 min.).--Program 2. Physical changes and their implications (ca. 32 min.).-- Program 3. Implications for teaching (ca. 26 min.) .--Program 4. The confused person : approaches to reality orientation (ca. 24 min.). Perspectives on dying [18.2] (197-?) 2 videos (95 min.) : col. ; � in. Filmstrip reformatted to videotape. CONTENTS: Program 1. American attitudes toward death and dying (ca. 16 min.).-- Program 2. Psychological reactions of the dying person (ca. 30 min.).--Program 3. Hazards and challenges in providing care (ca. 27 min.)--Program 4. Guidelines for interacting with the dying patient (ca. 22 min.). Peter Senge: applying principles of the learning organization [392.2] (1995) 3 videos (150 min. each) : col. ; � in. Videoconferences based on Peter Senge�s bestseller, The Fifth Discipline and his newest book The Fifth Discipline Field Book. CONTENTS: Pt. 1. Aspiration: personal mastery, shared vision, and systems thinking.--Pt. 2. Conversation: mental models, team learning, and systems thinking.--Pt. 3. A satellite dialog with Peter Senge: implementations of the learning organization. Peter Senge: understanding learning organizations [392.1] (1993) 1 video (180 min.) : col. ; � in. An overview of Peter Senge�s concepts with examples of individuals and organizations that have adopted the learning organization approach. Phobias [198.1] (1980) 1 video (16 min.) : col. ; � in. 60 Minutes follows some phobic patients as they seek to conquer their fears. Physical therapy for the patient with quadriplegia [9.1] (c1979) 1 video (40 min.) : col. ; � in. Designed to provide therapist with a progression of therapeutic exercises preparatory to four major functional goals : pressure relief ; wheelchair mobility ; bed mobility ; transfer. Piaget�s developmental theory (series) see individual titles in series: Formal reasoning patterns The Growth of intelligence in the preschool years Morality: the process of moral development The Pinks and the blues [65.2] (1981) 1 video (59 min.) : col. ; � in. Examines sex stereotyping, how it begins at birth, and how the patterns are so subtle that parents and teachers are often not aware of it. Planning for student services: best practices for the 21st century [655.1] (2000) 1 video (90 min.) : col. ; 1/2 in. Teleconference provides insights into how institutions are transforming from a traditional model into learner-centered model to provide superior service to their students. Play and learning: a discussion with Barbara Biber [187.1] (1985) 1 video (19 min.) : col. ; � in. Discussion of play as it relates to early childhood education. Playground safety [182.1] (1985) 1 video (58 min.) : col. ; � in. Explains how to design playgrounds for safety using recommended equipment. Points to dangers in present equipment and positive steps that can be taken to make it safe. Poletown lives! [181.1] (1982) 1 video (52 min.) : col. ; � in. Documents how an inner-city Polish and black neighborhood was torn down when the city of Detroit used its power of eminent domain to turn the land over to General Motors for construction of a Cadillac plant. Takes the point of view of Poletown�s lower- middleclass residents, who became radicalized when they found that the institutions they trusted were not going to help them. Poets laureate: the American voice in poetry [633.3] (1998) 1 video (90 min.) : col. ; � in. � (Millennium evenings at the White House ; 3) Poetry readings presented April 22, 1998 in the East Room of the White House. Polio and post-polio syndrome [595.4] (1998) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. � (The doctor is in) Today many of the survivors of polio are facing new problems. After years of dormancy, their pain and disability are coming back. This program looks at post- polio syndrome and reviews the history of polio. The Politics of love: in black and white [380.1] (1993) 1 video (33 min.) : col. ; � in. Documentary confronts the issue of interracial romance on America�s campuses. Pompeii: buried alive [526.l] (1995) 1 video (50 min.) : col. ; � in. Documentary uncovers the secrets of the ancient city of Pompeii. Portrait of an artist (series) see individual titles in series: Mary Cassatt Louise Nevelson in process A Portrait of Elie Wiesel [409.3] (1988) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. -- (The Holocaust collection) In an interview with Elie Wiesel viewers share an intimate look into the life of a man who has come to personify the Jewish experience. Positioning techniques for film/screen mammography [288.2] (1987) 1 video (23 min.) : col. ; � in. Explanation of positioning techniques in mammography. Postural conditions: assessment and treatment [323.3] (1992) 2 videos (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Seminar reviews standard posture and the most common deviations to that standard. Emphasizes a total body approach in treating postural conditions. Postural drainage, clapping, and vibration [18.1] (1970) 1 video (29 min.) : col. ; � in. Filmstrip reformatted to videotape. A training film for nurses. Covers anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system, breathing retraining, and postural drainage positions. The Power of the word [210.1] (1989) 6 videos (60 min. each : col. ; � in. Bill Moyers extensively interviews a number of acclaimed poets. The series is about ideas and the power of language to create common bonds between us. CONTENTS: v.1. The simple acts of life.-- v.2. The living language.--v.3. Ancestral voices.--v.4. Voices of memory.--v.5. Dancing on the edge of the road.--v.6. Where the soul lives. PowerPoint for Windows 4 advanced features learning system [486.2] (1994) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. + workbook and 3 � in. data diskette.--(Microvideo computer training) Designed for PC users who want to learn advanced features of PowerPoint. PowerPoint for Windows 4 basic features learning system [486.1] (1994) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. + workbook and 3 � in. data diskette.--(Microvideo computer training) Designed for PC users who want to learn basic features of PowerPoint. The Presidential persuaders [32.5] (1968) 1 video (29 min.) : b&w. ; � in. � (The Government story ; no.28) Stephen Horn talks with Presidential special assistants, Joseph A. Califano and Bryce Harlow about the ways in which the President leads and lobbies Congress to get his program enacted into law. Primates [710.1] (2001) 1 Video (52 min.) : col. ; � in. Narrated by Armand Assante, this beautifully filmed program presents a wide variety of primates in their natural habitats. Professions in peril [533.1] (1996) 1 video (90 min.) : col. ; � in. These 3 programs examine 3 professions-- medicine, law, and education--that were once the epitome of occupational achievement but are now experiencing a decline. CONTENTS: Pt. 1. Physician heal thyself (30 min.).--Pt. 2. Lawyers on trial (30 min.).- -Pt. 3. The endangered teacher (30 min.). Protestant spirit U.S.A. [222.1, pt.1] (1977) 1 video (52 min.) : col. ; � in. � (The long search ; no.1) Visits various Protestant churches in Indianapolis and observes how services are conducted. Examines the reasons for the vigor of religious expression among both black and white American Protestants. Psychiatric nursing: the nurse-patient relationship [53.1] (1958) 1 video (34 min.) : b&w. ; � in. Discusses principles in psychiatric nursing, emphasizing the importance of the therapeutic nurse-patient relationship in the care and treatment of the mentally ill. The Public mind: image and reality in America [208.1] (1989) 4 videos (60 min.) : col. ; � in. In this four part documentary series Bill Moyers explores how public opinion is formed through the mingling of fact and fiction in a society saturated with images. CONTENTS: Pt. 1. Consuming images.--Pt. 2. Leading questions.--Pt. 3. Illusions of news.--Pt. 4. The truth about lies. Putting quality back into education [70.1] (1982) 2 videos (211 min.) : col. ; � in. Lecture delivered at a faculty workshop on improving the quality of education. Putting your course on line: a how-to for faculty [570.1] (1997) 1 video (60 min.) : col. : � in. Satellite seminar presents a nuts and bolts approach on transferring a course from the classroom to cyberspace. Pyramid: tours of the worlds most magnificent structures [648.3] (1988) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Animated segments follow the intricate step- by-step process of the building of an ancient Egyptian pyramid and tell the story of Egyptian civilization. Quality of life in the electronic village [452.1] (1995) 1 video (150 min.) : col. ; � in. Videoconference probes the possible effects of the �electronic village� on education, the workplace, health care, and on the operation of government. Quentin Bell with Edward Blishen [120.5] (1984) 1 video (4l min.) : col. ; � in. Quentin Bell talks to Edward Blishen about his family and the effect they have had on his life and his writing. A Question of color: color consciousness in black America [381.1] (1992) 1 video (58 min.) : col. ; � in. Documentary explores the devastating effect of a caste system based on how closely skin color, hair texture and facial features conform to a European ideal. The Question of God [704.1] (2004) 2 videos (225 min.) : col., ; � in. Series illustrates the lives and insights of Sigmund Freud, a life-long critic of religious belief, and C.S. Lewis, a celebrated Oxford don, literary critic and influential proponent of faith based on reason. Quiet rage: the Stanford prison experiment [466.1] (1995) 1 video (50 min.) : col. ; � in. Classic research on the psychology of imprisonment. R. D. Laing with Anthony Clare [120.1] (1984) 1 video (50 min.) : col. ; � in. � (Writers in conversation ; 24) R. D. Laing talks to Anthony Clare about Wisdom, madness and folly, The first part of his autobiography, and about the early influences on his development as psychiatrist and writer. Race and ethnicity [362.2] (1991) 1 video (29 min.) : col. ; � in. Discusses race and ethnic backgrounds of various peoples in the United States. Race: the power of an illusion [762.1] (2003) 1 videodisc (168 min.) : col. ; 4 � in. This video challenges one of our most fundamental beliefs: that humans come divided into a few distinct biological groups. This definitive three-part series is an eye- opening tale of how what we assume to be normal, commonsense, even scientific, is actually shaped by our history, social institutions and cultural beliefs. Race to save the planet [236.1] (1990) 10 videos (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Series looks at some of today�s most compelling environmental issues while exploring solutions, constructive ideas, and new approaches. CONTENTS: Pt. 1. The environmental revolution.--Pt. 2. Only one atmosphere.--Pt. 3. Do we really want to live this way?--Pt. 4. In the name of progress.--Pt. 5. Remnants of Eden.--Pt. 6. More for less.--Pt. 7. Save the earth-feed the world.--Pt. 8. Waste not, want not.--Pt. 9. It needs political decisions.- -Pt. 10. Now or never. Racial and sexual stereotyping [619.1] (1994) 1 video (28 min.) : col. ; � in. Phil Donahue program focuses on how the same old prejudices are handed on from generation to generation and how teens deal with them on a daily basis. Racism in theory & practice [514.2] (199- ?) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in.--(Europe and America in the modern age ; pt. 15) Professor Sheehan outlines the historian�s role in discovering elements of continuity and change by looking at culture historically. He traces the development of racism from the most primitive and prehistoric senses of exclusion and universality through Aristotle, the emergence of Christianity, and the Enlightenment to the pseudo-scientific racism and eugenics which derive from Darwin. Rape: an act of hate [194.3] (1987) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. Through discussions with psychologists and convicted rapists this program seeks to determine why people rape and to help potential victims protect themselves. Reach out and teach someone: distance learning [247.1] (1991) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Teleconference demonstrates various technologies and how they are being used for the delivery of instruction to member sites. Real nurses [446.1] (1995) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Documentary takes viewers through the behind-the-scenes world of a large urban hospital, focusing on nurses as they face the day-to-day challenges of their work. Recovery of motor function following head injury [415.1] (1994) 2 videos (150 min.) : col. ; � in. + guides. Video conference discusses factors which affect recovery of function after brain damage. Reflections on the long search [222.1, pt.13] (1978) 1 video (52 min.) : col. ; � in. � (The long search ; no.13) Theater director Ronald Eyre presents some personal reflections on his pilgrimage throughout the world in which he explored the religious beliefs and experiences of various peoples. Reinventing the human: designer children [636.1] (1999) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Focuses on the scientific, ethical, and social aspects of genetic enhancement of children. Religion in Indonesia: the way of the ancestors [222.1, pt.8] (1978) 1 video (52 min.) : col. ; � in. � (The long search ; no.8) Visits the Torajas of Indonesia to investigate the experience of primal worship. Explores the reasons for the remarkable survival of the Torajas� religion at a time when other primal religions are dying out as a result of contact with the outside world. Repetitive stress injuries [595.2] (1998) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. � (The doctor is in) Preventive measures at home and work are the key to dealing with repetitive stress injuries. This program focuses on such measures and discusses how injuries develop, how to treat them, and how to adopt a work site to the individual. Reporting the cold war: dispatches from Washington and Moscow [640.2] (1999) 1 video (90 min.) : col. ; � in. � (Television and the cold war) Seminar examines four decades of Cold War coverage from the perspective of American and Russian journalists and correspondents. Rescue from isolation: the role of a geriatric day hospital [12.1] (1973) 1 video (12 min.) : col. ; � in. Motion picture reformatted to videotape. Describes the daily operation of Maimonides Hospital and Home for the Aged in dealing with the isolation and loneliness problems of the aged. Research and development: shaping tomorrow�s choices [244.1] (1991) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Panel discussion on energy research and development and its role in solving environmental problems connected with increasing use of energy. Research paper training course, part 1: selecting and limiting a topic [17.1] (1974) 1 video (25 min.) : col. ; � in. Describes what a research paper is and the most effective way to select and limit a research paper topic. Research paper training course, part 2: bibliography cards [17.2] (1974) 1 video (26 min.) : col. ; � in. Describes what a bibliography is and how to compile one including a discussion of the form to be followed. Research paper training course, part 3: getting to the source [17.3] (1974) 1 video (29 min.) : col. ; � in. Parts 3, 4, 5 describe how to locate and use basic reference tools found in the library. Research paper training course, part 4: getting to the source [17.4] (1974) 1 video (23 min.) : col. ; � in. Parts 3, 4, 5 describe how to locate and use basic reference tools found in the library. Research paper training course, part 5: getting to the source [17.5] (1974) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. Parts 3, 4, 5 describe how to locate and use basic reference tools found in the library. Research paper training course, part 6: taking notes [17.6] (1974) 1 video (21 min.) : col. ; � in. Describes how to take notes and prepare notecards. Research paper training course, part 7: writing an outline [17.7] (1974) 1 video (28 min.) : col. ; � in. Describes how to write an outline using notecards prepared previously. Research paper training course, part 8: writing footnotes [17.8] (1974) 1 video (22 min.) : col. ; � in. Describes how to prepare footnotes in proper form. Research paper training course, part 9: writing the rough draft [17.9] (1974) 1 video (26 min.) : col. ; � in. Describes how to write rough draft from outline and notes. Retaining adult students in higher education [284.1] (1992) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Seminar on retaining adult students in college. The return of Martin Guerre [603.1] (1982) 1 video (123 min.) : col. ; � in. When a 16th-century French peasant returns to his wife after years away at war, he has a much improved personality, leading everyone to think he is an imposter. Richard II / William Shakespeare [338.2] (1979) 1 video (157 min.) : col. ; � in. � (The complete dramatic works of William Shakespeare) Cast includes Derek Jacobi, Sir John Gielgud, Charles Gray, Jon Finch and Dame Wendy Hiller. Richard Tee: contemporary piano [226.1] (1985) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Richard Tee, studio pianist, gives instruction in practicing, chord substitution, vocalist backing, chart reading, etc. The Right to lobby [32.2] (1968) 1 video (28 min.) : b&w. ; � in. � (The government story ; no.14) Traces the history of lobbying, and explains the techniques and effects of contemporary lobbyists. Rigoberta Menchu: broken silence [625.1] (1993) 1 video (25 min.) : col. ; 1/2 in. A portrait of the 1992 Nobel Peace Prize recipient. The Road to total war [371.1] (1983) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Charts how the major social, economic and technological developments of the last two centuries have changed warfare to the point of being able to destroy totally. Covers 200 years of world military history with anecdotes from past wars. Roadmap for change, part I: the Deming approach [292.1] (1984) 1 video (29 min.) : col. ; � in. Uses a case study to examine how Dr. W. Edwards Deming�s fourteen obligations of management are being implemented at the Pontiac Motor Division of General Motors and shows the reactions of managers and employees to the Deming approach. Roadmap for change, part II: the Deming legacy [292.2] (1986) 1 video (26 min.) : col. ; � in. Shows how Dr. Deming�s philosophy has taken hold three years later at General Motors. Through interviews we learn how the plant�s managers and workers have responded to the challenges of innovation and problem solving. Roadmap for change, part III: commitment to quality [292.3] (1989) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. Program outlines management consultant Dr. W. Edwards Deming�s fourteen principles for managing productivity and quality and explores how an electronic power supplier, the Zytec Corporation, has adapted those principles to meet its particular needs. Roads to Koktebel [745.1] (2005) 1 videodisc (105 min.) : col. ; 4 � in. A father sets off from Moscow with his 11- year-old son for his sister�s house in Koktebel by the Black Sea. With no money or means of transport, they drift through the expansive and mesmeric landscapes at the mercy of chance. Robert Coles: teacher [300.1] (1992) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Moral thinker Robert Coles addresses such questions as : how do we come to our moral understanding of the world? How do we hold on to our spirituality? Robert Colescott: the one-two punch [539.1] (1996) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. Program profiles award-winning African American artist Robert Colescott, who with humor, irony, and sarcasm, satirizes racial and gender stereotypes. The Rodney King incident: race and justice in America [605.1] (1998) 1 video (56 min.) : col. ; � in The program presents the unedited version of the beating as new evidence ignored by the major media at the time. The role of the occupational therapist in the public school : pt. 1 [13.2] (197-) 1 video (25 min.) : b&w. ; � in. A lecture delivered to occupational therapists preparing to go into public schools. Roll of thunder, hear my cry [524.1] (1992) 1 video (95 min.) : col. ; � in. Videocassette release of the 1978 motion picture. The struggle of a black family to keep their land and their dignity in Mississippi during the Depression. Roman City: tours of the worlds most magnificent structures [648.4] (1994) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Live-action segments visit historical sites and reveal how these structures were built and used. Roots of resistance: a story of the underground railroad [342.1] (1989) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Program recounts the little known story of black America�s secret railroad to freedom through narratives of escaped slaves. Rose by any other name [165.1] (1979) 1 video (15 min.) : col. ; � in. Explores the reactions of other people to a loving relationship between an aging pair and the pressures that are brought to end it in a nursing home. Roving Mars [757.1] (2007) 1 videodisc (40 mins.) : col. : 4 � in. Experience it all as you join the Mars rover Spirit and Opportunity for an awe-inspiring journey to the surface of the mysterious red planet. Rural workplace literacy: making partnerships work [246.1] (1991) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Videoconference explores ideas for colleges looking for innovative ways to form partnerships to tackle workplace literacy. The Sandwich generation: caring for both children and parents [508.1] (1995) 1 video (28 min.) : col. ; � in. Phil Donahue program dealing with senior citizens and their children. Satire or sacrilege? [695.1] (2003) 1 video (90 min.) : col. ; � in. Examines comedy programs that have included satirical, political, and social commentary and faced problems of censorship. Scared silent: exposing and ending child abuse [343.1] (1992) 1 video (50 min.) : col. ; � in. Profiles six true stories of sexual, physical and emotional child abuse told by the offenders and their victims. Schizophrenia: the individual and society [374.1] (1993) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Teleconference on schizophrenia--its etiology, biological underpinnings, treatment and rehabilitation and systems of care. School, the story of American public education [685.1] (2001) 4 videos (55 min. each) : col. ; � in. CONTENTS: -- pt.1. The Common school, 1770-1890. -- pt.2. As American as public school, 1900-1950. -- pt.3. A struggle for educational equity, 1950-1980. -- pt.4. The bottom line in education, 1980 to present. School-to-work transition: parts 1 and 2[576.1] (1998) 1 video (100 min.) : col. ; � in. Designed for career planning seminars and classes. Science matters: with Robert Hazen and James Trefil [304.3] (1993) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Program discusses what colleges and universities must do to graduate scientifically literate citizens. Sculptors at Storm King [702.1] (2000) 1 video (47 min.) : col. ; � in. A visual survey of the 400-acre Storm King Art Center, an outdoor museum of post-1945 sculpture. Uses interviews, archival footage, and film clips to show sculptors such as David Smith, Louise Nevelson, Alexander Calder, Isamu Noguchi, Kenneth Snelson, Mark di Suvero and Richard Serra in action. SearchBank: turning information into answers [557.1] (1996) 1 video (20 min.) : col. ; � in. Guide to searching Infotrac Searchbank. Secretaries day briefing: 8th annual videoconference from the AMA [423.2] (1995) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Video conference to help secretaries and others recognize and prepare for real growth opportunities. Provides practical training that can be applied immediately. Secretaries day briefing: 9th annual briefing for secretaries and administrative assistants [423.3] (1996) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Videoconference to help secretaries and others enhance their credibility as competent and professional liaisons ; take intelligent risks ; gain clout as the taskmaster. Secretaries day briefing: 10th annual briefing for secretaries and administrative assistants [423.4] (1997) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Designed for office support personnel, supervisors, and secretaries. Seeing infants with new eyes [186.5] (1984) 1 video (27 min.) : col. ; � in. Describes how to become a better parent by increasing one�s understanding of infants. The Selling of Terri Gibbs [102.92] (1983) 1 video (29 min.) : col. ; � in. � (Enterprise) Follows the marketing of singer Terri Gibbs, whose success as a recording star depended on whether she would produce �crossover� country music, music that appealed to both country and pop audiences. The Sensory world [35.1] (1971) 1 video (26 min.) : col. ; � in. An animated film, which shows a voyage through the human body to demonstrate the operation of the senses. Includes experiments showing sensory phenomena and confusion. Sentimental women need not apply: a history of the American nurse [656.1] (1989) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; 1/2 in. Using historic film footage and photographs along with interviews with nurses, the history of American nurses is traced from the Civil War era to today�s time. Sexuality and aging [166.1] (1987) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Aged persons and experts in the field discuss sexuality of the aged. Shift change [652.1] (1997) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. � (Livelyhood ; v.1) Looks at how working Americans are adapting to changes in the workplace due to downsizing, the effects of the global economy, temporary jobs, and new technology. Shtetl [621.1] (1996) 2 videos (180 min.) : col. ; 1/2 in. Documentary takes a bold and illuminating look at Jewish/Polish relationships in both the past and the present. Shuttle life in the world of weightlessness [219.2] (1981) 1 video (25 min.) : col. ; � in. Film footage of weightlessness aboard the space shuttle is described by Dr. Sally Ride. The Simpsons [694.1] (2003) 1 video (90 min.) : col. ; � in. Panel discussion with creator Matt Groening and several of the actors who bring voice to televisions original dysfunctional family. Simulated psychiatric patient interviews: Mrs. Bernard, a personality disorder with dependent features [14.2] (1979) 1 video (20 min.) : col. ; � in. Simulated psychiatric patient interviews: Mr. Jorden, an organic brain syndrome with psychosis [14.3] (1979) 1 video (20 min.) : col. ; � in. Simulated psychiatric patient interviews: Mr. Paulin, depressive neurosis with an increased risk of suicide [14.1] (1976) 1 video (20 min.) : col. ; � in. Simulated psychiatric patient interviews: Mrs. Vail, schizophrenia [14.4] (1979) 1 video (20 min.) : col. ; � in. The Sins of our mothers [342.2] (1988) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. � ( The American experience) Gothic tale about sin and redemption in 19th-century New England and the impact of a legend on one very small town in Maine. Sister Wendy�s story of painting [572.1] (1996) 5 videos (60 min. each) : col. ; � in. Sister Wendy brings to life the artists, their paintings and their world. Six billion and beyond [715.1] (1999) 1 video (56 min.) : col. ; � in. Explores the issues of population growth and the issues surrounding it: reproductive health, overpopulation, and the environment in six nations: Mexico, Kenya, India, China, Italy, and the United States. The sky is grey / Ernest Gaines [108.1] (1986, c1980) 1 video (46 min.) : col. ; � in. Ernest Gaines story about a black farm youngster�s odyssey of discovery, of himself and his world, when his mother takes him to a rural town, which contrasts with his mother�s insistence on dignity. Small business today [481.1] (1995) 13 videos (30 min. each) : col. ; � in. Each program contains two on-location features with small business owners who tell stories about how they started, their successes, and their set-backs. Smart from the start: strengthening early learning for pre-schoolers [646.1] (2000) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Program highlights partnerships between public schools and childcare organizations, businesses, churches, Head Start and social services agencies. Snakes [31.1] (1976) 1 video (60 min.) : b&w. : � in. Locomotion of snakes is discussed and demonstrated. So you want to buy a President? [502.5] (1992) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Correspondent Robert Krulwich explores what big financial donors want for their campaign contributions and documents how the process works. Social attitudes toward people with disabilities [10.1] (1977) 1 video (28 min.) : b&w. ; � in. Examines social attitudes toward people with disabilities. Social class [615.2] (n.d.) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; 1/2 in. Explores the concept of social class in the United States by focusing on two teenage girls from different classes. Shows how social class is reflected in their lifestyles and how they look at the world. Social stratification [362.1] (1991) 1 video (29 min.) : col. ; � in. Discusses social stratification in the United States from a sociological perspective. Social studies: a way to integrate curriculum for four-and five-year-olds [393.1] (1992) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. Companion videotape to Explorations with Young Children demonstrates how to develop an integrated curriculum. Societies [681.1] (1991) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. Describes how small, moderate and large societies satisfy basic human needs over space and time. Also discusses how societies become more complex as they get larger. Explores the effects of population pressures and changes. Sociological thinking and research [615.1] (n.d.) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. Describes how sociologists view the world, going beyond empirical observations to employ sociological imagination. Illustrates how the scientific method is adopted to apply to human social life by following sociologists an a research project. Sociology of sexuality [518.1] (1995) 2 videos (300 min.) : col. ; � in.--(The Superstar teachers series) 10 lectures by Paul Wolpe attempt to explain social levels of sexual understanding. Soft sell [102.7] (1984) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. � (Enterprise) A look at how three salesmen conduct themselves in their sales approaches. Solving local and wide area network challenges [399.1] (1994) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Video conference provides computer professionals with information on what solutions work in solving network challenges. Space shuttle: a remarkable flying machine [219.1] (1981) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. Recounts the first flight of the space shuttle Columbia. Spanish-TV magazine [492.1] (1996) 4 videos (60 min. each) : col. ; � in. + guides. A Spanish language magazine in video format. Spare parts [729.1] (2005) 1 videodisc (83 min.) : col. ; 4 � in. Hard-drinking, chin-smoking Ludvik spends his nights smuggling illegal refugees in his van from Croatia, across Slovenia, and into Italy. The young and inexperienced Rudi is his new assistant. Specific learning disabilities: evaluation [200.2] (1985) 1 video (28 min.) : col. ; � in. Deals with the diagnosis and treatment of children with normal IQ�s who cannot learn in traditional ways. Follows two learning disabled children through a series of evaluative tasks to determine their learning strengths and weaknesses in order to give teachers a practical understanding of evaluative techniques. Specific learning disabilities in today�s classroom [200.1] (1985) 1 video (25 min.) : col. ; � in. Defines and documents the most common types of specific learning disabilities. Presents a language learning hierarchy, illustrated by film footage, to show how and why learning disabilities impair academic development. Discusses resources outside of the school which can offer evaluative and remedial help. Spotlight [298.1] (1992) 13 videos (30 min.) : col. ; � in. One-on-one interviews with some of the most prominent figures in American theater. CONTENTS: Pt. 1. Rosemary Harris.--Pt. 2. Jane Alexander.--Pt. 3. Neil Simon, pt.1.--Pt. 4. Neil Simon, pt.2.--Pt. 5. Jules Feiffer.--Pt. 6. Lynn Redgrave.--Pt. 7. Eric Beatly, pt.1.-- Pt. 8. Eric Beatly, pt.2.--Pt. 9. Andre Bishop.--Pt. 10. Al Hirschfield, pt.1.--Pt. 11. Al Hirschfield, pt.2.--Pt. 12 Lucille Lortel.-- Pt. 13. George C. Wolfe. The spruce bog: an essay in ecology [55.2] (1956) 1 video (22 min.) : col. ; � in. Describes the conditions under which a spruce bog is formed, with details of the plant types found at successive stages of development from open water to mature spruce forest. The Starry messenger [62.6] (1973) 1 video (52 min.) : col. ; � in. -- (The ascent of man ; no.6) Presents the story of man�s early study of astronomy. Traces the origins of the scientific revolution through the conflict between fact and religious dogma culminating in the trial of Galileo. The State of the art of computer animation [329.1] (1988) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. A collection of the finest work being done in computer animation. The Status of Latina women [626.1] (1993) 1 video (26 min.) : col. ; 1/2 in. Program looks at the difference between the U.S. Latina and her Latin American and American counterparts. Stealing time: the new science of aging [630.1] (1999) 3 videos (60 min. each) : col. ; 1/2 in. Demonstrates through reports and interviews that the forces that control aging may soon be is human hands. CONTENTS: Pt.1. quest for immortality.-- Pt.2. Turning back the clock.--Pt.3. Mastering the mind. Stephen Hawking�s universe [747.1] (1997) 3 videos (360 min) : col. ; � in. Presents the latest advances in cosmological thought, including the mathematics of astronomy, the Big Bang theory of creation, the nature of matter, the discovery and implications of dark matter, quasars and black holes, and the question of how the Big Bang began. Steve Gadd: up close [226.3] (1985) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Steve Gadd, studio drummer, instructs in 4- stick drumming, bass drumming, chart reading, time keeping, etc. The stockholder society [654.1] (2000) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Examines the rise of public participation in stock and bond markets through mutual funds, stock options, 401K, and other �defined contribution� pension plans. Still killing us softly: advertising�s image of women [366.1] (1987) 1 video (32 min.) : col. ; � in. Author Jean Kilbourne explores the images of women, men, and children presented by modern advertising. She illustrates with examples the use of women as sex objects. She also examines the techniques used by advertisers to exploit the insecurities of consumers, particularly the concerns about aging, body image, and sexuality. Stop! Police! [54.1] (1979) 1 video (14 min.) : col. ; � in. Program presents the question: �When can/should a police officer use deadly force?� Stories of change [358.1] (1992) 1 video (45 min.) : col. ; � in. Depicts the lives of four ethnically diverse women. The stories of Maxine Hong Kingston, parts I & II [263.4] (1990) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Author Maxine Hong Kingston offers new images of America as a �melting pot� where the dutiful notions of the Puritans blend with the Monkey Spirit of the Orient to produce a new American consciousness. The Story of radiation [178.1] (1982) 10 videos (15 min.) : col. ; � in. + guides. Outlines known facts about radiation and discusses basic questions such as what it is, how it affects the body and how its risks can be assessed. Strategies and applications of writing across the curriculum [287.1] (1992) 2 videos (160 min.) : col. ; � in. Profiles of effective WAC programs show how to develop writing activities in all discipline areas. Stroke: nature of stroke [176.1] (c1976) 1 video (20 min.) : col. ; � in. Reviews the anatomy of the cerebral arteries and explains how atherosclerosis, emboli, aneurysms and hypertension can lead to the neurological damage of stroke. Discusses factors that determine the type and severity of the deficits, as well as the many other factors that help determine how well the patient will function following a stroke. Student stress: coping with academic pressures [270.1] (1988) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. + 1 guide. Discusses the increase in stress symptoms among young people in the last 15 years. Talks about the physiological nature of stress. Points out specific causes of stress through interviews with students. Illustrates some stress reduction techniques and provides tips for dealing with a variety of stressful situations. Styro Inc. [220.1] (1984) 1 video (36 min.) : col. ; � in. Skit to help employees understand the synergism resulting when the elements of �just-in-time� manufacturing concepts are combined. Successfully employing people with disabilities: what managers need to know [367.1] (1993) 1 video (180 min.) : col. ; � in. Teleconference answers managers questions about the American Disabilities Act. Suicide survivors [427.1] (1988) 1 video (26 min.) : col. ; � in. Explores the special needs of suicide survivors, the role of suicide survivor groups in helping survivors cope with the bereavement process, and the changing societal attitudes that are enabling suicide survivors to come out of the closet. Supermarket operations [25.1] (1970) 1 video (35 min.) : b&w. ; � in. Ed Lloyd delivers a lecture on supermarket operations. Supreme Court and society [32.4] (1968) 1 video (29 min.) : b&w. ; � in. � (The government story ; no.40) Shows how the Supreme Court as a policy- making body directly affects the legal, social, and political realities of the nation. Surgical asepsis sterile technique, minor surgery, and bandages [620.1] (1994) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. Includes handling sterile supplies; using sterile gloves; assisting with minor surgery; types of wounds and the healing process; types of dressings and bandages; procedures for a dressing change with a wound culture; bandage wrapping. Surviving and thriving in your first online course [686.1] (2001) 1 video (90 min.) : col. ; � in. Program presents several scenarios based on the real-world problems instructors typically encounter when teaching online the first time. Survivorship after suicide [203.1] (1984) 1 video (50 min.) : col. ; � in. Designed to assist both the bereaved and the helper in understanding the anguish of suicide survivors. Consists primarily of footage videotaped at Ray of Hope support group meetings. Tailspin [102.8] (1982) 1 video (27 min.) : col. ; � in. � (Enterprise) Presents the story of the bankruptcy of Braniff Airlines, showing the chief executive as he desperately attempted to restructure the company�s operations in a few short months. Illustrates the fierce competition within the airline industry. Talking with David Frost [563.1] (1995) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. David Frost interviews poet/novelist Maya Angelou. Taoism: a question of balance--China [222.1, pt.11] (1978) 1 video (52 min.) : col. ; � in. � (The long search ; no.11) Examines the different types of religious beliefs that make up the spiritual life of Taiwan, including a Confucian respect for the past, the cosmic pattern of the Tao that manifests itself through the oracles, and the worship of local gods who dispense justice and favors. A Teacher�s guide to the information highway [547.1] (1997) 15 parts in videocassettes (30 min. each) : col. ; � in. This series looks at how the Internet is affecting education and what teachers will have to know to use it well in their classrooms. Teaching and learning in non-traditional settings : models of off-campus programs [440.2] (1995) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Panelists describe model programs at their institutions as well as identify the key components that make off-campus programs successful. Teaching and learning in non-traditional settings: taking your programs off campus [440.1] (1994) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Panelists discuss the components of successful off-campus programs. Also considers the benefits of programs delivered in part or in full by media and telecommunication technologies such as computer-assisted instruction, interactive networks, broadcast, and videotape and audiotape. Teaching for critical thinking [327.1] (1993) 7 videos (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Faculty of the Critical Literacy Project at Oakton Community College present concrete, specific strategies for infusing critical thinking skills into course design and classroom techniques. CONTENTS: Pt. 1. Critical thinking: teaching and learning.--Pt. 2. Promoting critical thinking through classroom discussion.--Pt. 3. Designing assignments for teaching course content and critical thinking.--Pt. 4. Sequencing assignments to promote critical thinking.--Pt. 5. Natural allies: teaching, writing, and critical thinking.--Pt. 6. Critical reading and critical literacy.--Pt. 7. Collaborative learning in the critical literacy classroom. Teaching reading and functional writing to adults with learning disabilities: intermediate level [659.2] (2000) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. This program takes an integrated approach to teaching intermediate reading and functional writing skills to adult learners. Techlearn live [578.1] (1998) 1 video (150 min) : col. ; 1/2 in. Topic covered include: training and learning in the digital age. -- new models of learning using technology. -- the technology skills gap. -- changing roles for the classroom as a learning tool. -- new roles for trainers. Techniques of the masters [248.1] (1991) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Explores the world of photojournalism at the University of Missouri�s School of Photojournalism. Technology express: accessing information [408.1] (1994) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. The means by which we store, transmit and access information are the topics of this program. Electronic databases, CD-ROMS, bulletin boards and E-mail are discussed. Technology in the college classroom [239.1] (1990) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Panel discussion of IBM�s Advanced Academic System. Television & the African-American experience: civil rights & beyond [690.1] (2001) 3 videos (90 min. each) : col. ; � in. A three-part examination of how television has covered and reflected black history and culture over the past fifty years. The series will give leading scholars, authors, journalists, producers, writers, and actors the opportunity for an open discussion of important issues relating to African- Americans and the media. Television and the War on Terrorism [691.1] (2002) 5 videos (90 min. each) : col. ; � in. Explores how television has transformed the national consciousness following the events of September 11. CONTENTS: Pt.1. The war at home: the media responds.--Pt.2. The war abroad: the U.S. perspective.--Pt.3. The war abroad: the international perspective.--Pt.4. Television�s creative community responds.--Pt.5. The artistic community responds. Terrorism [558.1] (1997) 15 parts in 8 videos (30 min. each) : col. ; � in. This fifteen-part series includes in-depth interviews with former terrorists in Ireland, Germany, and Jordan as well as frank exchanges among an international group of former militants, victims of terrorist acts, political analysts, and anti-terrorism experts. CONTENTS: Pt.1. The phenomenon of terrorism.--Pt.2. Terrorism and morality.-- Pt.3. Who engages in acts of terrorism.-- Pt.4. Suicidal terrorism for political ends.-- Pt.5. Aviation security.--Pt.6. Hostages and captors.--Pt.7. Self-help in coping with international terrorism.--Pt.8. Limits in coping with acts of terrorism.--Pt.9. Terrorism and the media.--Pt.10. Unconventional terrorism.--Pt.11. How successful is terrorism.--Pt.12. Insurgents in power.--Pt.13. Interview with Horst Mahler.--Pt.14. Interview with Harry Flynn.--Pt.15. Interview with Leila Khaled. Theater criticism [44.1] (1978) 1 video (47 min.) : b&w. ; � in. Marie Dulzer discusses theater and theater criticism. Therapeutic use of toys [106.1] (1972) 1 video (28 min.) : b&w. ; � in. A demonstration of the use of toys to elicit specific motor responses, including prone extension and wrist stabilization. Therapist to therapists [147.3] (1987) 1 video (19 min.) : col. ; � in. Program discusses how the therapist can deal with the classroom teacher in addressing the needs of the physically disabled child in school. They came to America [758.1] (2003) 1 videodisc (61mins.) : col. ; 4 � in. Immigrants from every country in the world have come to America with one thing in common � the search for a better life. Whether it was for economic opportunity, religious liberty or personal freedom, they chose the United States. Frank McCourt, Tom Lantos, Cheech Marin and others, from a multitude of ethnic backgrounds, share their experiences and stories of the American Dream and of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Thieves of time [489.1] (1992) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. Traces the history of Indian burial grounds through 500 years of cultural, scientific and legal change. Thomas Jefferson: a film by Ken Burns [573.1] (1996) 2 videos (180 min.) : col. ; � in. Three hours portrayal of Thomas Jefferson Thoracic outlet syndrome [323.1] (1993) 2 videos (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Seminar designed to provide an accurate picture of the various pathologies that may be involved, the exam procedures that will allow for a specific diagnosis, and the conservative and surgical treatment interventions. The time of your life [385.1] (1985) 1 video (28 min.) : col. ; � in. Offers insights into the need for time management and suggests techniques for managing time so that more work can be accomplished with less effort. Time with toddlers: training for caregivers [348.1] (1991) 1 video (23 min.) : col. ; � in. Presents a positive image of who toddlers are and how adult behaviors let them know they belong and are loved, respected, and powerful. Today�s life choices [653.1] (2000) 5 videos (30 min. each) : col. ; � in. Series presents contemporary social issues that affect everyday lives. CONTENTS: Pt.1. Child�s play: Kids� sports. -- Pt.2. Child�s play: American adolescence. -- Pt.3. Critical condition: Managing care, managing dollars. -- Pt.4. Critical condition: Managing pain, managing death. -- Pt.5. Prisons: Life behind bars. -- Pt.6. Prisons: Kids behind bars. -- Pt.7. Politics as usual?: If you can�t say something nice... -- Pt.8. Politics as usual?: Campaign finance reform. -- Pt.9. Politics as usual?: A day in the life of a senator. -- Pt.10. I am woman: Voices of power. -- Pt.11. I am woman: Is feminism dead? Toddler curriculum: making connections [199.4] (1991) 1 video (18 min.) : col. ; � in. Discusses how toddlers learn and the role of the teacher in encouraging child development. Toni Morrison with A. S. Byatt [120.8] (1984) 1 video (42 min.) : col. ; � in. � (Writers in conversation ; 71) Toni Morrison talks about defining oneself as a writer; the visual as starting point of the novel; Black American literature. Total quality management workshop for higher education [325.1] (1993) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Workshop aimed at familiarizing administrators, faculty, and staff with the principles of TQM as they pertain to higher education. Toward an ethical learning community [482.2] (1995) 1 video (35 min.) : col. ; � in.--(Master teaching series) Deals with the importance of fostering a more ethical learning community on campus and suggests ideas on how faculty can promote such communities in their classes. Toward independence: important considerations in wheelchair seating [205.1] (c1986) 1 video (25 min.) : col. ; � in. Discusses the considerations disabled persons should make in selecting and using a wheelchair. The Tradition of performing arts in Japan: the artistry of Kabuki, Noh and Bunraku [413.1] (1989) 1 video (38 min.) : col. ; � in. Presents a variety of traditional Japanese theater. Included are the seldom seen backstage preparations and performances by some of Japan�s most illustrious names. Transformation of American health care [373.1] (1993) 2 videos (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Teleconference offers an opportunity to learn how the new Clinton administration health care reform plan will affect businesses, providers, and consumers. Treat your own back: with Robin McKenzie [175.1] (1984) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Describes the causes of lower back pain and methods to treat this pain. Trifles [249.1] (1991) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. OCCC Reader�s Theater production of the one act play. The Triumph of memory [409.2] (1989) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in.--(The Holocaust collection) Non-Jewish resistance fighters were sent to Nazi concentration camps during World War II. As non-Jews they bear witness to the Jewish Holocaust. Triumph of the will [23.1] (1934) 1 video (110 min.) : b&w. ; � in. Documents the Nazis Sixth Party Congress in 1934 in Nuremberg. Twelfth night [338.4] (1979) 1 video (128 min.) : col. ; � in. � (The complete dramatic works of William Shakespeare) Shakespeare�s play. 12 angry men [764.1] (1957) 1 videodisc (96 min.) : b & w ; 4 � in. Eleven jurors are convinced that the defendant is guilty of murder. The twelfth has no double of his innocence. How can this one man steer the others toward the same conclusion? It�s a case of seemingly overwhelming evidence against a teenager accused of killing his father. The Twisted cross [593.1] (1958) 2 videos (55 min.) : b&w ; � in. Shows how turmoil and economic chaos in Germany following World War I contributed to the success of Hitler and the Nazi Party. The U.S. Congress and you [543.1] (1994) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. Explanation of how Congress works, how a bill becomes a law, and the role that citizens can have in the legislative process. Understanding group psychotherapy: process and practice [228.1] (1989) 5 videos (50 min.) : col. ; � in. Dr. Irvin Yalom illustrates the therapeutic power of group psychotherapy. CONTENTS: v.1. Outpatient group.--v.2. Inpatient group.--v.3. An interview. Union maids [354.1] (1976) 1 video (50 min.) : b&w. ; � in. Presents an adaptation of the book entitled Rank and file by Alice Lynd, about the American labor movement in the 1930's. Relates the personal experiences of three militant women who tried to organize laborers in Chicago in this period. Universe [116.1] (1982) 1 video (55 min.) : col. ; � in. A comprehensive survey of what man knows today about our solar system and the seemingly infinite number of other systems and galaxies in all of universal space and time. The Uses of media [426.1] (1989) 1 video (26 min.) : col. ; � in. Examines the impact of television on the way we see ourselves as a society, exploring the subliminal messages television communicates and how they influence viewers. Using information technology in a traditional classroom [686.2] (2001) 1 video (90 min.) : col. ; � in. Program provides how-to-skills and strategies faculty need for their evolving classroom environment. Using interactive media and web-based marketing: effectively marketing to the students of tomorrow [579.1] (1998) 1 video (120 min) : col. ; � in Teleconference provides your campus with insights into how some institutions are exploiting the newest interactive technologies to effectively reach adult audiences. The vanishing father [502.2] (1996) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Reveals how fatherlessness has become the norm for about forty percent of American children and, some experts believe, contributes to some of our most urgent social problems. Vanities [37.3] (1976) 3 videos (150 min.) : b&w. ; � in. Student production of Jack Heifner�s play performed on October 26, 1976. Vietnam: the ten thousand day war [153.1] (c1987) 6 videos (637 min.) : col. ; � in. This series examines the emotional and physical impact of the Vietnam War on the men who fought in it. CONTENTS: v.1. Overview and background of America�s involvement (98 min.).--v.2. Cause for war : effect of war (98 min.).--v.3. The weapons of war (98 min.).-- v.4. America reacts (98 min.).--v.5. Conditions for soldiers and civilians (98 min.).--v.6. Peace, surrender, home : with honor? (147 min.). Vietnam: the war that divided America [158.1] (c1987) 1 video (48 min.) : col. ; � in. Analyzes the U.S. strategy of a limited war ; the guerilla war tactics of the Viet Cong ; the bloody battles that lead to the evacuation of Saigon. Explores the effect on Americans, from pro- and anti-war protestors to veterans and former POWs. The view from abroad : the journalistic perspective [699.1] (2003) 1 video (90 min.) : col. ; � in. This seminar gathers a panel of prominent foreign journalists for a discussion of the international perceptions of United States politics, values and economic systems. Virtual reality [431.1] (1994) 1 video (26 min.) : col. ; � in. Program provides a virtually multi- dimensional look at the world of computer simulation. A Visual guide to physical examination [48.1] (1974) 11 videos (15 min.) : col. ; � in. A series of programs, each about 15 min., demonstrating actual physical examination techniques for beginning practitioners and medical students. CONTENTS: Pt. 1. Pressures and pulses.-- Pt. 2. Heart.--Pt. 3. Breasts.--Pt. 4. Thorax.-- Pt. 5. Abdomen.--Pt. 6. Peripheral Vascular.- -Pt. 7. Male genitalia.--Pt. 8. Female genitalia.--Pt. 9. Pediatrics.--Pt. 10. Head and neck.--Pt. 11. Musculoskeletal. Viva Laldjerie [728.1] (2004) 1 videodisc (2004) : col. ; 4 3/4 in. The heart of Algiers, the winter of 2003. Three women: a mother, her daughter, and a prostitute have been living in a hotel in the center of town amid creeping fundamentalism. Voices & visions: Robert Lowell [188.2] (1988) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Lowell reads from his work. Elizabeth Hardwick, Robert Hass, and others discuss his development and style as illustrated by �Lord Weary�s Castle� and �Life Studies.� Voices & visions: William Carlos Williams [188.4] (1988) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. A collage of documentary footage, interviews, animation, and dramatization capture the poet�s often visual work and intense life. Voices of the holocaust: readers� theater [409.7] (1994) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Readings, by various speakers, on the holocaust. An event at Orange County Community College on April 5, 1994. Vote for me: politics in America [569.1] (1996) 2 videos (110 min. each) : col. ; � in. How the political system works in the United States. A Walk through the 20th century with Bill Moyers (series) see individual titles in series: Change, Change The Democrat and the dictator Out of the depths--the miner�s story World War II : the propaganda battle War and civilization: the history of war from the dawn of time to the present day [657.1] (1998) 8 videos (50 min. ea.) : col. ; � in. Traces human confrontation from the Battle of Marathon in 490 B.C. through two world wars and ultimately the modern potential for nuclear Armageddon. CONTENTS: v.1. First blood � v.2. Empires & armies. � v.3. Horse warriors. � v.4. Gunpowder. �v.5. Revolution. � v.6. Blood & iron. � v.7. War machines. � v.8. The price of war. We the people: the President and the Constitution [299.1] (1991) 3 videos (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Series of interviews with the three former living U. S. Presidents : Nixon, Ford and Reagan. Welcome to Happy Valley [502.4] (1996) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Examines the fact that 6 million Americans are on Prozac. The philosophical and societal implications of this powerful drug are explored by psychologists, authors, social critics, and the people who take it. Welfare reform [568.1] (1997) 2 parts in 1 video (30 min. each) : col. ; � in. Explores the genesis of America�s welfare state. CONTENTS: Pt.1. Social impact.--Pt.2. Social responsibility. What price glory? The myths and realities of anabolic steroids [331.1] (1991) 1 video (38 min.) : col. ; � in. Leading experts in the field, world champion athletes, and underground authorities share knowledge and speak honestly about their experience with anabolic steroids. What you are is where you were when [34.1] (1976) 2 videos (89 min.) : col. ; � in. An analysis of human behavior, lectured by Dr. Morris E. Massey, who compares groups of people with similar values and shows how attitudes, prejudices, and ways of reacting to change are �programmed� into each generation. When doctors get cancer [487.1] (1995) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Through seven stories, the program paves the way for a new understanding of how doctors cope with cancer, their fear of death, and the pain of treatment. When Ireland starved [494.1] (1995) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Documentary recreates the horror of the �great famine.� When it hurts to work [595.1] (1998) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. � (The doctor is in) Work related injuries are on the rise, from back problems to repetitive motion injuries related to heavy computer use. This program highlights a new type of therapy called work hardening which helps people prepare for their old jobs or retrain for a new one. When the bough breaks [502.1] (1996) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Explores the importance of early childhood attachment between parents and children and the profound implications for behavior later in life if that bond is hampered. When you grow old, OT helps [12.3] (197- ) 1 video (10 min.) : col. ; � in. Describes the role of the Occupational therapist in helping elderly maintain health and self-sufficiency. Where there�s a will there�s an...A: how to get better grades in college [269.1] (1988) 2 videos (168 min.) : col. ; � in. + 1 booklet A step-by-step program to help students achieve higher grades. This seminar, conducted by Claude Olney, teaches students to learn more in less time. Who�s Camus anyway? [725.1] (2006) 1 videodisc (115 min.) : col. ; 4 � in. The drama, unfolded around the filming activities on the campus of a university in Tokyo, presents the modern youth of Japan, their personal life and love. Wilby Wonderful [743.1] (2005) 1 videodisc (100 min.) : col. ; 4 � in. A comedy focusing on the residents of a tiny island town during the course of a strange twenty-four hours. William Stafford: poet [127.1] (1987) 1 video (53 min.) : col. ; � in. William Stafford reads from his works. Winning face to face: the art of resolving conflicts in the workplace [315.1] (1992) 1 video (85 min.) : col. ; � in. Designed to illustrate realistic conflict situations and model the conflict resolution techniques. The Winning formula: successful management in the 1990's [170.1] (1988) 1 video (27 min.) : col. ; � in. Discusses fundamental management concepts necessary for a business to be successful. The winning combination of product quality, customer service, and employee partnership is covered in case studies from Remington Razors, Pepperidge Farms, and Celestial Seasonings Tea Company. The Wisdom of faith [527.1] (1996) 5 videos (60 min. each) : col. ; � in. Huston Smith talks with Bill Moyers about his experiences with the world�s great religions. CONTENTS: Pt. 1. Hinduism and Buddhism.--Pt. 2. Confucianism.--Pt. 3. Christianity and Judaism.--Pt. 4. Islam.--Pt. 5. A Personal philosophy. With a little help from my friends: implementing information technology into the curriculum [667.1] (2000) 1 video (90 min.) : col. ; 1/2 in. Workshop on helping faculty integrate information technology into the curriculum. With God on our side: the rise of the religious right in America [550.1] (1997) 6 videos (60 min. each) : col. ; � in. In-depth look at the controversial religion right. Witness to history: the great depression [155.4] (c1987) 1 video (15 min.) : col. ; � in. Archival film footage of early effects of stock market crash : bank runs, unrest and unemployment, and makeshift shanty towns called �Hoovervilles.� Witness to history: the United States in World War I [155.2] (c1987) 1 video (15 min.) : col. ; � in. Archival film footage of the �war fever� at home, the trench fighting in Europe, the Allies triumph, Wilson�s attempt to find lasting peace through the League of Nations. Witness to history: the United States in World War II [155.3] (c1987) 1 video (15 min.) : col. ; � in. Archival film footage of the attack at Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt�s war message to Congress, troops landing on Iwo Jima. See the effects of rationing, Japanese-American detention camps, the bombing of Hiroshima and the celebrations on VJ Day. Witness to history: turn-of-the-century America [155.1] (c1987) 1 video (15 min.) : col. ; � in. Archival film footage of the first twenty years of the 20th century. Discusses the development and mass production of the automobile and the record volume of immigrants who came to America during this period. Witnesses [744.1] (2004) 1 videodisc (88 min.) : col. ; 4 � in. A collection of interrelated stories, all centering on ethnic conflicts and moral ambiguities in a small Balkan town. Wolves in the snow [719.1] (2004) 1 videodisc (90 min.) : col. ; 4 � in. After a violent marital argument resulting in Antoine�s death, Lucie discovers his secret life of gangsters, money laundering and violence. Followed, threatened and badgered by the gangsters, Lucie becomes trapped by her deceit. Women & crime : women & technology [341.1] (1993) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Dr. Eileen Leonard speaks at Orange County Community College. Women and social action [434.1] (1994) 24 videos (60 min.) : col. ; � in. + 1 manual. Telecourse designed to help students identify gender stereotypes and barriers, and examine the impact they have on women�s lives. CONTENTS: Pt. 1. Social action and social change.--Pt. 2. Perspectives on women.--Pt. 3. Leadership and social action.--Pt. 4. Commonalities and differences.--Pt. 5. Gender socialization.--Pt. 6. Transforming knowledge.--Pt. 7. Families.--Pt. 8. Child care.--Pt. 9. Women and health.--Pt. 10. Women, weight and food.--Pt. 11. Pregnancy and childbirth.--Pt. 12. Motherhood.--Pt. 13. Abortion and reproductive issues.--Pt. 14. Religion.--Pt. 15. Work.--Pt. 16. Sexual harassment.--Pt. 17. Low-income resistance.--Pt. 18. Homelessness.--Pt. 19. Connecting the issues.--Pt. 20. Violence against women.--Pt. 21. On the streets and in the jails.--Pt. 22. Rape and self defense.--Pt. 23. Perspectives on social change.--Pt. 24. New directions. Women and the AIDS/HIV pandemic [344.1] (1993) 1 video (90 min.) : col. ; � in. Forum focuses on various aspects of women and HIV. Women as citizens: vital voices through the century [633.6] (1999) 1 video (98 min.) : col. ; 1/2 in. � (Millennium evenings at the White House ; 6) Alice Kessler-Harris, Nancy Cott, and Ruth Simmons speak on the history of American women in civic life in the 20th century. Women get the vote [627.1] (1962) 1 video (25 min.) : col. ; 1/2 in. Overview of the 19th-century women�s rights movement and the oppossition it faced. Women in construction [628.1] (1993) 1 video (15 min.) : col. ; 1/2 in. Interviews five women - a carpenter, sheetmetal worker, architect and plumbing and electrical apprentices - who tell of the challenges and satisfactions of their work in their own words. Women of color in higher education [332.1] (1993) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. Teleconference on the critical issues relevant to the status of women of color in the higher education community. Women of hope: Latinas, Abriendo, Camino [551.1] (1996) 1 video (29 min.) : col. ; � in. Tells the story of Latina women in the U.S. through portraits of twelve unusual women who have broken new ground in their lives and achievements. Word for Windows 6 advanced features learning system [484.3] (1994) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. + workbook and 3 � in. data diskette.--(Microvideo computer training) Designed for PC users who want to learn advanced features of Word for Windows. Word for Windows 6 basic features learning system [484.1] (1993) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. + workbook and 3 � in. data diskette.--(Microvideo computer training) Designed for PC users who want to learn some of the basic features of Word for Windows. Word for Windows 6 intermediate features learning system [484.2] (1994) 1 video (120 min.) : col. ; � in. + workbook and 3 � in. data diskette.--(Microvideo computer training) Designed for PC users who want to learn some of the intermediate features of Word for Windows. Word Perfect for desktop publishing [412.1] (1993) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. + 3 � in. diskette. Demonstrates how to create newsletters, brochures, letterheads and many other professional quality documents. Work and learning in the 21st century [451.1] (1995) 1 video (90 min.) : col. ; � in. Discussion on the relationship between skills standards, the National Education Goals and school-to-work. Work of the kidneys [397.1] (1989) 1 video (23 min.) : col. ; � in. Explains the concept of homeostasis--the maintenance of stable, uniform conditions within the body--and shows why the kidneys are so crucial to this stability. Workforce skills: service and personal excellence [463.2] (1995) 2 videos (90 min.) : col. ; � in. Discusses strategies for improving service in organizations. Workforce skills: telephone fundamentals [463.1] (1995) 2 videos (90 min.) : col. ; � in. The first program offers situational and specific �how to do it� suggestions for positive telephone contacts. The second program includes methods for screening calls, what to say when you answer the telephone, and using voice mail and other automated features. Working family values [652.2] (1988) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. � (Livelyhood ; v.2) Explores the impact of work on families and the impact of families on work. Discusses issues such as telecommuting, latchkey children, senior citizens who do volunteer work for others in order to build up credit to obtain services they need, and how American families balance work with their personal lives. Workout [102.9] (1984?) 1 video (28 min.) : col. ; � in. � (Enterprise) Describes the attempt of the Gloria Stevens women�s fitness chain to revitalize the company by attracting younger customers. World in a marsh [55.1] (1955) 1 video (22 min.) : col. ; � in. Shows how insects, small amphibious creatures, and birds of the marsh, devour and in turn are devoured, according to nature�s decree of balance and survival of the fittest. The World of abnormal psychology [273.1] (1991) 13 videos (60 min.) : col. ; � in. + 1 booklet. Introduces students to the world of psychological well-being and behavioral disorders. CONTENTS: Pt. 1. Looking at abnormal behavior.--Pt. 2. The nature of stress.--Pt. 3. The anxiety disorders.--Pt. 4. Psychological factors and physical illness.--Pt. 6. Substance abuse disorders.--Pt. 7.Sexual disorders.--Pt. 9. The schizophrenias.--Pt. 10. Organic mental disorders.--Pt. 11. Behavior disorders of childhood.--Pt. 12. Psychotherapies.--Pt. 13. An ounce of prevention. A world of ideas: in search of the American character: Robert Bellah [470.2] (1994) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. In this program with Bill Moyers, Robert Bellah raises provocative questions about the nature of American character. A world of ideas: victim of two cultures: Richard Rodriguez [470.1] (1994) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. In this program with Bill Moyers, Richard Rodriguez explains his opposition to bilingual education and talks about his experience growing up in America as the son of immigrants; he also discusses the differences between Mexican and American cultures. A world of ideas with Bill Moyers (series) see individual titles in series: An American story with Richard Rodriguez, parts I and II Chinua Achebe Conquering America On being a white African with Nadine Gordimer The stories of Maxine Hong Kingston, parts I & II A writer�s work with Toni Morrison, parts I & II The World of Joseph Campbell: the hero�s journey [337.1] (1987) 1 video (57 min.) : col. ; � in. An award-winning documentary of Campbell�s life and work as scholar, storyteller, and spiritual teacher. The World of physical therapy [148.2] (1986) 1 video (12 min.) : col. ; � in. Introduction to the world of physical therapy and the job of the physical therapist. World War II: the propaganda battle [168.2] (1982) 1 video (58 min.) : col. ; � in. Describes how World War II saw two motion picture experts from Germany and the United States battle to make films that would inspire and instill the desire to win the war. Features filmmakers Frank Capra of the United States and Fritz Hippler of Germany. The World Wide Web: gateway to effective learning [549.1] (1997) 1 video (90 min.) : col. ; � in. Videoconference deals with the issue of how the Web can be used most effectively in teaching to improve learning. Writers in conversation (series) see individual titles in series: Allen Ginsberg with R. D. Laing Harold Pinter with Benedict Nightingale Louise Erdrich and Michael Dorris Margaret Drabble and Mary Gordon Maya Angelou Quentin Bell with Edward Blishen R. D. Laing with Anthony Clare Toni Morrison with A. S. Byatt A writer�s work with Toni Morrison, parts I & II [263.3] (1990) 1 video (60 min.) : col. ; � in. Author Toni Morrison discusses the characters in her work, the people in her life, and the power of love to illuminate both. Writing across the curriculum : how schools and colleges and communities collaborate to improve learning [287.3] (1994) 1 video (90 min.) : col. ; � in. Program explores ways for educators to work collaboratively. Writing across the curriculum : making it work [287.2] (1992) 2 videos (160 min.) : col. ; � in. Teleconference looks at how faculty think about teaching, how they organize their courses, and how they use writing as a means for learning. Yanomamo : a multidisciplinary study [405.1] (1971) 1 video (45 min.) : col. ; � in. Illustrates anthropological field techniques used by researchers from the University of Michigan in collaboration with their Venezuelan colleagues as they studied the Yanomamo Tribe. Features the tragedy of measles deaths among the tribe in 1968. The year of the generals [692.1] (1992) 1 video (94 min.) : col. ; � in. Charles Kuralt and General Norman Schwarzkopf chronicle the story of the generals who changed the course of history in 1942. Includes combat footage and dramatic readings of their words by Mel Gibson, Robert Mitchum, Anthony Hopkins, Rod Steiger and others. The yellow wallpaper [700.1] (1998) 1 video (76 min.) : col. ; � in. The story of a woman who is gradually becoming insane. While taking a rest cure she becomes obsessed with the wallpaper and begins to imagine that there is a woman behind the paper. Yellowstone in winter [114.1] (1983) 1 video (27 min.) : col. ; � in. Offers views of Yellowstone National Park during the winter season. Shows the fall courting prances of male elk and bighorn sheep and the desperate food foraging of buffalo, deer, and elk during the winter. Yoruba ritual [444.1] (1992) 1 video (30 min.) : col. ; � in. To accompany Yoruba ritual: Performers, play, agency by Margaret Thompson Drewal. You [384.1] (1979) 1 video (4 min.) : col. ; � in. Suggests that adults would be happier and would have richer lives if they recaptured the imagination and curiosity characteristic of children. The young spastic child [22.2] (1974) 1 video (24 min.) : col. ; � in. Filmstrip reformatted to videotape. Presents training procedures for developing gross motor skills in the spastic child based on an assessment of the motor developmental levels of the individual child. Zarabanda [262.1] (c1989) 2 videos (25 min.) : col. ; � in. This series is designed to teach the Spanish language to beginners. Each program is 25 minutes long. Zora is my name! [696.1] (2003) 1 video (88 min.) : col. ; � in. A dramatization of the life of Zora Neale Hurston who wrote of the folklore of the rural south. Anthropology Anthropologists at work : careers making a difference Archaeology : questioning the past Baboon behavior Bali, masterpiece of the gods The Canela Indians of Brazil The domain of the Calusa The Early Americans Egypt: quest for eternity Faces of culture The Feast Foodessence: myths & taboos In search of human origins Episode 1 : the story of Lucy The Man hunters The monkey trial Mummies and the wonders of ancient Egypt Mysteries of Egypt Mysteries of mankind N! ai, the story of a !Kung woman The origin of species : an illustrated guide Out of the past : an introduction to archaeology Primates Six billion and beyond Yanomamo : a multidisciplinary study Art Against the odds : the artists of the Harlem Renaissance American visions Ansel Adams : photographer Art is... Art of the Western World pts. 1-9 Castle: tours of the world�s most magnificent structures Cathedral: tours of the word�s most magnificent structures �Degenerate art� Edouard Manet, painter of modern life Feminist strategies Frank Lloyd Wright Georgia O�Keefe In a brilliant light, Van Gogh in Arles King gimp Louise Nevelson in process Mary Cassatt: impressionist from Philadelphia Maya Lin�a strong clear vision Mysteries of mankind Pyramid: tours of the world�s most magnificent structures Robert Colescott : the one-two punch Roman City: tours of the world�s most magnificent structures Sculptors at Storm King Sister Wendy�s story of painting Black History Against the odds : the artists of the Harlem Renaissance Beyond the dream VII : a celebration of black history--the vanishing black male-- saving our sons Dark passages Ethnic notions : black people in white minds Eyes on the Prize : America�s civil rights Eyes on the Prize II : history of the civil rights movement from 1965 Frederick Douglass : when the lion wrote history I remember Harlem Jobs : a way out? Marcus Garvey : toward black nationhood Martin Luther King, Jr. : from Montgomery To Memphis The Massachusetts 54th colored infantry A question of color : color consciousness in black America Roots of resistance : story of the underground railroad Television & the African-American experience Business Adult learning : new research on continuous learning in the business environment Advertising & the end of the world Advertising media : pt. 1 Adweek�s best spots American business competes Bankrupt Benchmarking : the quality improvement process for the 90's The Blue collar trap Breakthrough results with benchmarking Bromley coats : honesty behind the seams Buyout CEO exchange Change master companies : putting theory into action The Change masters : understanding the theory Changing culture of the workplace Changing the way we work Chef�s special Colonel comes to Japan Communicating non-defensively : don�t take it personally The corporation Delegating Discipline without punishment Discovering the future : the business of paradigms The Dollars and sense of exporting Dying for a job : worker�s stories about safety Economics U.S.A. Effective leadership for all : learning from women The Effective uses of power and authority Electronic career fair : CAD - the technology tool in your future Electronic career fair : computer technology occupations The empowered manager Equal possibilities? Financial strategies for a new century: tips from America�s experts Fired The Foundations of wealth The Global assembly line Government Growth and development Hardball Honey, we bought the company How to deal with buying objections How to define goals and objectives How to lead effectively Ideas into action Improving service with TQM and controlling costs in the public sector In search of excellence Innovation It�s your future: are you ready? Joining the empowered team : AMA�s 7th annual secretaries briefing Juran on quality improvement Kyocera experiment Labor management relations Land Leadership and the new science The leadership challenge: how to get extraordinary things done in organizations Managed care maze: what about the children? Management briefing on the requirements of the Americans with disabilities act Management�s five deadly diseases : a conversation with Dr. W. Edwards Deming Marketing; selling Megatrends Motivation, the classic concepts The New American workforce A new look at motivation 1992 Not by jeans alone The Nuts and bolts of performance appraisal Organization Our towns Pass it on : a film about communication People Perfectly Frank A Perfectly normal day Peter Senge : applying principles of the learning organization Peter Senge : understanding learning organizations Roadmap for change, part I : the Deming approach Roadmap for change, part II : the Deming legacy Roadmap for change, Part III : commitment to quality School- to- work transition Secretaries day briefing : 8th annual videoconference from the AMA Secretaries day briefing: 9th annual briefing for secretaries and administrative assistants Secretaries day briefing : 10th annual briefing for secretaries and administrative assistants The selling of Terri Gibbs Shift change Small business today Soft sell Solving local and wide area network challenges Still killing us softly : advertising�s image of women The Stockholder society Styro Inc. Successfully employing people with disabilities: what managers need to know Supermarket operations Tailspin The time of your life Winning face to face : the art of resolving conflicts in the workplace The Winning formula: successful management in the 1990's Workforce skills : service and personal excellence Workforce skills : telephone fundamentals Working family values Workout You Child care The autistic child : a behavioral approach Building quality child care independence Burton White : babies and child care, what to do? Caring for children : an introduction to the child care profession Child care : outdoor safety Children of violence A classroom with blocks Connecting early childhood learning : a curriculum development series The developing child Developmentally appropriate practice : a panel discussion and critique Developmentally appropriate practice : children -- birth through age five Developmentally appropriate practice : curriculum -- the role of the teacher Developmentally appropriate practice : discipline -- guidance techniques for young children The drama of child development Ella Jenkins : learning can be fun Equipped to play The Growth of intelligence in the preschool years How young children learn to think : a discussion with Constance Kamii Looking at young children : observing in early childhood settings Play and learning : a discussion with Barbara Biber Playground safety Seeing infants with new eyes Smart from the start: strengthening early learning for pre-schoolers Time with toddlers : training for caregivers Toddler curriculum : making connections Computers and software The age of intelligent machines Bridges to learning : new applications of telecommunications and computing Commerce on the Internet Computer chronicles (1995) Computer chronicles (1998) Electronic career fair : CAD - the technology tool in your future Electronic career fair : computer technology occupations Excel for Windows 5 Advanced features learning system Excel for Windows 5 basic features learning system Excel for Windows 5 Intermediate features learning system Exploring Internet Global quest : the Internet in the classroom How computers are changing the way we learn Internet for educators Internet plagiarism Life on the internet MacIntosh in the classroom MacIntosh solutions for administrators Microsoft Windows 3.1 advanced features Microsoft Windows 3.1 learning system Navigating the Internet PowerPoint for Windows 4 advanced features learning system PowerPoint for Windows 4 basic features learning system Putting your course online: a how-to for faculty SearchBank : turning information into answers Surviving and thriving in your first online course The state of the art of computer animation A Teacher�s guide to the information highway Techlearn live Using information technology in a traditional classroom Using interactive media and web-based marketing Virtual reality With a little help from my friends Word for Windows 6 advanced features learning system Word for Windows 6 basic features learning system Word for Windows 6 intermediate features learning system Word Perfect for Desktop Publishing The World wide web : gateway to effective learning Dental hygiene Dental hygiene instrumentation : the curet; mandicular right and left segments Dental hygiene series Full view additive wax method of forming an harmonious occlusion Intravenous injection Nitrous oxide oxygen sedation Malamed�s local anesthesia administration Early childhood education Caring for infants and toddlers : a discussion with Bettye Caldwell A classroom with blocks Connecting early childhood learning : a curriculum development series The developing child Developmentally appropriate practice : a panel discussion and critique Developmentally appropriate practice : children--birth through age five Developmentally appropriate practice : curriculum--the role of the teacher Developmentally appropriate practice : discipline-guidance techniques for young children The drama of child development Ella Jenkins : learning can be fun Equipped to play The growth of intelligence in the preschool years How young children learn to think : a discussion with Constance Kamii Looking at young children : observing in early childhood settings Partnerships with parents Play and learning : a discussion with Barbara Biber Smart from the start: strengthening early learning for pre-schoolers Social studies : a way to integrate curriculum for four and five year old Toddler curriculum : making connections When the bough breaks Education--general Addressing the needs of the physically disabled child in school: therapist to teachers Attention deficit disorder : a dubious diagnosis Career advantage Career encounters Cheating crisis in America�s schools Collaborative learning : model and method The Comer process : education, health, and family services collaborating for children�s sake A different place : the intercultural classroom Educating to compete Education 2000 : the nature and role of assessment in the 21st century English works! How difficult can this be? : the F.A.T. City workshop Information literacy for the 21st century learner Innovative teaching and learning Journey Learning to learn : proven strategies for student and workforce success Listening to children : a moral journey with Robert Coles Literacy changes lives MI : intelligence, understanding, and the mind Operating audio visual equipment Perfect English pronunciation Professions in peril Robert Coles : teacher School, the story of American public education School- to- work transition Specific learning disabilities: evaluation Specific learning disabilities in today�s classroom Strategies and applications of writing across the curriculum Student stress : coping with academic pressures Techlearn live Today�s life choices Using interactive media and web-based marketing Work and learning in the 21st century Educational technology Author, author : reaching learners through telecommunications Bridges to learning : new applications of telecommunications and computing Exploring Internet GED 2002 Global quest : the Internet in the classroom How computers are changing the way we learn Improving multimedia and online courses with instructional design Integrating technology into the language curriculum International video conference on the electronic library Internet for educators Libraries, copyright, and the internet MacIntosh in the classroom MacIntosh solutions for administrators Math and data analysis Multimedia 201 : beyond the basics Net.Learning Quality of life in the electronic village Reach out and teach someone : distance learning SearchBank: turning information into answers Surviving and thriving in your first online course A Teacher�s guide to the information highway Teaching reading and functional writing to adults with learning disabilities: intermediate level Technology express : accessing information Technology in the college classroom Using information technology in a traditional classroom With a little help from my friends WordPerfect for Desktop Publishing The World wide web : gateway to effective learning Foreign languages Destinos : an introduction to Spanish France-TV magazine Spanish-TV magazine Zarabanda The Great Depression The Crash of 1929 The Great Depression Witness to History : the Great Depression Higher education Academic advising: campus collaborations to foster retention Accountability in higher education Adult learning in America : why and how adults go back to school Adults as students : their status and role in higher education Alternatives to the lecture : active learning strategies Author, author : a practical guide to conducting customized work force training Author, author : creating the new American college Author, author: developing the world�s best workforce Author, author : leadership by design Author, author: multicultural teaching and learning strategies for change in higher education Author, author : strangers in their own land Author, author: the effectiveness debate and the community college Author, author : the skillful teacher Cheating crisis in America�s schools Cold water : intercultural adjustment and values conflict of foreign students & scholars at an American university Confronting sexual harassment on campus Critical thinking : required learning for the 21st century Degrees of difference: culture matters on campus Developing advising programs in community colleges Difficult dialogues Efficient time management Engaging students in the large class Faculty advising training Frosh : student identity on a changing campus GED 2002 Graduate school : paying the bill Here we go again : are professors and teachers shortchanging women and girls? Improving minority adult participation in higher education Inequity in the classroom : a video for professors and adult educators Information literacy for the 21st century learner Internet plagiarism A Learning college for the 21st century Life map Master teaching series Multimedia fair use guidelines Net.Learning NTU Engineering faculty forum : facilitating collaborative learning among minority students Patterns of adults pursuing non-credit study PBS Project Access: the future of online student services Peer harassment Planning for students services: best practices for the 21st century The politics of love : in black and white Putting quality back into education Putting your course on line [videorecording]: a how-to for Faculty Retaining adult students in higher education Rural workplace literacy : making partnerships Science matters : with Robert Hazen and James Trefil Teaching and learning in non-traditional settings : models of off-campus programs Teaching and learning in non-traditional settings: taking your programs off campus Teaching for critical thinking Techniques of the masters Technology in the college classroom Total quality management workshop for higher education Toward an ethical learning community Where there�s a will there�s an...A : how to get better grades in college With a little help from my friends Women of color in higher education Writing across the curriculum : how schools and colleges and communities collaborate to improve learning Writing across the curriculum : making it work History--General Against the odds : the artists of the Harlem Renaissance Americas Antietam Awakening and enlightenment: Jonathan Edwards and Benjamin Franklin The battle for Newburgh Berkeley in the sixties The Berlin trilogy Blacks and blue Brooklyn Bridge: film by Ken Burns Castle: tours of the world�s most magnificent structures Cathedral: tours of the world�s most magnificent structures The challenge of change : county government prepares for the 21st century Change, change Classics of political television advertising Cold War Crime family Crooked cops Cuba and American television Cultural diversity and historic preservation Culture of commerce Dark passages Democrat and the dictator The drive for power The Dutch miracle Ellis Island Immigration Museum: Face of America The First measured century Floating palaces Forgotten Ellis Island The French Revolution Gone west The heart of the nation The Hidden city of Petra The history and functions of the Supreme Court History of human population Home away from home The huddled masses The Hudson River : an American paradise The Industrial Revolution Informatics meets genomics Inventing a nation Invitation to conflict Islam : empire of faith Island of hope -- Island of tears : the story of Ellis Island and the American immigration experience J. F. K., from boyhood to presidency Japan Japan, the land & its people : customs & manners, the fabric of Japanese society The Japanese The justice machine The killing fields Lewis & Clark: a film by Ken Burns The living past: commitments for the future The meaning of the millennium Mexicans : through their eyes The monkey trial Mummies and the wonders of ancient Egypt New conflict on campus : can we live with the first amendment? The new found land New York: a documentary film No more privacy all about you Out of Ireland : the story of Irish emigration to America Out of the depths : the miner�s story The Pacific century Poletown lives Pompeii : buried alive The Presidential persuaders The public mind : image and reality in America Pyramid: tours of the world�s most magnificent structures Racism in theory & practice The right to lobby Roman City: tours of the world�s most magnificent structures Shtetl The sins of our mothers Supreme Court and society Terrorism They came to America Thieves of time Thomas Jefferson: a film by Ken Burns Triumph of the will The Twisted cross War and civilization We the people : the president and the Constitution Welfare reform When Ireland starved Witness to history: turn-of-the-century America The year of the generals History--The Holocaust America and the Holocaust : deceit & indifference For the living Kristallnacht : the journey from 1938 to 1988 The longest hatred : the history of anti- semitism Memory of the camps Night and fog A portrait of Elie Wiesel The triumph of memory Voices of the Holocaust : readers� theater Humanities--General Bill Moyers : spirit & nature Creating prime-time drama: Felicity Creating prime-time drama: the West Wing Ethics in America For the love of wisdom Germany live Healing and the mind Joseph Campbell and the power of myth Katherine Anne Porter: the eye of memory Night and fog On our own terms: Moyers on dying Poets laureate: the American voice in poetry Putting quality back into education The return of Martin Guerre The state of the art of computer animation The world of Joseph Campbell : the hero�s journey The yellow wallpaper Language skills Communication skills : expository writing Connect with English Crossroads cafe The English modules English works! Fearless public speaking Grammar Language of leadership : the Churchill method Perfect English pronunciation Literature Alice Walker Allen Ginsberg with R. D. Laing American storytellers An American story with Richard Rodriguez, parts I and II As you like it Barn burning/William Faulkner Bertold Brecht Billy Collins Black women writers Chinua Achebe Desire under the elms Dutchman/Amiri Baraka E. E. Cummings : the making of a poet Eudora Welty Gabriel Garcia Marquez : magic and reality Hamlet (1979) Hamlet (1985) Harold Pinter with Benedict Nightingale Isabel Allende : the women�s voice in Latin- American literature The jilting of Granny Weatherall/Katherine Anne Porter Katherine Anne Porter: the eye of memory Leslie M. Silko : native American novelists Literary visions The lottery Louise Erdich and Michael Dorris Margaret Drabble and Mary Gordon Maya Angelo Measure for measure Medea/Euripides Oedipus the King Pantomime/Derek Walcott Paul�s case/Willa Cather The power of the word Quentin Bell with Edward Blishen Richard II The sky is grey / Ernest Gaines Spotlight The stories of Maxine Hong Kingston, parts I & II Talking with David Frost : Maya Angelou Theater criticism Toni Morrison with A. S. Byatt Trifles Twelfth night Vanities Voices & visions : Robert Lowell Voices & visions : William Carlos Williams William Stafford : poet A writer�s work with Toni Morrison, parts I & II Zora is my name! Machinists Basic cutting tools : secondary cutting operations Basic cutting tools : thread cutting Mathematics for machinists Mass media Advertising media : pt. 1 Adweek�s best spots America through the TV looking glass : an Alfred I. Dupont Columbia University forum Change, change The classics of political television advertising Cuba and American television Dreamworlds : desire, sex, power in rock video Entertaining the world : the impact of American culture overseas The Public mind : image and reality in America Satire or sacrilege? The Simpsons Still killing us softly : advertising�s image of women Television and the war on terrorism The view from abroad : the journalistic perspective The uses of media Mathematics Against all odds : inside statistics Bloomfield basic mathematics Bloomfield intermediate algebra Bloomfield introductory algebra Innumeracy & beyond : ruminations of a numbers man Math : a moving experience Mathematics for machinists Motion pictures Aaltra Agata and the storm Alexandra�s project Anytown USA Art of the short film As you like it Be with me Black robe Buddy Campfire Carol�s journey Day break Drifters Falling angels Familia The forest for the trees The gold rush Hollywood screenwriters and their craft The killing fields Grand voyage Hawaii, Oslo The Library of Congress video collection Long life, happiness, and prosperity The man of the year Men at work The middle of the world Monster Thursday Paris is burning A peck on the cheek Roads to Koktebel Roll of thunder, hear my cry Spare parts 12 angry men Viva Laldjerie Who�s Camus anyway? Wilby Wonderful Witnesses Wolves in the snow Music Andre Rieu : the Flying Dutchman Backstage/Lincoln Center : Luciano Pavarotti, Jessye Norman, the New York Philharmonic Chick Corea Dave Brubeck: Take Five in a Quartet Essential Opera Jazz: an expression of democracy John Scofield : on improvisation Mr. Drums : Buddy Rich and his band Music across the curriculum One night with Blue Note preserved Richard Tee : contemporary piano Steve Gadd : up close Nursing Aids : what everyone needs to know Aging parents Alzheimer�s disease : a scientific and clinical update Alzheimer�s disease : hope for the future Anatomy of the head and neck Asthma and allergies Be a survivor Cancer wars Caring for the adult and pediatric ventilator patient Choices for arthritis Communicating with the elderly Comprehensive management of HIV disease CPR 2001-the next stage Dealing with Alzheimer�s : facing difficult decisions Delmar�s medical assisting video series: administrative and clinical procedures Eldercare : options for the 90's Electronic career fair : nursing - LPN &RN Epilepsy Everybody�s business : HIV/AIDS on campus From bedside to bargaining table Healthcare crisis Health care reform : information management and technology requirements The High price of health Information STAT : Rx for hospital quality, pt.1 Information STAT : Rx for hospital quality, pt.2 Interview with a terminally ill patient Issues in health care Issues in seizure management : looking toward the future Lead poisoning Lice are not nice Living with AIDS Mammography of the augmented breast Managed care maze: what about the children? Menopause: passage to paradise Mental health and older adults Mind-body health A model wellness program for the older adult Multiple sclerosis New applications in CT scans Non-surgical examination and treatment of soft tissue lesions at the shoulder On our own terms: Moyers on dying An Overview of cancer Pediatric IV therapy Perspectives of night nursing Positioning techniques for film/screen mammography Polio and post-polio syndrome Postural drainage, clapping, and vibration Psychiatric nursing : the nurse-patient relationship Real nurses Repetitive stress injuries The sandwich generation: caring for both children and parents Schizophrenia : the individual and society Sentimental women need not apply: a history of the American nurse Stealing time Stroke : nature of stroke Surgical asepsis sterile technique, minor surgery, and bandages Transformation of American health care Unseen life on Earth: on introduction to microbiology A Visual guide to physical examination Welcome to Happy Valley When doctors get cancer When it hurts to work Women and the AIDS/HIV pandemic Occupational therapy Accident prevention and the elderly Addressing the needs of the physically disabled child in school : therapist to teachers Aging The Americans with disabilities act : functional job analysis and pre-placement screening Beginning with Bong Body defenses against disease Clinic equipment A Gadget go around Growing old in a new age Joint protection for arthritis patients King gimp Living with Grace : Alzheimer�s disease Mental health and older adults Occupational performance history interview : Sherry Occupational therapy for the convalescent home patients On the other hand Perspectives on aging Perspectives on dying Rescue from isolation : the role of a geriatric day hospital The role of the occupational therapist in the public school: pt. 1 Simulated psychiatric patient interviews: Mrs. Bernard, a personality disorder with dependent features. Simulated psychiatric patient interviews: Mr. Jorden, an organic brain syndrome with psychosis Simulated psychiatric patient interviews: Mr. Paulin, depressive neurosis with an increased risk of suicide Simulated psychiatric patient interviews: Mrs. Vail, schizophrenia Social attitudes toward people with disabilities Therapist to therapists When you grow old, OT helps Work of the kidneys Performing arts Andre Rieu : the Flying Dutchman Art is... Backstage/Lincoln Center: Luciano Pavarotti, Jessye Norman, the New York Philharmonic Chick Corea Dave Brubeck: Take Five in a Quartet Desire under the elms Dutchman/Amiri Baraka Essential opera Hamlet (1979) Hamlet (1985) I am a dancer John Scofield : on improvisation The Kennedy Center�s spotlight on theater : from page to stage Measure for measure Medea/Euripides Mr. Drums : Buddy Rich and his band The Nutcracker Oedipus the King One night with Blue Note preserved Pantomime/Derek Walcott Richard II Richard Tee : contemporary piano Spotlight Steve Gadd : up close Theater criticism The tradition of performing arts in Japan : the artistry of Kabuki, Noh, and Bunraku Trifles Twelfth night Vanities Zora is my name! Physical therapy Ambulation with crutches, canes and walkers : basic gaits and hints to make them work Amputee therapy Balance dysfunction Beginning prosthetic training for the above- knee amputee Brunnstrom techniques for facilitation of upper extremity motion of the stroke patient, stages 1-3 Clinical electrical stimulation : systematic approach to clinical application of electrical stimulation Development of normal motor and reflex behavior Electronic career fair : rehabilitation therapy occupations Evaluation and treatment of venous insufficiency ulcers Examination and treatment of biomechanical dysfunction and soft tissue lesions at the ankle and foot Integrating the Feldendrais method in physical therapy practice Isometric and isokinetic exercises Lumbar spine - the cyriax approach Myofascial release techniques-spinal pain Neurologic rehabilitation Overuse syndromes Physical therapy for the patient with quadriplegia: therapeutic exercise programs Postural conditions : assessment and treatment Recovery of motor function following head injury Therapeutic use of toys Thoracic outlet syndrome Toward independence : important considerations in wheelchair seating Treat your own back : with Robin McKenzie The World of physical therapy The young spastic child Police science America in black and white Angel on death row Crime and punishment in America Deciding who dies The Forensic autopsy Inside the FBI: fighting the family The Life of a black cop Memphis PD Not all cops; not all kids The Rodney King incident Stop! Police! Political science Affirmative action and reaction Awakening and enlightenment : Jonathan Edwards and Benjamin Franklin The battle for Newburgh Change, change The classics of political television Advertising The corporation Crime and punishment in America Deciding who dies The Democrat and the dictator The Fifties and sixties in America: the culture of the cold war Government Growth and development The history and functions of the Supreme Court How we got the vote Inside the FBI: the price of freedom Inventing a nation Invitation to conflict J. F. K., from boyhood to presidency The justice machine One woman, one vote The presidential persuaders Reporting the cold war: dispatches from Washington and Moscow The right to lobby So you want to buy a President? Supreme Court and society Terrorism The U.S. Congress and you Union maids Vote for me: politics in America We the people : the president and the constitution Welfare reform Psychology Advancements in traumatic brain injury Ageless America Alcohol addiction Alzheimer�s Anatomy and attitudes : understanding sexuality Animals : How smart are they? Animated neuroscience and the action of nicotine, cocaine, and marijuana Bipolar disorder : current progress and future directions in diagnosis and management Body, mind & soul: the mystery and the magic with Deepak Chopra Breaking silence Burton White : babies and child care, what to do? Can�t slow down Caring for infants and toddlers : a discussion with Bettye Caldwell Children of violence Crack Dealing with diversity Dear Lisa : a letter to my sister Depression and manic depression Discovering psychology Discussion with Dr. Carl Jung : introversion- extroversion and other contributions Dr. B. F. Skinner, part 1 Dr. Carl Rogers : pt. 1 Dr. Jean Piaget with Dr. Barbel Inhelder : part 1 Doing a self-study : why and how Dream voyage Dreamworlds : desire, sex, power in rock video The Drive for power The Drug tape Eating disorders Emotional intelligence Everybody rides the carousel Explaining social deviance Formal reasoning patterns Heredity, health, and genetic disorders Human sexuality : the lifelong experience Incest Information processing Into the world Invitation to social psychology It can happen to you It happens to us : a film about the abortion experience The Last to know Learning Life�s first feelings Living with grief after sudden loss Madness The Majestic clockwork Math : a moving experience Methodology : the psychologist and the experiment MI : intelligence, understanding, and the mind Mr. Finley�s feelings Moral development Morality : the process of moral development Multiple personality disorder Mystery of the senses : hearing Mystery of the senses : smell Mystery of the senses : taste Mystery of the senses : touch Mystery of the senses : vision Neurotic behavior : a psychodynamic view The New living body On being gay : a conversation with Brian McNaught Our talented brain Panic: clinical perspectives for panic disorders in the 90's Panic disorder workshop Pathology examples in the human brain Personality Personality : adolescence Personality disorders : failures of adjustment Perspectives on dying Phobias The Pinks and the blues The Question of God Quiet rage : the Stanford prison experiment R. D. Laing with Anthony Clare Rape : an act of hate Rose by any other name Scared silent : exposing and ending child abuse The Sensory world Sexuality and aging Stories of change Suicide survivors Survivorship after suicide Understanding group psychotherapy : process and practice The Uses of media Welcome to Happy Valley What you are is where you were when When doctors get cancer Winning face to face : the art of resolving conflicts in the workplace Women & crime ; women & technology The World of abnormal psychology Radiology Anatomy of the head and neck Mammography of the augmented breast New applications in CT scans Positioning techniques for film/screen mammography Religion African religions : Zulu Zion Alternative lifestyles in California : West meets East Buddhism : footprint of the Buddha -- India Buddhism : the land of the disappearing Buddha -- Japan Catholicism : Rome, Leeds, & the desert From Jesus to Christ Hinduism : 330 million gods In the beginning: the creationist controversy Islam : empire of faith Islam : there is but no god Judaism : the chosen people The monkey trial Orthodox Christianity : the Rumanian solution Protestant spirit U. S. A. The Question of God Reflections on the long search Religion in Indonesia : the way of our ancestors Taoism : a question of balance -- China The Wisdom of faith / with Huston Smith With God on our side : the rise of the religious right in America Science The Addicted brain Against all odds : inside statistics The Age of intelligent machines Baboon behavior Bill Moyers spirit & nature The Biology of small life Bloomfield basic mathematics Bloomfield intermediate algebra Bloomfield introductory algebra Castle: tours of the worlds�s most magnificent structures Cathedral: tours of the word�s most magnificent structures The colors between black and white The Cousteau odyssey : the Nile Double jeopardy Ecology of the Chesapeake Bay Epigenetics: how food upsets our genes Eureka! Experiment : physics Exploration Footsteps of giants The forbidden goddess Frank Lloyd Wright The fruit fly : a look at behavior biology The Hudson River PCB story: a toxic heritage Human geography: people, places and change Imagination and change: science in the next millennium The Immune response An inconvenient truth In search of human origins Episode 1: the story of Lucy In the beginning: the creationist controversy The Incredible human machine Informatics meets genomics Innumeracy & beyond : ruminations of a numbers man Intermediate algebra Journey to the forgotten river Life in the woodlot The Miracle of life The Molecular building blocks of life National energy strategy debate The Natural gas debate The origin and evolution of the universe The origin of species : an illustrated guide Origins of life Pyramid: tours of the world�s most magnificent structures Race to save the planet Reinventing the human: designer children Research and development : shaping tomorrow�s choices Roman City: tours of the world�s most magnificet structures Roving Mars Shuttle life in the world of weightlessness Snakes Space shuttle : a remarkable flying machine The spruce bog : an essay in ecology The Starry messenger Stealing time Stephen Hawking: imagination & change Stephen Hawking�s universe The Story of radiation Universe Virtual reality What price glory? The myths and realities of anabolic steroids World in a marsh Yellowstone in winter Sociology America in black and white Angel on death row The Asianization of America Barbie nation The battle for Newburgh Bell Hooks: cultural criticism and transformation Blacks and blue Brooklyn Bridge: film by Ken Burns Building hope : community development in America A class divided Conquering America The corporation Crime family Crooked cops Culture Dancing in moccasins Deciding who dies Deviance Entertaining the world : the impact of American culture overseas Explaining social deviance Family in crisis The Fifties and sixties in America: the culture of the cold war The First measured century Formal organizations From social interaction to social structure Honey, we bought the company The Human animal : woman & man In the beginning: the creationist controversy Jobs : a way out? Life on the internet Managed care maze: what about the children? Memphis PD National desk On our own terms: Moyers on dying The Origin of species : creationism and evolution Our towns The Persistence of racism Professions in peril The Question of God Race and ethnicity Race: the power of an illusion Racial and sexual stereotyping Reporting the cold war: dispatches from Washington and Moscow The Rodney King incident The sandwich generation: caring for both children and parents Satire or sacrilege? Shift change Social class Social stratification Societies Sociological thinking and research Television & the African-American experience The status of Latina women Today�s life choices The view from abroad : the journalistic perspective With God on our side : the rise of the religious right in America Women and social action Women in construction Women of hope : Latinas, Abriendo, Camino Working family values A world of ideas : in search of the American character : Robert Bellah A world of ideas : victim of two cultures : Richard Rodriguez Yoruba ritual Study and research skills How to survive in school : note taking and outlining skills How to use the Readers� Guide Research paper training course, part 1 : selecting and limiting a topic Research paper training course, part 2: bibliography cards Research paper training course, part 3: getting to the source Research paper training course, part 4: getting to the source Research paper training course, part 5: getting to the source Research paper training course, part 6: taking notes Research paper training course, part 7: writing an outline Research paper training course, part 8: writing footnotes Research paper training course, part 9: writing the rough draft Where there�s a will there�s an...A: how to get better grades in college War Antietam Berkeley in the sixties Change, change The Civil War Cold War The day after trinity Dear America : letters home from Vietnam The Democrat and the dictator The Fifties and sixties in America: the culture of the cold war A firebell in the night Frederick Douglas : when the lion wrote history Grant�s march : the Vicksburg campaign The killing fields Making a revolution The Massachusetts 54th colored infantry Reporting the cold war: dispatches from Washington and Moscow The road to total war Television and the war on terrorism Terrorism Vietnam : the ten thousand day war Vietnam : the war that divided America War and civilization Witness to history : the United States in World War I Witness to history : the United States in World War II World War II : the propaganda battle The year of the generals Women�s history Feminist strategies The forbidden goddess How we got the vote The idea of gender Mary Silliman�s war One woman, one vote Rigoberta Menchu The status of Latina women Union maids Women as citizens: vital voices through the century Women get the vote Women in construction Women of hope : Latinas, Abriendo, Camino Subject Headings Anthropology Art Business Black history Child care Computers and software Dental hygiene Early childhood education Education--general Educational technology Foreign languages The Great Depression Higher education History--General History--The Holocaust Humanities--General Language skills Literature Machinists Mass media Mathematics Motion pictures Music Nursing Occupational therapy Performing arts Physical therapy Police science Political science Psychology Religion Science Sociology Study and research skills War Women�s history 84 103