Interlibrary Loan Policy Interlibrary loan services are provided to current students, faculty, and staff and retired faculty. The SUNY Orange ILL service is governed by the conditions set by the U.S. Copyright Law, the ALA Interlibrary Loan Code, CONTU, regional Interlibrary Loan agreements, and the regulations set by individual lending libraries. CONTU guidelines: suggestion of five We can request five copies of an article or five articles from a periodical published in the last five years per academic year. Excluded from this are items owned by the library that are currently unavailable (e.g. at the bindery or missing) or items for which the library has an active print or microform subscription. Records of requests will not be retained unless needed. Campus Security and the Library Director will work with law enforcement agencies if warrants or subpoenas involve these records. Borrowing Up to 25 active requests are allowed at any given time. Requests for material will be filled for a single user who is responsible for the item and its appropriate use. We reserve the right to cancel requests when the item is available for loan or through our online database services. Available material will be placed on the hold shelf and the location of full-text will be provided to the requestor. Articles become the property of the patron. Books must be checked out using your SUNY Orange ID card and returned on or before the due date. Renewals may or may not be granted by the lending library, so it is advisable to request a renewal from 3 days prior to the due date up to the day the item is seven days overdue. Notices will be issued on the following schedule: 1st notice 2 days prior to the due date 2nd notice at 7 days. 3rd notice at 28 days. All library privileges are suspended at this time. Charges will be applied upon overdue notice generation according to the following schedule for students: 7 days overdue $1.00 28 days overdue $5.00 Faculty and staff will pay any charges made by the lending library. Return ILL books and audio-visual materials to the circulation desk. The requestor is responsible for the safety of the item(s) borrowed and must pay for loss, damage, and/or replacement plus any fees charged by the lending library plus $20. Interlibrary Loan privileges may be suspended or revoked if abused. Lending Requests are accepted via ILLiad, Odyssey, and SEAL (Southeastern Access to Libraries). We are affiliated with the following OCLC groups: IDS PROJECT (IDSZ) , LIBRARIES & NYLINK DELIVER (LAND) , LIBRARIES VERY INTERESTED IN SHARING (LVIS), NEW YORK CONSOLIDATED ULS (NYUL) , NEW YORK STATEWIDE GAC (GNYS), NORTHEAST GAC (NE@R), NYLINK INTERLIBRARY CODE GROUP (ZERO) , OCLC TRAINING & ILLIAD PARTICIPANT (ILLD) , SOUTHEASTERN NEW YORK GAC (SYGC), SOUTHEASTERN NEW YORK LIBR COUN ULS (SNYC), SUNY UNION LIST OF SERIALS & ILL GROUP (RSUN), US NEWSPAPERS PROG (NEPU). Circulating, FOLIO, and McNaughton collections, periodicals, and CDs are available for lending. Videocassettes, DVDs, e-books, course reserves, local history collections, the CTL collection, reference, and Newburgh items are not available. Material is loaned for 28 days with one automatic renewal for an additional 28 days. There is a 7 day grace period, followed by: 1st notice at 7 days overdue 2nd notice at 28 days overdue 3rd notice (bill) at 160 days overdue 4/1/2014