Grading Rubric for Information Literacy 1. Determine the extent of the information needed (20 points). Beginning (0-12 points) Student creates an unfocused or unmanageable research question. Student identifies few or no relevant information tools. Proficient(13-16 points)Student formulates a question that is focused and clear. Student identifies concepts related to the topic, and identifies some useful information tools to meet the information need. Advanced(17-20 points)Student formulates a research question that is focused, clear, and complete and identifies key concepts. Student identifies most or all relevant information tools in various potential formats 2. Access the needed information effectively (20 points). Beginning (0-12 points) Student uses information tools poorly and gathers information that lacks relevance, quality, and balance. Proficient (13-16 points) Student executes an appropriate research strategy. Student solves problems by finding a variety of relevant information resources and evaluates search effectiveness. Advanced (17-20 points) Student implements a clear and focused research strategy, uses tools effectively, and finds information that directly fulfills the information need. 3. Evaluate information and its sources critically (20 points) Beginning (0-12 points) Student uses inadequate criteria to judge information quality. Student makes little effort to examine the information located for reliability. Proficient (13-16 points) Student examines information using criteria such as authority, credibility, relevance, timeliness, and accuracy, and makes good judgments about what to keep and what to discard. Advanced (17-20 points) Student compares and evaluates multiple and diverse sources and viewpoints according to specific criteria appropriate for the discipline. 4. Use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose (20 points). Beginning (0-12 points) Student shows little evidence of incorporating information into their knowledge base. Student uses information poorly to accomplish a specific purpose. Proficient (13-16 points) Student often uses appropriate information and evidence to support their claims and conclusions and to accomplish a specific purpose. Advanced (17-20 points) Student effectively synthesizes and integrates information from a variety of sources, draws appropriate conclusions, and clearly communicates ideas to others to accomplish a specific purpose. 5. Use information ethically(20 points) Beginning (0-12 points) Student inadequately cites ideas and information of others; does not demonstrate an awareness or understanding of plagiarism or of copyright. Proficient (13-16 points) Student cites ideas and information of others with few errors; demonstrates an understanding of plagiarism and of copyright. Advanced (17-20 points) Student consistently and accurately cites information of others; demonstrates a clear understanding of plagiarism and of copyright. Adapted from California State University; Middle States Commission on Higher Education; and SUNY Council of Library Directors Information Literacy Initiative.