��THE LIBRARY SCOOP Newsletter of the Library at Orange County Community College Winter 2009 Volume 1, Issue 1 Library Hours Monday - Friday 8 am 9 pm Saturday 9 am 3 pm Phone Numbers: Circulation: 845-341-4855 Reference: 845-341-4260 The library staff is committed to providing helpful and friendly service. If you can t find a book, are having trouble formatting your paper or are wondering what books you have taken out please direct your questions to anyone at the front desk on the first floor. Being Green at the IC You can take part in OCCC s sustainability initiative by considering the environment in the Information Commons. Please be considerate of trees when using the printers. Paper is a limited resource. Be sure to recycle any pages instead of throwing them away. Please print only those pages you really, really need. Let s do our part to save the environment. Library Poetry A New Beginning Our Country has experienced Minds both open and closed Now we can look forward With hearts open As Time moves ahead Not backwards, Hope exists for all with A new beginning, A new approach That can benefit all& Let us embrace the future Pray for goodness and truth To enhance it, And give us back America. Florence DeVaughn Jan. 2009 THE 200TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE BIRTH OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN This quote could have described our own recent historic inauguration:  The day was fine and everybody was in the street. Over twenty-five thousand strangers were in the city, many of whom had slept the night previous in the Capitol and in the streets  It being absolutely impossible to find rooms or beds any where. Harper s Weekly, March 16, 1861, p 165. The United States is celebrating the 200th anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln. He is revered as the president who prevented the nation from splitting into two and ended the practice of slavery. Some select material from the SUNY Orange collection is on display in the entrance foyer. Lincoln is equally popular among historians and the general public. His life and presidency are well documented which make finding Lincoln information both easy and frustrating. The easy part is finding the books and articles that focus on him; the frustrating part is searching among all the resources for something specific. The library is the best spot on campus to begin your search. Start with our book catalog on the library s web site (sunyorange.edu/lrc). To be sure to find books about Abraham Lincoln select  Subject from the drop down list and enter  Lincoln, Abraham . Click search and let the computer do its thing. When the subject list appears you can click the subject that interests you to see the books that are cataloged in that subject. We have books dating back to the 1920s and recently published books and audio books. If the books don t cover what you are looking for the article databases are another source that you can search. For a quick review of names places and events try Ebsco s Clio Notes in  America: History and Life database. Historic Eras are listed in chronological order and there are two eras that include information about Lincoln. Follow the links and you can end up with 401 full text articles about Abraham Lincoln. Too much snow to come into the library? Our databases are available from any computer connected to the internet. Navigate to the library s home page and click the remote databases link. You ll need your A number to log in and begin researching. Sometimes it is best to go to the source. Once again our databases allow you to time travel to the 1860s. During the Civil War years Harper s Weekly was Time, Life and People magazines all rolled up into one. HarpWeek is an electronic archive of Harper s Weekly that covers the Civil War Era. Want to see what Lincoln s second inauguration looked like? HarpWeek has a picture of the event and a description of the ceremony. To get to the articles, follow the links from the Databases by Title page to HarpWeek and click the  I Accept link. From there select the search option and then the proximity search. The picture above shows where to enter the search terms. The first search term is Lincoln and the second is inauguration. Select Illustration from the features list and enter the correct date range since the library only subscribes to a limited date range. The search as entered above returns links to 3 different illustrations. Click the illustration link that interests you to display a preview image and click the image to see the full page. You can then browse through all the pages of that issue and save individual pages as a PDF document. The library staff can help you navigate our book search engine and our databases. A Tree Grows in the Information Commons Are you doing your part to conserve paper? To demonstrate how much paper is used in the Information Commons a lush verdant tree has sprouted between the printer stations. The leaf clusters represent 50 gallons of paper sent to be recycled. For each load sent a leaf cluster is removed. Our goal is to have a healthy tree by the end of the semester. Our tree was created by local artist and former Goshen Intermediate School art teacher Arthur Ahr. The trunk and branches were carved out of a used packing box. The leaves were printed on paper recovered from the recycling bins and the backings were made out of newspaper. Paper saving tips are linked from the library s web site http://www.sunyorange.edu/lrc/docs/paper-saving-tips.pdf. New Softwarein the Library Library staff at the front desk can direct you to the computers with the software you need to use. Nursing Explore nursing skills and concepts and body systems with interactive programs. The programs have full graphics for a virtual nursing experience. Law Enforcement The Manual for Police in New York State, NYPD Patrol Guide and Penal Criminal Database are available for searching, browsing and printing. They are electronic resources that cover police work across the state. A guide is available on the computer. ADDED LIBRARY SERVICES IN NEWBURGH As construction of the branch campus in Newburgh continues so does the buildup of the library. Now housed in Room B-1 (next to the cafeteria) there is more space and increased services. The addition of a library assistant eases the burden of our solo librarian and allows the library to be open more hours. Services in Middletown will be echoed in the Newburgh library. The first area of focus is increasing the book collection. In fall 2008 library staff increased the size by 150 books and more books are added frequently. The library is expanding the material available to match the increasing course schedule. All of SUNY Orange s databases are available on the computers in the library. Those searching the catalog in either of the libraries will also have to pay attention to the location of the books found. The location of the book is in the column on the right side of the results grid. Currently there are more books in Middletown and this is reflected in most catalog searches. As books are added in Newburgh library searchers may become frustrated when the book they have found isn t in the library they are in. Search location can be set in the basic or advanced search. Books may be sent from one library to the other in a matter of a few days. For those in a rush your library card works in both libraries and books can be returned to either branch. Faculty can place material on reserve and schedule library instruction classes. Students will find the reserve material in the tutorial Room 122. www.sunyorange.edu/nec/services/lrc.shtml Library Hours in Newburgh Monday� 9 am  4 pm Tuesday 9 am  5 pm Wednesday 9 am - 2 pm Thursday� 11:30am -5:30pm Friday� 11am  -2pm