Tips for reducing the amount of paper you waste: The SUNY Orange fills a 50 gallon recycling bin twice a week with paper that is printed out but is not needed. Recycling this paper is helpful in reducing our environmental impact. An even better solution is to print out just what you need. These tips will help you reduce the paper you waste. Before clicking the print icon ask: * How many pages is the document? * Which pages do I need to print? * Should I email this article to myself? * Would it be better to save the document on a thumb drive? Be Patient after clicking print. If nothing prints out clicking the print button again and again will not solve the problem and will cause more pages to be wasted when the problem is fixed. Below are tips for printing using PDF (Adobe Reader) Microsoft Office (Word, Excel and Powerpoint) and the Internet. The library staff can assist you with if you are unsure how to proceed. Print selected pages from a pdf: PDF documents often include coversheets and end notes that aren�t don�t need to be printed. Go to the first page you want to print. Click the print icon to display the dialog box with the print options. If you only need that page select the Current Page option. Or if you need pages in a range enter the page numbers. Enter the same number if you only a specific page. Printing from Microsoft Office: Click the print item from the File menu to open the print dialog. When you click the print button in the menu bar Word will print every page in the document. The page range is set to All but the other options are Current Page or Pages (for a range of pages). This technique works in all Microsoft applications: Word, Excel, Powerpoint. Powerpoint has the option to print out up to 9 slides per page but 6 slides per page works best. Select Handouts in the Print what option and 6 for Slides per page. You can print a 30 slide presentation on 5 pages saving 25 pages! From the internet: Internet pages don�t always print the way we would like them to. Each browser has a print preview option that allows you to see what should print out. To print just what you want you can highlight the text (click and drag the pointer over the text you want) and print that selection. paper-saving-tips.txt January 2009