SUNY Orange Assessment Work Plan Assessment Coordinator - Christine Work Last Updated: March 1, 2006 Objective Timeline Action Steps Progress Notes The Culture of Assessment at OCCC Ongoing � Continue to meet with key faculty & staff � Regularly meet & update AVPs & VPAA on assessment initiatives � Attend & participate as ex-officio in college task forces and governance committees including AMP, Course Evaluation, PBIE, Assessment Advisory Committee, IT, Banner, Key Performance Indicators task force, Center for Teaching and Learning � Attend & participate in Department, Division, Assembly and Staff & Chair meetings v History of assessment at OCCC Ongoing � Review past assessment documents � Meet with past/present Chairs of General Education Committee, CWAC, and PBIE � Inventory OCCC assessment initiatives (both external and internal v Inventory Chart DRAFTED - needs updating and editing (located on Blackboard�s Assessment Advisory Committee course) SUNY Assessment of SLO in GENERAL EDUCATION & MAJOR Ongoing � Maintain & disseminate SUNY Assessment Schedule v Regularly update assessment schedule and forward to SUNY Ongoing � Keep informed of SUNY's assessment requirements including methods and reporting formats � Maintain relationship with Patty Francis, Assistant Provost for University Assessment and Academic Initiatives � Keep informed of GEAR initiatives v Attend SUNY & GEAR sponsored workshops and conferences Each AY General Education (3 year cycle) � Assist General Education areas scheduled for assessment in reviewing and revising their assessment plans � Assist GE areas in developing assessment methods (as needed) � Complete GE Summary & Campus Reports to submit to SUNY � Collaborate with Assessment Committee to review, disseminate, and utilize assessment findings: o Disseminated Critical Thinking assessment results o Conducted a CT Roundtable and a CT Workshop for faculty and staff � Collaborate with other college areas to support assessment initiatives such as Center for Teaching and Learning v � See SUNY GE Assessment Schedule for the AY in which GE areas are to be assessed � GE assessment reports submitted to SUNY June 2005 Strengthened Campus Based Assessment (SCBA) � Developed Strengthened Campus Based Assessment Plans for Critical Thinking, Mathematics, and Written Communication � Collaborate with Assessment Advisory Committee to review and revise plans for implementation � SCBA plans submitted to GEAR for review February 2006 Each AY Major/program (5-7 year cycle) � Update and distribute �Overview� of assessment expectations and requirements for SUNY assessment of SLO � Regularly meet with Department Chairs scheduled to be assessed (including attending AVP/Chair meetings) � Provide assistance to programs in the planning, implementation, and utilization of assessments � Compile and submit Assessment Reports to SUNY � Collaborate with Assessment Advisory Committee in supporting programs in developing and implementing program improvement initiatives � Developing OCCC �Guide� for Program Assessment � Collaborate with Assessment Advisory Committee to �refine� and promote assessment PLAN template v � "Overview" developed and distributed to Chairs each semester � OCCC �Guide� currently in draft form � Assessment Reports submitted to SUNY June 2005 Student Learning Outcomes Ongoing � Assist all academic programs, in particular those scheduled for assessment in reviewing and revising program Student Learning v Professional Development Initiatives Spring 2006 Faculty & Staff � Collaborate with Assessment Advisory Committee (AAC) in identifying college's assessment needs � Collaborate (also) with Center for Teaching and Learning in identifying assessment needs � Strategize on best format for delivering professional development opportunities � Identify external presenters/trainers to come to OCCC � Apply to FSDC funds for AAC members to attend a Middlestate�s assessment workshop Ongoing Assessment Coordinator: � Attended "Strengthened Campus-Based Assessment" Conference at Alfred State, NY (FEB 2005) � Attended GEAR Conference (APR 2005) � Attended Middlestate's sponsored SLO assessment workshop (JUN 2005) � Meeting with Patricia Francis (JUL 2005) � Meeting with Francis Deering, WCCC (SEPT 2005) � Middle State�s �Student Learning Assessment Conference� (SEPT 2005) � Attended USA FUNDS Symposium on Student Retention (San Antonio, TX FEB 2006) v Writeplacer 2005/2006 � Collaborate with English Department, Mary Warener in developing an appropriate cutoff formula for Writeplacer essays in order to eliminate faculty reading � Collaborate with Mary and Student Services to appropriately implement automated �results� � Develop and implement pilot to test the formula for accuracy in placement into English courses; also pilot to track student GUIDE for Program Assessment ASAP � Review current OCCC assessment practices (plans, methods�) � Standardize/streamline information collection including surveys and data collection � Review best practices � meet with F. Dearing WCC � Draft Guide o Guide to include template for assessment PLAN � Collaborate with Assessment Advisory Committee in soliciting recommendations Currently in Draft format Assessment Webpage � Storyboard DRAFTed � Contents gathered for webpage � Collaborate with Assessment Advisory Committee Page up in Summer 2006 Goals & Next Steps Ongoing � Encourage electronic communication of assessment schedules, methods, results, and uses � Begin to strategize on how best to create a culture of assessment in all unit areas of OCCC � Develop next steps for assessment with "other" college areas/units