Readings for Nursing III Fall 2010 BOOKS AND EQUIPMENT USED IN NURSING III (NUR 201) REQUIRED: Maternal & Child ISBN: 0-13-156635-0 Author: London, Ladewig, Ball & Nursing Care Bindler 3rd Edition, 2011 Publisher: Prentice Hall Bundle with Skills Book Nursing III Kit Equipment kit of nursing supplies required for Nursing III students. This kit is only available in the college bookstore. Kaplan Nursing The Basics Book. To purchase this book, you will need to first go to the college bookstore and purchase a card that indicates you have paid for the textbook. Bring that card with you to class on the first day. Be sure to save you bookstore receipts as well. Kaplan representatives will be available to distribute the books and review the process for online access for Kaplan Nursing. The online secure access to Kaplan homepage provides study skills workshops, practice tests, secured tests, test results, remediation resources and NCLEX-RN� prep materials. Week 1: London,et al. Chapters 1; 2; 3; 5 (pgs. 104-105); Chapter 10 (pgs. 200-213) Needs of the Newborn: Chapters 24; 25; 26; 27 Needs of the Postpartal Family: Chapters 22 (pgs. 518-522); 30; 31 Week 2: Needs of the Postpartal Family at risk London, et al. Chapter 23 (pgs. 521-527); Chapter 32 Vacarolis Chapter 18 (postpartum depression and psychosis) Week 3: Needs of the Newborn at risk London, et al Chapters 28; 29; 47 (pgs. 1278-1281)