Spring, 2010: Nursing II Readings for week 1 Ignatavicius (Iggy) Chapters 1 (intro to med/surg), 3 (common health problems), 4 (culture), 8 (rehab concepts) Daniels & Smith Chapter 8: p. 116-127 (reconstitution); chapter 10 (IV meds): p. 146-210 Taylor For detailed review of the nursing process � chapters 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17; also chapter 32 (stress and adaptation) Grodner Chapter 15 (stress and nutrition) Varcarolis chapter 2 (relevant theories), 12 (stress), 13 (anxiety), 33 (adult issues), 37 (integrative care), p. 694 Ackley & Ladwig Refer to appropriate nursing diagnosis related to content area Davis� Drug Guide Refer to appropriate drugs related to content area Van Leeuwen Refer to appropriate diagnostic tests related to content area Lefever-Kee Unit 1 Readings for week 2 IIl Alteration in Fluid and Electrolytes: Iggy: Fluids and Electrolytes Chapter 13, 14 & 15 Lefever-Kee Units II, III & IV Grodner-Long: Chapter 8 Varcarolis Chapter 2, p. 19-21; chapter 13 Davis Diagnostic tests Daniels & Smith Chapter 10, p. 146-176, 187-190, 192-194, 197-202 Taylor Chapter 46 12/17/09 Nsg II wk 1 & 2 readings to post