SUNY Orange Campus Safety Report Annual Fire Safety & Security Report 2009 SUNY ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE MIDDLETOWN & NEWBURGH CAMPUS 2009 PRESIDENTIAL CHARGE The College Department of Safety & Security has been charged by the president to: 1. Review policies and procedures on sexual assaults; 2. Review and suggest improvements in the safety education programs; 3. Access availability of counseling services for all crime victims; 4. Review victim referral and campus response procedures for sexual assault situations; 5. Refer complaints to appropriate authorities; 6. Continue on-going assessment of the quality of campus personal safety policies, practices, procedures and programs. 7. The Department of Safety and Security is assisted in accomplishing these goals by the Campus Safety and Security Committee, which are charged by the college governance system with the responsibility to review current campus safety and security procedures. 8. For confidential reporting of criminal activity, call extension 4932 or in emergency extension 77, Director of Safety & Security, John Aherne. 9. The Department of Safety & Security also maintains a daily log of crimes and incidents that occur on campus. This is available for the public to view and is posted in the Orange Hall Security Office and in the Newburgh Campus Safety & Security Office. While most incidents are logged, the Director of Safety & Security, whose office is room 103, Orange Hall, may determine that a incident be classified as �confidential� in order not to jeopardize a criminal investigation or the identity of a victim. Crime statistics of campus perimeters of main campus and extensions are available for review. Dial x 4932, John Aherne, Director; extension 4934, Edward Kiely, Assistant Director. The statistics for Middletown Campus will cover the perimeter areas of Wawayanda to Mills Avenue and Genung to Winner Avenues and for our Newburgh Campus is Washington Center including perimeters First Street, Grand Street, Broadway and Colden Avenue. 10. This report is filed as required by the federal �Crime Awareness & Campus Security Act�, (hereafter referred to as the Campus Safety Act) which was last amended in 1998. The purpose of this report is to provide our faculty, staff and students with campus safety data including crime and fire safety statistics and procedures to follow to report a crime. SAFETY AND SECURITY SERVICE ACTIVITIES - January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 1. Monthly meetings 2. Distribution of Safety/Security related pamphlets: a. Campus Safety and Security at SUNY Orange (as per Title II - Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act) b. Campus Safety Tips c. Date Rape d. Fire Prevention 3. Reviewed with local Police Chiefs (Middletown, and Newburgh) copies of the law and procedures relative to Student�s Rights to Privacy. 4. Met with representatives of the two City Police Departments, Fire Department, and Orange County Emergency Management Board and discussed matters of mutual interest. 5. Continued installation of new interior and exterior locking systems. 6. Provided on-going escort service for students, staff, and faculty. 7. Distributed seasonal crime prevention posters and fire safety hand outs to all effected members of the college community. 8. Continued installation of new exterior lighting system and exterior emergency phones. 9. Installation of closed circuit security cameras. 10. Installation of interior and exterior Emergency Notification System. 11. Installation of 2 new exterior Safety & Security booths in parking lots. Prior to Receipt of �Memorandum to Presidents Volume 92. No. 7", Created a Rape Crisis Team Consisting of: Campus Nurse: Elaine McClung Director of Safety and Security Services John W. Aherne Campus Counselor: Terri Van Everen Any person or group of persons within this team, in conjunction with the local police department representatives, will devote all professional resources to the report of a rape or of any sexual assault. The victim will be advised of the composition of the team and may choose any one or all of its members to assist in the situation. It is felt that this is a very comprehensive approach to the initial report of a sexual offense to campus personnel. Any and all related campus resources will be brought to bear on the situation until resolution of the problem. This is an initial response action to a sensitive situation and does not exclude further in depth medical, legal or psychological remedial efforts by off-campus professional. Sensitivity, confidentiality, caring and professionalism are the operative words in our team approach. In line with the prevention aspect of the memorandum, literature on �date rape� and safety precautions are being distributed to all students throughout the academic year. EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND EVACUATIONS Campus communities will be notified upon the confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving immediate threat to the health and safety of students, employees, and local community. The college Emergency Management Team will meet immediately to determine and evaluate the situation and if necessary will activate the Emergency Management Plan, NY Alert system, and Emergency Notification System. The EMT will coordinate set up for the responding emergency agencies. This plan and system will be reviewed and tested on an annual basis. ANNUAL FIRE SAFETY REPORT Statistics are attached for the number of fire safely / evacuation drills and any actual fire situation that has occurred in the past year. Continued fire inspections are conducted throughout the year by our college Fire Marshal, Department of Education Fire Prevention Department, and Middletown and Newburgh Fire Departments. SUNY ORANGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Crime Statistics Availability Statement (CLERY ACT Statement) A copy of the SUNY Orange County Community College campus crime and fire statistics as reported annually to the U.S. Department of Education will be provided upon request by calling the campus Director of Safety and Security, John Aherne at 845-341-4932. Information can also be obtained from the U.S. Department of Education website at Additional data and information can be found on the following U.S. Department of Education sites: �Summary Campus Crime & Security Statistics�, �Campus Security Statistics�, and �Campus Security�. Also, �Crime In The United States�, an annual report from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), provides university / college campus crime data that are reported by law enforcement agencies. Campus Safety and Security Committee Annual Report 2009-2010 Members: Cathy Daino, Marlyn Defreece (student), Maureen Flaherty, Leona Flaster, Brian Fucci (student), Kirsten Gabrielsen (recorder of minutes), Ron Jurain, Jessica Klim (student), Ron Kopec, Cynthia MacMahon, Dennis O�Loughlin, Sheila Stepp, and Abram Vanhassel (student). Ex Officio: John Aherne, Melanie Bukovsky, Eileen Callahan, Elaine McClung, and Michael Worden Volunteer Member: John Parsons Chair: Karen Reid The Campus Safety and Security Committee met on all the last Thursday of each month for the Fall 2009 semester and for the Spring 2010 semester. This year the committee met five times on the following dates: October 29th, November 19th, January 28th, March 18th, and April 29th. Our concerns and accomplishments during 2009-2010 were as follows: * Unsafe Places: As per Dr. Richards request; Review Unsafe Place List, comment, and give suggestions of other areas that the committee feels should be on the list. The list is as follows: Board Policy 2.24 (Children on Campus), the final list of �unsafe places� where children under 16 are never allowed, even with parental supervision, include: 1. all science labs and science lab pre spaces 2. all utility and mechanical closets and power distribution areas 3. all network closets 4. the network centers at Middletown and Newburgh Campuses 5. all kitchens and food preparation areas 6. Library archival spaces 7. all Maintenance facilities 8. all equipment storage areas 9. all College Security stations 10. all College vehicles The Safety Committee reviewed the Unsafe Places List. The committee did not have any additional suggestions of the areas that should be on the list. However, the committee did recommend that for #1 (all science lab and science lab prep spaces) �special situations with permission� should be allowed. Also, wording should include both campuses at the beginning of the list (see #4). * Safety and Security Policy and Procedure Manual: The Security Department was asked to develop a comprehensive procedures manual which specifically addresses Orange County Community College safety concerns and potential situations as well as security officer departmental training t college-specific issues. This manual was distributed to the committee. The committee is in the process of reviewing the manual and will comment and or recommendation in the Fall 2010 semester. * AED�S: The committee was informed that there was no AED on the 5th floor of the Newburgh Campus. The Student Senate was made aware of the situation and they offered to donate $1,000.00 towards the purchase of one. * Other Issues Discussed: * Combative Students * Building Safety Volunteers * New Your Alert * Security Escorts * Security presence in parking lots and parking garage * Street and Parking lot lighting Respectfully submitted by Karen Reid, Chair 5/17/10 SUNY ORANGE CRIME STATISTICS MIDDLETOWN CAMPUS OFFENSES 2006 2007 2008 2009 (YTD) (YTD) (YTD) (YTD) MURDER 0 0 0 0 MANSLAUGHTER 0 0 0 0 FORCIBLE SEX OFFENSES 0 0 0 0 NON FORCIBLE SEX OFFENSES 0 0 0 0 GRAND LARCENY 7 9 6 1 GRAND LARCENY AUTO 0 0 1 0 ROBBERY 0 0 0 0 ASSAULT 0 0 0 1 BURGLARY 0 0 0 0 ILLEGAL WEAPONS POSSSESIONS 0 0 0 0 BIAS CRIMES 0 0 0 1 - Graffiti HATE CRIMES W/ INJURY 0 0 0 0 HATE CRIMES W/ LARCENY 0 0 0 0 HATE CRIMES W/ VANDALISM 0 0 0 1 HATE CRIMES W/ INTIMIDATION 0 3 0 0 LIQUOR LAW VIOLATIONS 1 0 0 0 DRUG ABUSE VIOLATIONS 0 0 1 0 ARSON 0 0 0 0 FIRE / EVACUATION DRILLS (3-4 times per year depending on type of occupancy) 4 4 3 4 FIRES 0 0 0 1 � No injury ALARM NOTIFICATIONS 0 0 5 5 ARRESTS 0 0 1 Grand Larceny 1 Drug abuse 1 Grand Larceny 1 Theft of credit card Bp08 SUNY ORANGE CRIME STATISTICS NEWBURGH CAMPUS OFFENSES 2008 2009 (YTD) (YTD) MURDER 0 0 MANSLAUGHTER 0 0 FORCIBLE SEX OFFENSES 0 0 NON FORCIBLE SEX OFFENSES 0 0 GRAND LARCENY 1 1 GRAND LARCENY AUTO 0 0 ROBBERY 0 0 ASSAULT 0 1 BURGLARY 0 0 ILLEGAL WEAPONS POSSSESIONS 0 0 BIAS CRIMES 0 1 - Graffiti HATE CRIMES W/ INJURY 0 0 HATE CRIMES W/ LARCENY 0 0 HATE CRIMES W/ VANDALISM 0 1 HATE CRIMES W/ INTIMIDATION 0 0 LIQUOR LAW VIOLATIONS 0 0 DRUG ABUSE VIOLATIONS 0 0 ARSON 0 0 FIRE / EVACUATION DRILLS (3-4 times per year depending on type of occupancy) 3 3 FIRES 0 0 ALARM NOTIFICATIONS 2 2 ARRESTS 3 Arrest & Convictions for Assault on OCCC Student Bp08