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Advising Updates by Department

Diagnostic Imaging

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3/3/2025 Nicole Murray
  • RAD 219 Medical Terminology will no longer be a class students can transfer into the health programs. However. the class is transferable to non-profession students.
3/11/2024 Nicole Murray

Effective Fall 2024, change in AAS-Radiologic Technology program

  • add MAT 121 College Algebra
  • add COM 100 Oral Communication (COM 101 can substitute)
  • RAD 209 changed to 2 credits
  • no changes to admissions requirements
3/3/2022 Nicole Rushing

Effective Fall 2022

  • change in course descriptions for RAD 106, RAD 107, RAD 108, and RAD 217
  • new course RAD 222 Medical Imaging Ethics & Law, prerequisites RAD 209, RAD 213, RAD 217, & RAD 221; corequisites RAD 214, RAD 216 & RAD 218

AAS-Radiologic Technology program change

  • eliminate EET 110 and add CIT 100 there will be a 3 year transition period where EET 110 will still be accepted.
  • eliminate RAD 210 and add RAD 222, Spring 2022 will be the last offering of RAD 210.

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