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Advising Updates by Department

Occupational Therapy Asst.

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4/23/2024 Donna Frazier

Effective Fall 2024, pre/co-requisite changes for these classes:

  • OTA 201 Principles of OT in Pediatrics & Developmental Disabilities, remove PED 155 CPR as a corequisite
  • OTA 203 Clinical Reasoning Skills, remove PED 155 CPR as a corequisite
  • OTA 205 Principles of OT in Mental Health, remove OTA 205 and PED 155 CPR as corequisites
  • OTA 207 Principles of OT in Physical Disabilities, remove PED 155 CPR as a corequisite
  • OTA 209 Documentation in OT, remove PED 155 CPR as a corequisite
4/5/2024 Donna Frazier

Effective Fall 2024, change in the AAS-Occupational Therapy Assistant program:

  • OTA 105 reduced to 0.5 credits
  • OTA 209 reduced to 1 credit
  • add COM 100 Oral Communication (COM 101 can substitute)
  • add MAT 102 Intermediate Algebra or MAT 120 Statistics or higher
  • remove PED 155 CPR
  • change Admissions requirement to "Eligible to take MAT 102 or MAT 120 or higher"

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