Advising Updates by Department
Computer Science and Technology
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Date | Source | Update | Web Link |
6/27/2024 |
Bruce Roman |
Effective Fall 2025:
- Change in sequence in CIT Networking program: CIT 225 moved to second semester, G6A moved to third semester
6/27/2024 |
Bruce Roman |
Effective June 27, 2024
- Microcredential: IT Support Technology
2/26/2024 |
Bruce Roman |
Effective Fall 2024, program changes for
- AAS Web Development (64 credits, add COM 100, 4-credit G2A Natural Science elective, CAT E DEISJ elective; remove Liberal Arts elective)
- AAS Cyber Security (add COM 100, CSC 138, 4-credit G2A Natural Science elective, CAT E DEISJ elective; remove MAT 122, CRJ 101, restricted elective)
- AAS CIT Networking (65 credits, add COM 100, 4-credit G2A Natural Science elective, CAT E DEISJ elective, CIT 215; remove MAT 122, CSC 101)
- CSC 205 Web Programming II reduce course credits from 4 to 3
- CIT 118 Operating Systems reduce course credits from 4 to 3
- CIT 225 Database Fundamentals & Design change prerequisite to CIT 105 or CIT 117 and keep math prerequisite eligible for MAT 102
10/31/2023 |
Bruce Roman |
These courses will be offered Spring only
- CIT 103 Management Information Systems
- CIT 118 Operating Systems
5/12/2023 |
Bruce Roman |
Effective Fall 2023, program change for:
9/24/2021 |
Bruce Roman |
Effective Fall 2022 - new program approved by SUNY
Associate in Applied Science - Web Development |
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