Middletown, NY
Day 62° • Night 35°
Middletown, NY Forecast
Weather Today in Middletown, NY
Feels Like59°
7:10 am
7:03 pm
High / Low
9 mph
Dew Point
30.08 in
UV Index
1 of 11
10 mi
Moon Phase
Full Moon
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Health & Activities
Today's Activities ForecastNEW
Foggy weather will impact outdoor activities for the rest of the day.
Air Quality Index
Air quality is considered satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk.
Happening Near Middletown, NY
Popular Nextdoor posts
The amount of litter along the roads, in the tree lines, public spaces and in open field areas is absurd!Obviously this isn’t directed towards everyone, but who do you think you are believing the world is your trashcan? Is it really that hard to keep whatever it is on you and throw it out when you get home?
I’m not above picking up a some garbage. In the coming weeks on the warm days I will be out there picking up trash so the town I live in doesn’t look like a sh**hole.
Imperial Ridge
2d ago
Needs 2 people to move.Great quality
0d ago
I have 4 battery powered riding cars, kids no longer use them.I will take any offer if you want them for your kids. They are all in very good condition and will make your kids pretty happy. Thanks, take one or all.
Campbell Hall, NY
0d ago
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