Middletown, NY
Day 51° • Night 28°
Middletown, NY Forecast
Weather Today in Middletown, NY
Feels Like28°
7:12 am
7:02 pm
High / Low
3 mph
Dew Point
30.10 in
UV Index
0 of 11
10 mi
Moon Phase
Full Moon
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Today's Activities ForecastNEW
Conditions for outdoor activities will be fair today, but temperatures will be cool.
Air Quality Index
Air quality is considered satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk.
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The amount of litter along the roads, in the tree lines, public spaces and in open field areas is absurd!Obviously this isn’t directed towards everyone, but who do you think you are believing the world is your trashcan? Is it really that hard to keep whatever it is on you and throw it out when you get home?
I’m not above picking up a some garbage. In the coming weeks on the warm days I will be out there picking up trash so the town I live in doesn’t look like a sh**hole.
Imperial Ridge
0d ago
Good afternoon everyone is hope your day is going well.It's been a very busy day here at M3 plumbing. The weather is getting nicer i have received a lot of call's for questions about whole home water filters and water heater and boiler upgrades. Looks like word has gotten about us. I just don't want everyone to forget we are a full service plumbing and heating company as well. I hope everyone has a great week.
2d ago
We have two cases against the town of Monroe now.The federal case for $7 million is going to mediation on April 3rd. I do not expect any settlement. Therefore there will be a jury trial where the town of Monroe told everybody you could not own more than three rental properties. I'm sure this will go over real well with a very wealthy conservative community in Westchester!!
We are also moving forward with our article 78. It will be fully submitted by mid April but not decided until october.
There is so much corruption in the town it's unbelievable.
Unfortunately for Cardone, I have enough information to show that he has been skimming millions of dollars for years since he became Town supervisor.
In fact I can show that it is his MO to skim money and not fulfill his responsibilities with his legally obligated written contracts.
Information we're about to put out will prove that Cardone has been skimming wherever he can.
After all we know that he went and sold the building to himself with the cover of Louie and his cousin. They're only a front for Cardone and Company.
Round Lake
0d ago
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