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Standing Committees: Charges & Membership


Executive Committee of Governance


  • Governance President
  • Governance Vice-President
  • 2 from each Academic Division
  • 1 Professional Staff
  • 1 Support Staff
  • Student Senate President (or designee)

Ex Officio:

  • College President
  • Faculty Council of Community Colleges (FCCC) Delegate


The Executive Committee shall perform the following functions: provide a forum for dialogue on issues of importance to the College Assembly; propose the formation or dissolution of Standing Committees to the Assembly; form, charge, and determine the life of Ad Hoc Committees of the governance system as may be needed; examine the work of the various committees, preventing the duplication of effort and ensuring the carrying out of committee charges; prepare the agenda for Assembly meetings; determine whether proposals or reports are in proper form for distribution or presentation; determine and enforce proper routing procedure of all proposals intended for action; ascertain the highest level of approval required for all proposals; distribute copies of reports or proposals that have been approved; record and file such proposals or reports.

Academic Policy Committee


  • 2 from each Academic Division
  • 1 Professional Staff (Student Services)
  • 1 Professional Staff (Library)
  • 2 Student representatives

Ex Officio:

  • VP Academic Affairs (or designee)
  • Director of Admissions (or designee)
  • Registrar (or designee)
  • Director of Academic Advising (or designee)


The APC reviews and updates academic policies and recommends the creation of new policies or the amendment of existing ones wherever necessary. The committee should anticipate problems and issues on its own as well as responding to requests channeled to the committee through the campus Governance system. When necessary, the APC may request that the Executive Committee form an ad-hoc committee to investigate a specific issue.

Academic Technology Committee


  • 2 from each Academic Division (highly encourage one representative to be from a department that relies heavily on technology)
  • 1 Professional Staff (Library)
  • 1 Professional Staff (Student Services)
  • Director of Academic Technology
  • Director of CTL
  • 1 Student

Ex Officio: 

  • VP Academic Affairs (or designee)
  • VP-CIO (or designee)
  • CAPE Representative (Professional Staff)
  • Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research Officer



The Academic Technology Committee will:

  1. Identify faculty and student academic technology needs.
  2. Make recommendations regarding college-wide academic technology issues.
  3. Recommend technology related professional development in conjunction with the CTLT.

Assessment Advisory Committee

  • 2 from each Academic Division
  • 1 Professional Staff 
  • 1 Professional Staff 
  • 1 Professional Staff 
  • 1 Student

Ex Officio:

  • Academic Division Assessment Liaisions (1-BMST, 1-LA, 1-HP)
  • Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research Officer
  • Director CTL ( or designee)
  • VPAA (or designee)
  • VPSS (or designee)


The Assessment Advisory Committee will work in collaboration with and as advisory to the Institutional Planning, Assessment and Research Office and the Student Learning Assessment Team to:

  1. Provide feedback on assessment practices.
  2. Develop activities to continue to support a culture of assessment
  3. Communicate assessment results and make recommendations for how those results could be utilized. 

Athletic Advisory Committee

  • 2 from each Academic Division
  • 1 Professional Staff (Student Services)
  • 1 Support Staff
  • 2 Student representatives

Ex Officio:

  • Director of Athletics
  • Movement Science Chair
  • Member of Communications Office
  • Director of Admissions or his/her designee


The AAC helps develop long-term policies and procedures for the college s athletic program, following Title IX Guidelines and NJCAA Region XV and Mid-Hudson Conference regulations, including reviewing faculty needs, academic standards, advisement, counseling, recruitment standards, and coaching requirements; participates in the development of strategies on how best to utilize the athletic program for recruitment and retention of all students; conducts an ongoing review of the policies and procedure manual of the college s athletic program; and acts as a forum to discuss the handling of specific problems either identified by or presented to the committee.

College Safety and Security Committee

  • 1 from each Academic Division
  • 1 Professional Staff 
  • 1 Support Staff
  • 1 Support Staff (Maintenance)
  • 1 Newburgh-at-large (from among the faculty, professional staff, or support staff at the campus)
  • 3 Students (State mandate: comm. to be 1/3 students)

Ex Officio:

  • Director of Wellness Center or Designee
  • Director of Facilities or Designee
  • Director of Safety and Security or Designee
  • Newburgh Campus Safety and Security Representative
  • Disability Specialist from Accessibility Services
  • Human Resources Representative


The committee addresses and reviews campus safety, security, and health issues and concerns. The committee evaluates campus security policies and procedures recommending changes as needed. Pursuant to section 6432 of Article 129-A of New York State Education Law, the committee shall specifically review current policies and procedures for educating the campus community about prevention, counseling, and reporting of sexual assault.

Committee for Institutional Diversity and Equity


  • 2 from each Academic Division
  • 2 Support Staff
  • 1 Professional Staff
  • 2 Students

Ex Officio:

  • Chief Diversity Officer
  • Affirmative Action Officer
  • Director of Newburgh Campus
  • Disability Specialist from Accessibility Services
  • Director of CSI (or designee)


The Committee for Institutional Diversity and Equity will:

  1. Review suggested revisions and recommend revisions to the Affirmative Action manual.
  2. Advise and collaborate with Human Resources regarding continuing attempts to more closely
    match potential new employees' demographics with student and county demographics.
  3. Use the college’s Diversity and Inclusion Plan as a guiding document, direct strategies to infuse diversity and equity into all aspects of campus life.
  4. Assist the Chief Diversity Officer in coordinating educational programming that celebrates diversity and equity.
  5. Serve as a forum to discuss and advocate for equitable resolution of issues pertaining to institutional diversity and equity by making recommendations.

Curriculum Committee



  • 3 from each Academic Division
  • 1 Professional Staff (Academic Advising or Admissions)
  • 1 Professional Staff
  • 1 Professional Staff (Library)
  • 2 Students

Ex Officio:

  • Registrar (or designee)
  • VP Academic Affairs (or designee)
  • Academic Advising OR Admissions Representative (whichever is not a voting member)


In accordance with the established Curriculum Committee procedures, the committee examines, evaluates and makes recommendations on, and creates an historical record of all changes in the curricula offerings of the college.

Faculty and Staff Development Committee

  • 2 from each Academic Division
  • 1 Professional Staff (Administration & Finance)
  • 1 Professional Staff (Student Services)
  • 1 Professional Staff (Library)
  • 1 Support Staff

Ex Officio:

  • VP Academic Affairs (or designee)
  • Director CTL


The committee encourages professional growth for the College community by:

  1. Reviewing college-wide criteria and procedures for distributing funding for conferences.
  2. Establishing and reviewing college-wide criteria and procedures for distributing professional development funding of coursework. 
  3. Reviewing and approving applications for financial support of coursework through the Faculty and Staff Development Fund based on its annual budgetary limits. 
  4. Serving in an advisory capacity to and making programming recommendations for the Center for Teaching and Learning.  

Serving as a college-wide resource for directing requests for professional development needs. 

Planning & Budgeting for Institutional Effectiveness Committee (PBIE)



  • 2 from each Academic Division 
  • 1 Professional Staff (Academic Affairs)
  • 1 Professional Staff (Administration & Finance)
  • 1 Professional Staff (Student Services)
  • 1 Professional Staff (Institutional Advancement)
  • 1 Support Staff
  • 1 Non-Credit Representative
  • 1 Student

Ex Officio:

  • VP for Academic Affairs (or designee)
  • VP for Student Services (or designee)
  • Director of Newburgh (or designee)
  • Comptroller (or designee)
  • Institutional Planning, Assessment and Research Officer
  • PIP system Manager


This is a standing committee of College Governance that has overall responsibility for giving the College community access to information on planning and a voice in resource allocation, via our recommendations to the President’s Cabinet on initiatives.

Specifically, the committee:

  1. Works with Administration to facilitate a college-wide planning process, based on openness, transparency and collaboration;
  2. Prioritizes initiatives that support the main elements of the Strategic Plan as well as other institutional plans;
  3. Collaborates with Administration to facilitate assessment of initiatives and other resource allocation decisions;
  4. Recommends updates to the priorities of the Strategic Plan, and recommends changes in the college’s operations to meet those priorities;
  5. Collaborates with Administration to facilitate continuous improvement of processes and tools related to planning and budgeting; and
  6. Communicates with the College community about these activities.

Professional Recognition and Awards Committee

  • Governance President (or designee)
  • 1 faculty from each Academic Division (not department chair/assistant chair/coordinator)
  • 2 Academic Department Chairs/Asst Chairs/Coords
  • 2 Professional Staff
  • 2 Support Staff
  • 2 Students
  • Temporary Members:
  • 1 Adjunct (to review Excellence in Adjunct Teaching Award)
  • 1 Library Professional Staff (to review Excellence in Librarianship Award)

Ex Officio:

  • College President (or designee)
  • College Administrator (VPs/AVPs)


This committee is responsible for establishing and coordinating the process for nominating candidates and evaluating applications for the SUNY Orange President’s Awards and Chancellor’s awards for Excellence.  

The committee will:

  1. formulate and publicize an annual agenda and calendar for the awards process,
  2. establish the criteria for each award category, paralleling to the greatest extent possible the criteria for the SUNY Chancellor’s Awards,
  3. seek nominations throughout the college community,
  4. provide framework for nominations and applications,
  5. evaluate applications and select finalists based upon the selection criteria,
  6. forward award finalists to the President of the College, and
  7. continuously review and realign selection criteria as appropriate.

Scholarship and Financial Assistance Committee


  • 2 from BMST Division
  • 2 from Allied Health Division
  • 2 from Liberal Arts Division
  • 1 Professional Staff (Student Services)

Ex Officio:

  • Director of Financial Aid or designee
  • Director of Admissions or designee
  • Former Chair of Scholarship Committee


The committee nominates entering and continuing/returning students for scholarships to SUNY Orange, and nominates graduating students for scholarships for continued study. The committee also ensures the academic integrity of student applications in addition to the other rigorous criteria review to ensure transparency among all parties involved in the scholarship allocation process, and makes recommendations to the Foundation regarding scholarship policies, criteria, and allocation.

Social Committee

  • 2 from each Academic Division
  • 1 Professional Staff
  • 1 Support Staff

Ex Officio:

  • OCCC Association Representative
  • Human Resources Representative


Encourage an environment that fosters a sense of camaraderie across the college community through socially driven events on and/or off campus.

Student Success Committee



  • 1 from BMST
  • 1 from Health Professions
  • 1 from Liberal Arts
  • 1 from Math Department
  • 1 from English Department
  • 1 from any Academic Department (preference to Health Professions)
  • 1 Professional Staff (Academic Advising)
  • 1 Professional Staff (Accessibility Services or Library)**
  • 1 Professional Staff (Open)
  • 2 Students*

Ex Officio:

  • VPAA (or designee)
  • VPSS (or designee)
  • AVP Student Engagement and Completion
  • Director, Center of Student Success
  • Director of CAPE
  • Director of Accessibility Services or Director of Library**

* prefer to have 1 student from each campus

**Accessibility Services and Library Membership alternates between Membership and Ex Officio


The committee serves in an advisory capacity on institutional issues relating to student engagement, progress, and goal attainment. The committee makes recommendations on policies, procedures, best practices, and tools (including Orange Connect) for student success.

Sustainability Committee



  • 1 from each Academic Division (3 total)
  • 1 Professional Staff (Information Technology)
  • 1 Professional Staff (Facilities)
  • 1 Support Staff (Middletown any area)
  • 1 Professional Staff (Newburgh any area)
  • 1 Faculty Rep (Any area)
  • 1 Student

Ex Officio:

  • VP Administration & Finance (or designee)
  • VP Academic Affairs (or designee)
  • Sustainability Coordinator


The Sustainability Committee will:

  1. Advise and collaborate with the Sustainability Coordinator regarding the prioritization of initiatives contained in, and overall implementation of, the Sustainability Plan.
  2. Promote sustainability at the College through whatever projects and initiatives the Committee and Coordinator deem appropriate. Such projects could include the design and scheduling of events; posting of relevant information; supporting the development of new curricula; and any other such initiatives which further the goals stated in the Plan.
  3. Engage student clubs, the Student Senate and the student body at large in any activities that would further the goals of the Plan.
  4. Assist the Coordinator in the development of such partnerships with relevant sectors of the College and with other colleges, organizations and the community at large which would further the goals of the Plan.
  5. Assist the Coordinator in evaluating the success of all elements contained in the Plan.