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A.S. Degree in Accounting

Program Description:

The Associate in Science degree program in Accounting prepares graduates to continue their education in accounting or finance at a four-year college or university.

Students learn the accounting cycle including preparation of financial statements in accordance with GAAP. Special projects teach analytical skills through finding, extracting and evaluating financial information to make sound decisions. Students use Excel extensively to solve a variety of accounting problems.

Students may also complete an internship course which gives them the opportunity to build their resume and earn college credits.

Students entering the workforce after completing a baccalaureate degree in accounting benefit from a strong demand for accountants. Employment opportunities include positions in public accounting firms, private and public companies, government and not-for-profit agencies. Most will achieve the professional Certified Public Accountant (CPA) designation and many pursue graduate degrees.

Upon completion of their degree, students will:

  • demonstrate knowledge of the accounting cycle, including preparation of financial statements in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).
  • demonstrate analytical skills through finding, extracting and evaluating financial information to make sound business decisions.
  • create and edit Excel spreadsheets to solve various accounting problems.
  • research answers to accounting problems using a research database (FARS).
  • explain the purpose and responsibilities of the professional accountant in the business community.
  • express business information effectively in both oral and written form.
  • learn critical thinking skills through an analytical business report project.

Recommended Course Sequence:

First Semester

Course Number Course Name Credits
ENG 101 Freshman English I 3
MAT --- Selected Math Course* 3
BUS 161 Computer Applications for Business 3
ACC 153 Financial Accounting


----- Restricted SUNY Elective**


Second Semester

Course Number Course Name Credits
ENG 102 Freshman English II 3
MAT--- Selected Math Course* 3
ECO 201 Macro-Economics 3
ACC 154 Managerial Accounting 4
MKT 101 Principles of Marketing OR 3
MGT 201 Principles of Management 3

Third Semester

Course Number Course Name Credits
ECO 202 Micro-Economics 3
----- SUNY Natural Sciences 3
BUS 209 Diversity in Business 3
BUS 201  Business Law I 3
ACC 201 Intermediate Accounting I 4

Fourth Semester

Course Number Course Name Credits
ACC 205 Accounting w/ Spreadsheet Applications   OR 3
BUS 205  Business Statistics 3
BUS 203 Business Communications 3
BUS 202 Business Law II 3
ACC 202 Intermediate Accounting II 4
ACC 220***** Accounting Internship (Optional)  3
  Total Course Credits:  


* Select one of the following pairs of courses: MAT 121 & MAT 122; or MAT 122 & MAT 205; or MAT 131 & MAT 205; or MAT 205 & MAT 206.

** SUNY American History or Western Civilization or Other/World Civilization or Arts or Foreign Language lists. Do not duplicate categories.

*** Select from list not chosen in First Semester Restricted Elective list above.

***** Students need approval of the Chair to register for this course, and at least 2.5 CQPA. 

For a complete description of this degree and the individual courses, please refer to the College Catalog.