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The Joy of My Life: Painting ~ by Bobbie Slockbower

Wednesday, 22 May, 2019
9:00 AM - 8:00 PM

The Old Fishing Hole â€Bobbie (Roberta) Slockbower has been studying paintings since she was nine years old. At that time, her parents placed two original watercolors by artist Allen Fontaine in their livingroom. Those paintings made a lifelong impression on her and over the years as an adult, she studied watercolors with Pat Wolf at Orange County Community College and pastels with Mary Mugele Sealfon.

She also learned techniques and broadened her knowledge of art while being a member of several art groups: Orange Blossoms Decorative Painters, Hudson Valley Decorative Painters, Middletown Art Group, Woodbury Art Workshop and the Goshen Art League of which she served as president for five years. Her art has been displayed in many Orange County venues.

From May 9 through June 17, 2019, she will have a solo show of her works and display 31 oils, watercolors, and pastels in Orange Hall Gallery Loft. The reception will be at the same time as the MAG exhibit reception, May 19 from 1 to 3:30pm. Entitled The Joy of My Life: Painting ~ by Bobbie Slockbower, the show demonstrates her talent and appreciation of visual art.

The exhibit and reception are free and open to the public. Bobbie Slockbower

Gallery hours are Monday through Thursday - 9am to 8pm and Friday - 9am to 6pm through May, and Monday through Thursday - 9am to 8pm in June. The gallery is closed Memorial Day Weekend and Fridays and weekends in June.

Orange Hall is located at the corner of Wawayanda and Grandview Avenues (GPS: 24 Grandview Avenue), Middletown. Questions may be directed to Cultural Affairs at (845)341-4891 and cultural@sunyorange.edu


Photos top to bottom: The Old Fishing Hole â€" watercolor; Bobbie Slockbower; The Top of Katterskill Falls.


The Joy of My Life: Painting ~ by Bobbie Slockbower


Dorothy Szefc

Phone: (845)341-4891

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24 Grandview Avenue
Orange Hall, SUNY Orange
Middletown, NY 10940

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