Music ~ a Visual Perspective
Friday, 13 September, 2019
9:00 AM
The Arts are separate, but very much connected and complement each other. Taking one and having it viewed through two of the others offers new opportunities. And what better of the arts to inspect and interpret but Music which has been termed the Universal Language.
An extensive exhibit on this topic is presently on view in Orange Hall Gallery August 15 through October 8, 2019. Entitled Music ~ a Visual Perspective, the show is, indeed, fun and interesting to peruse.
With 75 visual and new media artists, poets, musician-composers, and collectors participating through their works,the show displays more than double that number of pieces oforiginal music scores and instruments as well as interpretations of music through poems, sculptures, paintings, drawings, photographs, printmaking, collages, mixed media, assemblages, new media videos, an audio exhibit piece, and various items all with a connection to music.
Curating this exhibit is Karen E. Gersch, visual artist and artistic director of The Art of Balance.
During the reception on Friday, September 6 from 6 to 8:30pm, the SUNY Orange Jazz Quintet will play as an ensemble as well as demonstrate their individual instruments. Also, artist/musician Steve Boyer, will play tunes on his handmade cigarbox guitars, each with different timbre.
In addition, two concerts ~ jazz and classical ~ plus a music master class and an evening of poetry readings, will take place during the time period of the exhibit.
Gallery hours are Monday through Thursday - 9am to 8pm and Friday - 9am to 6pm.The gallery is closed Labor Day Weekend.
Orange Hall is located at the corner of Wawayanda and Grandview Avenues
(GPS: 24 Grandview Avenue), on the Middletown campus of SUNY Orange.
Questions may be directed to Cultural Affairs at (845) 341-4891 and
Photos: top to bottom: Rank & File by Dan Andreana ~ mixed woods & acrylic paint; Accordian NYC by Jerry Kleiner ~ color photography; Organ Choir by David Nolan ~ wood; The Chamber Quintet by Terry Murray ~ assemblage.

Dorothy Szefc
Phone: 845-341-4891