Impeachment and the US Constitution
Wednesday, 18 September, 2019
7:00 PM
Presently, in this politically volatile time in American history, the word impeachment is brought to the forefront of discussion in Congress as well as around “the water cooler.” What is its basis, its history, its use?
Quite appropriately, it is a timely topic as Americans celebrate United States Constitution Day.
On Wednesday, September 18, 2019 at 7pm, Brian F. Carso, J.D., Ph.D, will give a lecture entitled IMPEACHMENT: What Does it Mean?
Come to the Sandra and Alan Gerry Forum, Room 010 in the Rowley Center for Science and Engineering for an interesting and informative session during which Dr. Carso will examine the constitutional origins and the political history of presidential impeachment; the reason why the Framers of the Constitution included a procedure for impeachment; its application in the cases of Andrew Johnson, Richard Nixon, and Bill Clinton; as well as how might it affect the presidency of Donald Trump.
Q & A will follow this presentation which is free and open to the public.
Brian Carso is an Associate Professor of History and Government at Misericordia University where he is the Director of the Honors Program and Director of the Pre-Law Program. Among the several courses he teaches are these: Constitutional Law I & II, Introduction to American Law, and The Presidency, the topic about which he spoke when he visited SUNY Orange in 2016. Dr. Carso holds a BA and MA from the University of Rochester, a JD from SUNY Buffalo School of Law, and a PhD from Boston University. Before taking his university post, he was a practicing attorney and served in the administration of former NY governor George Pataki. He is the author of “Whom Can We Trust Now?”: The Meaning of Treason in the United States, from the Revolution through the Civil War.
The Rowley Center for Science and Engineering is located at 10 East Conkling Avenue on the Middletown campus of SUNY Orange. Free parking can be found on street and in several college parking lots as well as the parking garage across the street.
Questions may be directed to Cultural Affairs at (845)341-4891 and

Dorothy Szefc
Phone: 845-341-4891
Website: Click to Visit