The Story Behind the Story
Tuesday, 10 March, 2020
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
A library is hub of and for information. In fact, for several years, the SUNY Orange Library was called the Learning Resource Center. Thousands of books, periodicals, manuscripts, newspapers, plus electronic reference sources are offered for use by people to come and read, research, study, and write. However, how are all these resources and materials used efficiently?
Come listen, learn, and, interact at The Story Behind the Story, a practical workshop on researching, fact-checking, writing, and editing by Steve Israel.
“When students are in library instruction, they often don't think about the work that goes on behind the scenes. All they are aware of is that the information they need is there on the screen,” according to Library Director Andy Heiz. “This is an issue of information literacy that needs to be highlighted,” he continues.
In order to focus on this topic, a free session with 30-year newspaper veteran columnist/writer Steve Israel is scheduled during the common hour from 11am through 12:15pm on Tuesday, March 10, 2020. Venue: the Sandra and Alan Gerry Forum, room 010 of the Rowley Center for Science and Engineering.
The Story Behind the Story will explain how “a story of any length - or report, or any research - starts with the facts. Then, finding those facts, and boiling them down into a concise, well-edited, readable story or report is the continuation of the process. Along the way, “checking and double-checking sources for bias and to make sure they are valid goes for any research - especially today when there’s so much fake and biased news,” Israel states. During the session, Israel will give practical tips on how to determine a real web site and a fake one; how to determine fake news and real news, real sources and biased ones and how to always back up a point of view with facts.
This workshop is intended for and limited to the college community - students/faculty/staff.
Steve Israel is an award-winning writer and editor who holds a BA in English from Franklin & Marshall College. Now retired, he presently is a freelance columnist/writer for the Times Herald-Record, a contributor to other publications, a Fellow of the Knight Center for Specialized Journalism, and a founder of the Mike Levine Writers Workshop. During his tenure as a newspaper reporter, he covered such landmark events as President Barack Obama’s first inauguration, Pope Francis’ visit to New York City, and Donald Trump’s failed attempt to block a Monticello casino. His nationally recognized investigative work included several stories that uncovered the abuse of pedophile priests. He also interviewed Hillary Clinton and James Brown and many other high-profiles.
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Dorothy Szefc
Phone: (845) 341-4891
Website: Click to Visit