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Blackboard WS#4 - Assessment/Grade Center [Faculty/Staff]

Friday, 3 April, 2020
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

This workshop will focus on how to create online exams and quizzes in Blackboard, project-based assessment, and best practices for assessment of student learning in the online environment. The second half of the workshop will focus on setting up Blackboard's grade center.

Click here to register: https://sunyorange.edu/profdev/regform.html?class_id=1546



Dana Salkowsky
Email: danasalkowsky@sunyorange.edu
Phone: 8453414055

Rowley Center for Science and Engineering View Directions to the Venue Directions WeatherView Venue Weather Location DetailsView Venue Profile

10 East Conkling Avenue
Middletown, NY 10940

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