On Light: Reflections from the Darkroom
Saturday, 30 May, 2020
All Day
To be proficient in any one of the visual arts demonstrates knowledge and talent. To be accomplished in three, shows fine-tuned expertise and creativity. Mary Cathryn Roth is such an artist. Roth received her MFA in Painting and Photography from The City College of the City University of New York. In addition, she paints intricate designs on replicas of functional household objects a centuries-old artform, American decorative arts. Two years ago, in her On Time exhibit, Roth displayed abstract paintings and photographs in the gallery and decorative arts in the glass vitrine cases.
Presently in the glass vitrine cases in the Foyer of the Mindy Ross Gallery, Roth’s exhibit
On Light: Reflections from the Darkroom ~ Photograms and Prints is “captive” because SUNY Orange’s Kaplan Hall on the Newburgh campus is closed. Originally slated to be open for viewing March 12 through May 31, 2020, a virtual tour has been created to bring the exhibit to you via YouTube. (The YouTube link will cotinue to be available after the exhibit officially ends).
Even though the video tour moves more quickly than in-person through the exhibit, the detailed narrative recorded by the artist herself provides perspective and information in an intimate manner which offers a deeper understanding of the photograms and prints as well as the equipment.
On Light is the second in Roth’s series of exhibitions exploring the artist’s essential question and themes of time, light, space, absence, presence and the body in motion. Roth states that it “is a celebration of the darkroom - its mysteries, tools, techniques and pleasures.” In addition to her early and recent photograms, negative drawings are included all as unique works of art. Also, several cameras, film, negatives, example contact sheets, paper easels, brushes for cyanotype and platinum, negative holders, reels and tanks for processing are on display.
On Light is a captivating presentation of the artistry and process of pre-digital photography. Enter the darkroom through the video.
Mary Cathryn Roth received her BA in Managerial Studies, French and Art/Art History from Rice University and her MFA in Painting and Photography from The City College of the City University of New York. Roth has been exhibiting her work in the New York metropolitan area since the mid-1990’s and in the Hudson Valley since 2007. Additional exhibition history includes Fort Wayne, Houston, London, Paris, Pittsburgh, Skopje, Thessaloniki and Washington, D.C. Residencies and awards include: residency in photography by the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation to the Vermont Studio Center, residency and the St. Jovan Kukuzel Medal of Honor for Painting & Photography, Ministry of Emigration, Republic of Macedonia, Kristine Croneis Sayres Senior Painting Award from Rice University, Bull Travel Fellowship, Rice University French Department (permitted independent study in the artist studio for sixteen months in Paris and London), the Connor Painting Award (2) from CCNY.
Roth was a volunteer docent at the Museum of African Art, a press liaison for the International Center of Photography, and a photographer for the National Museum of the American Indian/Smithsonian Department of Education. She is a Board Trustee for the Historical Society of Early American Decoration. Roth also is an adjunct faculty member at SUNY Orange teaching Drawing, Color Theory, Darkroom Photography and Digital Photography. Roth practices and teaches the Art of Yoga with a focus on exploring creative potential and the Divine Light Within.
Questions may be directed to Cultural Affairs at cultural@sunyorange.edu
Information is available through the website at www.sunyorange.edu/culturalaffairs

Dorothy Szefc
Phone: (845) 341-4891
Website: Click to Visit