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Alternative Printmaking Methods: Collagraphs in the Kitchen

Tuesday, 23 June, 2020
10:00 AM

collage1An art master class, during which participants will have the opportunity to create an ElizabethSchneiderartwork with materials that can be found around the house, is being offered via zoom on Tuesday, June 23, 2020 at 10am. This session is free and open to the public and is accessible through your computer or other electronic device by clicking here.

Alternative Printmaking Methods: Collagraphs in the Kitchen by Elizabeth Schneider is presented by Cultural Affairs.

Schneider, who grew up in Walden, now teaches at Kutztown University. She is very engaging and encourages students and attendees to think beyond their realm while working in real time. When she realized that not all participants would have readily available to them the elements to do conventional printmaking, she expanded the collage2materials list.

She explains, “A collagraph is made by building up an image on a plate surface (cardboard, metal, or plastic) with glue and other materials, thereby creating recessed areas where ink, chalk, pencil, pastel, charcoal, or crayon rubbings are retained to produce an image transferred to paper.”

So…gather what materials you can find as suggested above, plus scissors, cutters, a roller if possible, plus a cereal or cracker box, and drawing paper and you will be ready for the class. Bring your imaginations.

Elizabeth Schneider holds a BFA from the School of Architecture, Art, and
Planning, Cornell University and an MFA in Studio Art, University of South Florida. She lives and teaches in the ever-changing world of Digital Animation, Game Art,
and Interactive Media.

If you have questions, contact cultural@sunyorange.edu.

Alternative Printmaking Methods: Collagraphs in the Kitchen


Dorothy Szefc

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