Who Was a Suffragist: A More Diverse View
Wednesday, 30 September, 2020
6:30 PM
The signing of the United States Constitution is celebrated each year on
September 17, and events related to this long-standing charter of government are presented throughout the month.
2020 marks the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment, thereby granting the right to vote to women.
Ah! But was it that simple?
It wasn’t simple at all. A lengthy and difficult struggle by persistent women who strategized, lectured, wrote, marched, lobbied, and practiced civil disobedience finally reached the goal in the passing and then ratifying of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution.
However, who were left out and remained ineligible to vote?
Tune in to a lecture by Penn State Associate Professor Cathleen D. Cahill, PhD, on Wednesday, September 30 at 6:30pm for
Who Was a Suffragist: A More Diverse View ~ Women of Color:
African American, Native American, Asian American, Hispanic American ~
and highlighting the 19th and 24th Amendments and the Voting Rights Act.
This timely lecture is viewed through significant moments in the lives of six woman whose racial and ethnic groups were denied the right to vote. They insisted that women in their communities also deserved the vote. Their fight for equality had not ended with the enactment of the 19th. This lecture offers a revealing look at another side and an inspiring new history of woman suffrage.
Given the 2020 presidential election will take place 34 days after this lecture, this presentation sheds light on the importance and fragility of voting rights.
Registration is required to receive a zoom invitation to this webinar. Click HERE to register.
Cathleen D. Cahill is a social historian who explores the everyday experiences of ordinary people, primarily women. She focuses on women's working and political lives, asking how identities such as race, nationality, class, and age have shaped them. She is the author of award-winning Federal Fathers and Mothers: A Social History of the United States Indian Service, 1869-1932, and has a new book forthcoming, Recasting the Vote: How Women of Color Transformed the Suffrage Movement.
Dr. Cahill holds a B.A., in History and a B.A. in English, University of California, Davis; an M.A., in Social Science, University of Chicago, and a Ph.D., in History, University of Chicago.
This lecture is presented by Cultural Affairs at SUNY Orange in cooperation with the Distinguished Lectureship Program of the Organization of American Historians.
Questions may be directed to cultural@sunyorange.edu

Dorothy Szefc