Grounding the Space Race: How the Civil Rights, Feminist, and Environmental Movements Brought NASA Back Down to Earth
Sunday, 29 November, 2020
All Day
The lecture Grounding the Space Race: How the Civil Rights, Feminist, and Environmental Movements Brought NASA Back Down to Earth by Neil Maher, PhD, which took place on Wednesday, October 14, 2020, is now available as a video.
By clicking HERE, you will access the lecture video which is available for viewing through November 30.
Dr. Neil Maher, author of Apollo in the Age of Aquarius and Nature’s New Deal: The Civilian Conservation Corps and the Roots of the American Environmental Movement, explained and discussed the unexpected synergies between the space race of the 1960s and the grassroots struggles of that era ~ the environmental, the feminist, and the civil rights movements in the United States.
“While many Americans celebrated NASA’s astronauts for helping the US win the Cold War competition to the Moon, many environmentalists, women, and African Americans, were more critical of the Apollo mission for distracting the nation from more pressing problems back on Earth,” states Maher.
Neil Maher holds a BA in History from Dartmouth College and an MA and PhD in US History from NYU. He has been the recipient of 21 fellowships and grants from 1994 to 2019, including a Fellow at the Charles Warren Center for Studies in American History, Harvard University. In addition, he has received seven awards from 2006 to 2019 including the Robert W. Van Houten Award for Teaching Excellence from NJIT where he is a Professor & Master Teacher in the
Federated History Department.

Dorothy Szefc