Analog Recording in A Digital Era ~ a music master class
Sunday, 4 April, 2021
All Day
For those of you who missed or want to re-view the Friday, March 26, 2021 master class Analog Recording in A Digital Era, given by Josh Druckman, the recording of the class is now available for viewing through May 1. Click HERE.
The virtual session transported attendees to Druckman’s recording haven. Then, while touring studio A, he proceeded to explain, discuss, and demonstrate how traditional recording techniques and vintage, analog equipment is applied in a modern recording setting. In addition, he described the differences in sizes, materials, and sound qualities in his studios along with their respective purposes.
Druckman took the audience through his life experiences including his education at the Computer Music Center of Columbia College at Columbia University which helped form his openness to musicians’ 24/7 creative hours and their comfort needs.
He also described how he balances his passion of being producer and chief tracking/mix engineer in his studios with being proprietor of Outlier Inn, an Airbnb which keeps him afloat financially and is the peaceful, stress-removing setting for its motto ~ “Rest, Relaxation and Rock & Roll.”
Throughout his overtime program which captivated attendees, it was evident what a strong work ethic and flexibility, plus knowledge acquired from higher education and coupled with practical go-to-it-iveness produce opportunities.
Questions should be directed to

Dorothy Szefc