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Leading in the time of COVID

Tuesday, 2 November, 2021
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

The Business Club invites Dr. Kristine Young to discuss " Leading in the Time of COVID"

All are invited to attend this important and news worthy topic.


Date: Tuesday November 2, 2021

Time: 11 am

Zoom link :  97999080085


For more information contact:

Professor Daryl Goldberg    daryl.goldberg@sunyorange.edu

Professor Jonathan Goldberg  jonathan.goldberg@sunyorange.edu

Kira Pedicini           kjp23@sunyorange.edu


SUNY Orange President Dr. Kristine Young is a visionary leader who has spent the first six years of her presidency reshaping the student experience through strategic approaches to improving support services, successful acquisition of transformational federal and state grants, and blending the best elements of Guided Pathways principles with the College’s strengths.


With one eye focused on delivering a meaningful daily “SUNY Orange Experience” for students, she simultaneously is tackling implementation of the College’s new Strategic Plan 2020-2025, the roadmap by which SUNY Orange will reach its 75th anniversary in 2025. The plan is designed for the College to empower student success, strengthen the region’s economic future, and sustain and invigorate its own future.


Navigating SUNY Orange through a global pandemic that triggered unprecedented impacts upon the College’s financial stability, enrollment and operations during both 2020 and 2021, Young’s leadership assured that the College was able to preserve the safety of its students and employees while continuing to offer academics with integrity. In April 2020, Young was among a small group of higher education leaders appointed to then-Governor Andrew Cuomo’s “New York Forward Re-Opening Advisory Board.”


During Young’ tenure, SUNY Orange has secured more than $11 million in grants. From October 2019 through September 2020 alone, the College was awarded $5.4 million in grants, including renewal of its five-year, $1.3 million TRIO grant and successful receipt of a five-year, $2.94 million Hispanic Serving Institutions Program grant, both from the U.S. Department of Education.


Additionally, Young and her team are identifying ways SUNY Orange can create new and targeted workforce training partnerships across a variety of business sectors that are generating pipelines of talented and skilled employees while also time sparking economic development within Orange County. Such work will be even more critical in a post-COVID environment that is likely to see continued high unemployment.


Young came to SUNY Orange following a 17-year tenure at Parkland College in Champaign, Ill. Born in nearby Scranton, Pa., and raised in Moscow, Pa., Young earned her bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Muhlenberg College in Allentown, Pa., in 1996 and her master’s degree in chemistry from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1998. Her doctorate degree is from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.


She is a member of the Board of Directors of the American Association of Community Colleges, where she shapes the organization’s advocacy for more than 1,200 community colleges nationwide. She serves on the AACC Executive Board and was chair of the AACC Commission on Public Relations Advocacy and Advancement for 2020-21. Young is in her fifth year of service on the Mid-Hudson Regional Economic Development Council and is chair and/or provides service to several MHREDC committees. She also holds membership on the boards of several local organizations.



daryl goldberg

Phone: 8453414385

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