Healthcare through the COVID-19 Pandemic
Monday, 22 November, 2021
7:00 PM
During the last twenty-three months, the covid-19 pandemic has been the controlling force in everyday life, internationally, nationally, regionally, and locally. Pandemic was not in the plans, on the books, as such. No clear-cut textbook approach of handling such an overwhelming situation was on file, except in the minds and notes of medical researchers.
Government run by politicians had controversial views and approaches to dealing with this global medical emergency.
In the center of the crisis and facing daily alarming challenges were hospitals, large and small. Staffs and facilities were stressed and stretched to the limits. Even now, with covid surges in areas of the United States and other countries, the possibility of resurgence looms like a pall.
Besides the lasting physical and psychological effects of the pandemic which continue to shape daily life, many questions arise concerning the future. What changes in healthcare are here to stay? Where and how did healthcare systems most effectively rise to the challenge of the pandemic? What are the consequences of covid-19 on the healthcare environment? How has the training for healthcare professionals changed? And moving forward, what has been learned?
On Monday, November 22, join us for the zoom webinar at 7pm Surviving and Thriving through the COVID-19 Pandemic, a lecture by Scott Batulis, President and Chief Executive Officer for Garnet Health. Registration is required at link
In the course of his presentation, Batulis will cover these questions and yours.
Under his leadership, Garnet Health Medical Center in Middletown opened on August 5, 2011 and was at that time, the first new, freestanding hospital in New York State in more than 20 years. During his tenure, a strong educational partnership has been forged with Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine, and seven residency programs enrolls over 100 medical residents. Garnet Health Doctors with Primary, Specialty and Urgent Care services was established at nine locations throughout Orange and Sullivan Counties. Amid the height of the pandemic, Garnett Health established mass vaccination centers that administered more than 30,000 vaccines as well as caring for the extremely sick.
This event is the collaborative effort of Cultural Affairs, Global Initiative, the Biology Department, the Nursing Department, and the SUNY Orange Foundation. Questions should be directed to and check out

Dorothy Szefc