North East Watercolor Society 2022 Members’ Exhibition (Open to the Public -- Welcome!)
Sunday, 20 February, 2022
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Music in the Gallery is the theme for the Open Dates, February 12th & 20th. Viewing of the North East Watercolor Society 2022 Members’ Exhibition is available to visitors. Fifty-five works are installed in Orange Hall Gallery and Fringe. The variety of styles from tight representational to the loose use of the brush and water is demonstrated in the still lifes, land and seascapes, portraits, genre paintings, and semi-abstracts in the exhibit. This annual show offers the educational opportunity of seeing up-close how the water medium is handled.
To “jazz up” the show, professor/composer/pianist Chris Parker is playing his original jazz at the Saturday, February 12th afternoon Open Date from 1:30 till 3:30pm.
And during the following weekend, on Open Date, Sunday, February 20th, Albany-based pianist Geoff Hamburg will be at the Yamaha to play lively contemporary music from 1:30 till 3:30pm.
Music and Art complement each other. And enhancing the beauty of the artworks produced by the members of the North East Watercolor Society is an exhilarating task for the musicians. Come and enjoy.
The in-person/gallery show is on view through March 10. However, hours open to the general public are very limited, capacity numbers are limited because of social distancing, and masks are required regardless of vaccination status, all due to covid restrictions.
In addition to the 12th and 20th Open Dates, the following dates and times are open for the public: February 26 ~ 1:30-3:30, March 4 ~ 6:30-8:30, March 7 ~ 3-5. Questions may be directed to and 845-341-4891.
Orange Hall Gallery is open to the college community for viewing the artworks during all regular hours of the college as well as the Open Dates.
Free parking is available in the lot adjacent to Orange Hall which is located at the corner of Wawayanda and Grandview Avenues, (GPS: 24 Grandview Ave.) on the Middletown campus of SUNY Orange.
The following artworks are the prize winners chosen by judge Michael Solovyev:
Best in Show: Sunlit Leafy Pear by Janet Laird-Lagassee
Elaine M. Garvin Memorial Award: Misty Evening by Patricia Quirk
NEWS Excellence Award: Summer Vermont Town by Michele Clamp
NEWS Excellence Award: Fishery 1 by Claude Carretta
NEWS Excellence Award: CSX Diesel in Middleboro, MA by Kate Sullivan
NEWS Excellence Award: Stormy by Lorraine Rimmelin
NEWS Excellence Award: Summer Sidewalk by Carolyn Latanision
Honorable Mention: Savannah Driftwood by Patrick Varriano
Honorable Mention: Kit Kats by Mary Jane Magoon
Honorable Mention: A Point Well Taken by Alexis Lavine
Born in Russia in 1972, Michael Solovyev lives in Montréal since 2011. His artworks grace public and private collections around the world. He has held 16 personal and 70 group exhibitions in different countries. Solovyev has won numerous awards, including the first Award of Excellence on Elected Members Exhibition Society of Canadian Artists in 2019. Michael Solovyev is a Daniel Smith Brand Ambassador, a Fabriano in Acquarello Canada Country Leader, and a Signature Member of SCA, NEWS, and IWS.
The following are the participating artists:
Robert Adzema
Diana Aliberti
Anne Austin
Linda Barboni
Laverne Black
Patricia Collins Broun
Janet Campbell
Claude Carretta
Michele Clamp
Connie Clutter
Teresa Cromwell
Chito Delos Santos
Amanda Epstein
Karen Fitzgerald
Judi Gilden
Arthur Gilmore
Randy Globus
Seema Goldstein
Katherine Gray
Ann Smiga Greene
Cindi Handy
Anne Harhay
Caroline Harrow
Ann Higgins
Elise Hornbeck
Kate Hyden
Shar Kennett
Laura Kohlmann
Rebecca Krutsinger
Theresa Kubert
Janet Laird-Lagassee
Jeanne Lampson
Anita Langford
Carolyn Latanision
Alexis Lavine
Alan Lewis
Joan MacFarlane
June Maciolek
Christine Verga Maday
Mary Jane Magoon
Sandra Pealer
Richard Price
Lana Privitera
Nan Quintin
Patricia Quirk
Kathryn Ralli
Lori Rapuano
Lorraine Rimmelin
Rose Scaglione
Michael Scherfen
Ana Sharma
Linn Stilwell
E. Jane Stoddard
Annie Strack
Kate Sullivan
Valerie Taggart
Richard Van Tieghem
Patrick Varriano
Leslie Waxtel
Susan Weintraub
Jill Weltman
Cheri Weymann
Nora Winn
Art credits from top to bottom: Summer Vermont Town by Michele Clamp, Misty Evening by Patricia Quirk, Summer Sidewalk by Carolyn Latanision, and Paradise Falls by Richard Price.

Dorothy Szefc