Cannabis lecture two: Instinctive Biases Towards Cannabis
Thursday, 3 March, 2022
6:30 PM
The second in the five-lecture series Cannabis ~ Changing A Weed to A Resource is scheduled for Thursday, March 3, 2022 at 6:30pm in-person at the Rowley Center for Science and Engineering (RCSE), Gerry Forum 010, and remotely via zoom. The link is
Entitled Our Instinctive Biases Towards Cannabis Produced Through Human Group Selection, the lecture is being presented by Monty Vacura, the Botany professor at SUNY Orange whose recent work and research are focused on promoting horticulture education in Orange County.
The presentation will ask questions, give information, and offer much food for thought: promoting horticulture education in Orange County.
What is Cannabis and How is it Symbolized in Our Society?
Unconscious Influence From Society On Our Individual Choices
Our BIOLOGICAL Hard-Wiring and Animal Survival Mechanisms for Fear
-Hamilton’s Rule: Altruistic Behavior for In-Group;
Reverse Equation Applied on Out-Group
-Survival of Groups Depended Upon Interpreting Identical Behaviors as
Complete Opposites; One Good, One Bad.
-Symbolism Supports Social Relationship Development
History Of Cannabis Media Fits Model of In-Group/Out-Group Behavior
Q & A and discussion are welcome during this thought-provoking, educational evening event.
The lectures in this five-lecture series are directly related to the growing of cannabis as a quality horticulture product and an agriculture endeavor that can help kick-start and rejuvenate produce farming in Orange County and its contiguous counties. The following are the selection of courses offered:
General Horticulture, [HRT-101 (Offered: May 23, Summer 2022)] covers essential information required for a basic understanding of horticulture. Subjects range from plant anatomy, soil science, organic gardening, pest/weed management, plant development and propagation, sustainable landscapes, urban forestry, and applied ecology. This course is the prerequisite to Horticultural Cannabis, HRT-150.
Horticultural Cannabis, [HRT-150 (Offered: Fall 2022)] will provide hands-on experience with growing Cannabis sativa. Subjects range from Cannabis morphology, soil amendments, metabolism, flowers, sustainable fiber/building materials, plant propagation, and the biochemistry of THC, CBD, terpenes and other plant constituents.
Introduction to Organic Chemistry, [CHM-200 (Offered: Fall 2022)] is a survey of the fundamental principles of organic chemistry. Topics include drawing organic structures, hybridization, bonding, intermolecular forces, acid/bases, functional groups, hydrocarbon properties and nomenclature, chirality, separation techniques, and spectroscopic analysis.
Monty Vacura holds a B.S. and M.S. Fort Hays State University in Kansas. He was given the distinguished honor of being the recipient of the 2010 SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching.
RCSE is located at 10 East Conkling Avenue on the Middletown campus of SUNY Orange. Free parking can be found on street and in several college parking lots.
Masks and social distancing are required.
Questions may be directed to Cultural Affairs at

Dorothy Szefc