Spring Serenades with Harp, Flute, and Viola
Sunday, 3 April, 2022
3:00 PM
It’s been more than two years since live professional music has been played in a performance open to both the college community and the community-at-large. Ironically, harpist Frances Duffy was to be to be the featured musician the last weekend of March 2020. By that time the college was in shutdown as it was preparing to be remote because of the pandemic. To reawaken us to the excitement and beauty of live performance of music Frances Duffy is coming and bringing musician friends Jill Sokol, flutist, and David Gold, violist, to play a varied program on Sunday, April 3, 2022.
The 3pm show, Spring Serenades with Harp, Flute, and Viola, has a stunning selection of works by Théodore DuBois, Bernard Andres, Marcel Grandjany, and Claude Debussy. Come to Orange Hall Gallery at the Middletown campus of SUNY Orange for a wonderful Sunday afternoon performance in a casual setting.
Duffy, Sokol, and Gold are multi-genre musicians playing in classical, show, folk, and pop ensembles of large and small sizes. With so many types of music in which they are involved, they are constantly stimulated. Also, they all teach is a variety of settings.
Frances Duffy holds BFA and MM degrees in music performance from Carnegie Mellon University and an MM in Orchestral Performance from the Manhattan School of Music. She received her DMA at Mason Gross School of the Arts at Rutgers University.
After completing her undergraduate education at the Aaron Copland School of Music at Queens College, Jill earned her Master’s and Doctorate degrees at Peabody Conservatory of Music and Stony Brook University, respectively.
David Gold received a BA at the University of California, Berkeley and studied and earned an MM from the Juilliard School.
Frances Duffy is also giving a master class on Friday, April1 at 11am in Orange Hall room 23 entitled The Harp: Its history, music, and how it works!
Questions may be directed to cultural@sunyorange.edu
Orange Hall is located at the corner of Wawayanda & Grandview Avenues (GPS: 24 Grandview Avenue), Middletown, NY. Questions may be directed to Cultural Affairs at SUNY Orange. www.sunyorange.edu/culturalaffairs
Photo credits from top-down: photo of Jill Sokol by Lee Seidenberg; photo of David Gold by discogs.com.

Dorothy Szefc