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The Pharmacology of Medicinal and Recreational Cannabis Recording

Monday, 9 May, 2022
All Day

On Thursday, March 31, 2022, at 7pm Dr. Donald F. Slish delivered the fourth in the Cannabis ~ Changing A Weed to A Resource lecture series. He explained a very complex subject in ways that were understandable to the general public.

imageHis talk, The Pharmacology of Medicinal and Recreational Cannabis,included slides on the science of and an historical overview of the botanical species of cannabis. Slish  examined the pharmacokinetics of use, that is the products and routes of administration. Additionally, he analyzed pharmacodynamics -the effect and breakdown of cannabis drugs within the body and CB1 receptor mechanism. From the neurobiology focus on cannabis, he  described its effects on pathways and recreational doses of THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, the chemical responsible for most of marijuana’s psychological effects.

The presentation was recorded and captioned and is available for viewing through June 30 by clicking the link here.

Donald F. Slish holds a BS in Biochemistry from the University of Scranton and a PhD in Pharmacology from the University of Cincinnati School of Medicine, Department of Pharmacology and Cell Biophysics. At SUNY Plattsburgh, he is the chief pre-medical advisor and he teaches General Biology, Cell Biology, the Biology of Cancer, the Pharmacology of Recreational Drugs, and Cardiovascular Pharmacology. Slish has authored and co-authored several books and peer-reviewed articles. His latest book is entitled Pharmacology of Recreational Drugs. 

Questions may be directed to Cultural Affairs at cultural@sunyorange.edu website: www.sunyorange.edu/culturalaffairs

The Pharmacology of Medicinal and Recreational Cannabis Recording


Dorothy Szefc
Email: cultural@sunyorange.edu

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