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The Future of Regenerative Cannabis Recording

Saturday, 4 June, 2022
All Day

imageSmrita Choubey was raised with the ancient sciences of yoga and Ayurveda. As an Indian American, that was part of her family’s history which also included farming. With the shift in outlook and perspective on cannabis and its recent legalization, it was a logical move for her to find a way to merge her family background with raising cannabis which has been used in Eastern medicine for thousands of years.

So, this business and investment banking professional who studied Economics at The University of Chicago and received an MBA from Columbia Business School, Columbia University, left her high-stress NYC job and founded Veda Farms, a regenerative cannabis company that seeks plant-based health solutions.

imageOn Wednesday, April 13, 2022, Smrita Choubey presented a lecture entitled The Future of Regenerative Cannabis. She described the sustainability of regenerative agriculture as a holistic farming practice that helps to reverse climate change by rebuilding organic soil matter and sequestering carbon, while enhancing biodiversity and improving the water cycle.

This lecture was the fifth in the Cannabis ~ Changing A Weed to A Resource series. It was recorded and captioned and is now available for viewing through June 30 via this link.

Top image description: Veda Farms logo.

The Future of Regenerative Cannabis Recording


Dorothy Szefc

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Middletown, NY 10940

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