A Poetry Reading by J.R. Solonche
Sunday, 23 October, 2022
2:00 PM
Poetry is wonderful to read by yourself. With a few words, poetry quickly whisks its reader away from an ordinary space at home to the poet’s environs.
Poetry read aloud is dynamic with its rhythms, emphasis, and directness all in a few words. Poetry read by the poet is the ultimate treat! The intonations, accents, and immediacy of the wordsmith to listener brings a deeper dimension to each poem.
Come and experience poetry live and in-person amidst artworks in Orange Hall Gallery. On Sunday, October 23, 2022 at 2pm, A Poetry Reading by J.R. Solonche is scheduled and you are invited!
J.R. Solonche
Solonche will read and comment on a variety of his poems from the 27 books he has published. Then, following the Reading, he will let attendees choose from a large selection of books which he’ll sign and give to them.
J.R. Solonche has published poetry in more than 500 magazines, journals, and anthologies since the early 1970s. His poems have been read on Garrison Keillor’s The Writer’s Almanac and other radio shows and have been translated into Portuguese, Italian, German, and Korean. Through his works, he has been twice-nominated for the Pulitzer Prize and this year nominated for the 2022 National Book Award.
He is a Professor Emeritus of English at SUNY Orange.
Orange Hall is located at the corner of Wawayanda and Grandview Avenues; GPS: 24 Grandview Avenue, Middletown, NY. Free parking is available in the Orange Hall parking lot. Questions may be directed to Cultural Affairs at (845)341-4891 or cultural@sunyorange.edu.

Dorothy Szefc
Email: cultural@sunyorange.edu