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Criminal Justice Club Meeting - Join Today!

Thursday, 4 April, 2024
11:30 AM - 12:15 PM

New members are always welcome.

The Newburgh/Middletown Criminal Justice Club is a great way to meet fellow students, engage in campus activities, and work together with other students, faculty, and staff while building life skills for your future!  You do not have to be a CJ major to join.

The CJ Club will meet on most THURSDAYS throughout the semester from 1130AM to 1215PM on the Newburgh Campus Tower Building Room 316 and on ZOOM.  If you are on the Middletown Campus, we will work on a meeting place in a few weeks so students can join as a group on ZOOM. 

If you are interested and want to learn more, please join the club meetings on Thursdays (beginning February 1st, 2024) from 1130AM and ending at 1215PM. 

Zoom link information:

CJ CLUB Zoom Code/Link:  https://sunyorange.zoom.us/j/91832769935


Timothy Zeszutek
Email: timothy.zeszutek@sunyorange.edu
Phone: 8453419328
Website: Click to Visit



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1 Washington Center
Newburgh, NY 12550

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