College Health 101 in Newburgh
Thursday, 15 February, 2024
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Did you know....
- Only 33% of college students rate their own health as "very good."
- 68% of college students report that stress keeps them from sleeping at night.
- One in four college students will perform poorly at school due to lack of sleep.
- 20% of college students will pull an all-nighter at least once a month.
- 50% of college students engage in moving their bodies less than once a week (walking, yoga, running, sports, dancing, etc.)
- 59% of college students experience some type of food insecurity.
- 95% of college students are not eating enough fruits or vegetables to obtain the recommended amount of vitamins and minerals
Being a student is tough on the body and the mind. Balancing school, work, commuting, family issues, financial concerns, and relationships leaves little time to focus on wellness. However, studies consistently show that students who sleep well, eat nutritious foods, move their bodies, manage their stress appropriately, and give priority to their whole-body health perform significantly better in school.
The Wellness Center staff will be holding two workshops on College Health in the month of February: Thursday, Feb. 8 at 11 a.m. in Rowley 111 at the Middletown campus (and simultaneously on Zoom: and on Thursday, Feb. 15 at 1 p.m. in Kaplan 111 on the Newburgh Campus. We will give tips on how to stay as healthy as possible during the challenging college years, including lots of tips on how to sleep better, attain your nutritional goals, and move your body in ways that feel like a reward and not a punishment!
Registration is not necessary.
Questions? Call the Wellness Center at (845) 341-4870.
Marianne Sciucco
Phone: 8453414870