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The Apprentice Players Present: The Spring Awakening Show

Friday, 5 April, 2024
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

The Apprentice Players and Arts and Communication Department Present: The Spring Awakening Show by Dakota Cohen

The Apprentice Players, in collaboration with the Arts and Communication Department, proudly presents "The Spring Awakening Show" by Dakota Cohen. Directed by David H. Cohen and Dakota Cohen, this innovative adaptation of the classic German teen comedy unfolds in a 1950s TV studio, exploring themes of adolescence and societal repression.

Set in the late 1950s to early 1960s, "The Spring Awakening Show" unfolds within the confines of a TV studio, where an episode of a program titled Spring Awakening is being recorded. Through this innovative lens, the story follows three teenagers"Malcolm, Morris, and Wendy"as they navigate the turbulent journey into adulthood.

The play explores their quest for self-discovery, grappling with fundamental questions about life, sex, and personal identity while contending with the restrictive norms imposed by adults.

Don't miss "The Spring Awakening Show" at The Richards Theater in Orange Hall on April 5, 6, 12, and 13 at 7:30 PM, with matinees on April 7 and 14 at 3:00 PM. Tickets are $10 for general admission; students with valid ID enjoy free entry. 

Join us for ‘talk back’ question and answer session after the Saturday performances

For more information, please email: clubs.apprenticeplayers@sunyorange.edu


David H Cohen
Arts and Communication Department, Theater


The Apprentice Players Present: The Spring Awakening Show


David H Cohen

Phone: 8453414851

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24 Grandview Avenue
Orange Hall, SUNY Orange
Middletown, NY 10940

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