Recorded Lecture: Should Nuclear Power Play a Role in Reducing Fossil Fuel Use
Sunday, 15 September, 2024
All Day
On Wednesday, April 17, 2024, Charles Kocsis, presented a lecture entitled
Should Nuclear Power Play a Role in Reducing Fossil Fuel Use? The event took place in the Orange Bank & Trust Company Great Room 101 in Kaplan Hall at 7pm.
Past, present, and the possible future of the electric grid was discussed. In addition, Kocsis explained the arguments for and against using nuclear power plants to help move away from fossil fuels.
The fact and fiction about the safety of nuclear power plants during normal operations and accidents as well as radiation exposures were topics that were brought into the conversation. Kocsis is particularly knowledgeable about this because he worked in several capacities at Indian Point Energy Center.
The lecture presentation was recorded and has been edited and captioned and is ready for viewing. The opportunity for viewing this educational video is offered through September 15th. The link will be provided upon request to
In the subject line, put Nuclear Power and Reducing Fossil Fuel Use.
Architects, engineers, and municipal officials will receive a certificate for one PDH-CEU for virtual attendance upon completion of pertinent questions on the lecture. Please state in the subject line Nuclear Power & PDH-CEU.
Questions may be directed to