Monday, 2 December, 2024
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
The last three lectures of the 14-week series, the Birds of Orange County, given by Professor Walter Jahn, are scheduled on Mondays November 18, 25, and December 2. Time: 5:30 to 6:30pm; Venues: in-person, room 128 in the Rowley Center for Science and Engineering (GPS: 10 East Conkling Ave, Middletown) or zoom at
The topics on the November dates will give readers reason for getting on hiking boots and go Birding! On the 18th Local Birding in Fall & Winter; on the 25th Local Birding in Spring & Summer.
On December 2, Professor Jahn will discuss Environmental Issues Facing Birds inthis last lecture of this series.What effect will climate change have on our feathered friends? How are extremes in temperature changing many types of bird species? What food sources will no longer be available? How are chemical and anthropogenic pollutions detrimentally changing habitats and the sustainability of birds?
Come and learn and ask questions.
The whole series is being recorded, edited, and captioned. Let us know if you or friends/relatives are interested in viewing the series and the link to it will be made available to you.
Looking forward to the spring semester of 2025, Professor Jahn will be following the same format on day of the week, time, and venues. He will be sharing his knowledge on a variety of subjects including Winter Wildlife, Migratory Waterfowl, Spring Birds, Spring Amphibians, Reptiles, Bugs & other Arthropods, Human Evolution, and the Geological-Biological eras of life.
For additional information, email
Identify birds by hovering over each bird.

Dorothy Szefc