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Sleep 101: How to sleep better

Wednesday, 2 April, 2025
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

We spend 1/3 of our lives sleeping, so why not make the most of it? For tips on how to get to sleep earlier, stay asleep longer, and sleep more soundly, please join Erin Rion, Director of the Wellness Center, for this hour-long workshop. Some topics covered will include

  • why your alarm clock may be interrupting your sleep
  • how exercise could be keeping you awake
  • how to build a bedtime ritual that is optimal for rest
  • what to eat for better sleep
  • what happens to your body and brain when you don't get enough sleep

This training is focused on sleep and college students, however, the tips apply to EVERYONE, so faculty and staff are welcome to attend!

When & Where: Wednesday, April 2 at 3 pm in Rowley Center Room 111

Register here: https://machform.sunyorange.edu/view.php?id=915121 or walk-in.

Questions? Please email Erin Rion at erinrion@sunyorange.edu


Erin Rion

Phone: 8453414870



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Middletown, NY 10940

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