Business Faculty, Students Attend HV VentureFEST
October 23, 2019
MIDDLETOWN, N.Y. – SUNY Orange Business Department faculty members Laura Angerame, Lucinda Fleming and Don Urmston, along with two business students, attended the 1st Annual VentureFEST at the SUNY New Paltz campus on Oct. 17.
The event attracted more than 300 students, entrepreneurs, educators, service providers and angel investors. VentureFEST was sponsored by the Hudson Valley Venture Hub, an entrepreneur ecosystem of which the SUNY Orange Business Department is a member. The event included an entrepreneur panel, breakout sessions that covered areas such as blockchain, app development, design thinking, and the Angel Investing experience.
There was an opportunity for entrepreneurs to “Meet the Mentors” to discuss their ideas and ask for advice from mentors in more than 21 areas of expertise. Urmston, assistant professor of business at SUNY Orange, was one of the mentors, sharing his expertise in lifestyle, early stage, retail, and idea development.
The event ended with a PitchFEST where eight local entrepreneurs each made a two-minute pitch, with the top three ideas receiving funding. This event used a real time gaming app that allowed both the judges and the attendees to vote on the top three pitches.
Photo caption:
(L-R): Lucinda Flemng, business department chair, and faculty members Laura Angerame and Don Urmston at the 2019 VentureFEST Mentor Session.