Spring Baseball and Softball Schedules Unveiled
March 24, 2021
MIDDLETOWN, N.Y. – For the first time since their seasons were abruptly curtailed by the COVID-19 pandemic slightly more than one year ago, the SUNY Orange baseball and softball teams return to competition this weekend to kick off abbreviated Spring 2021 campaigns still impacted by the pandemic.
The softball squad opens the season on Saturday, March 27, with an away doubleheader against Suffolk at Noon, while the baseball team will host Sussex in a Noon twinbill on Sunday. In all, head coach Steve Cabarcas has compiled a 21-game regular season schedule for the baseball team while softball coach Amber Butenhoff has arranged an 18-game campaign for her Colts’ squad.
To begin the season, no spectators will be permitted at home games. The College will stream video of home contests and also operate live statistical updates via Gamechanger. Baseball video streams will be available on the SUNY Orange Baseball Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/SUNYOrangebaseball) while softball contests will be available on the SUNY Orange Athletics Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/OCCCAthletics).
“All along, our intent was explore ways in which we could return our spring sports to competition while providing our student-athletes with the safest and most rewarding athletic experience possible,” said Athletic Director Wayne Smith. “Even with these schedules in place, we know our approach to this Spring will remain fluid. We’ve seen how the pandemic has impacted high school, college and professional sports, so we will closely observe state and local trends related to the pandemic and its spread. Our student-athletes will continue to undergo mandated pooled testing at the College.
“I appreciate the patience and flexibility of our student-athletes and coaches, and thank those schools in our region for working with us to arrange appropriate schedules,” Smith added. “I also am grateful to President Dr. Kristine Young and the College administration for supporting our efforts to return to the competitive environments we’ve all been missing over the past year.”
For more information, contact Smith at wayne.smith@sunyorange.edu or at (845) 341-4261.
SUNY Orange Baseball Schedule
March 28 Sunday Sussex Home 12:00 (DH)
April 3 Saturday Monroe Express Home 12:00 (DH)
10 Saturday Monroe Home 12:00 (DH)
11 Sunday Monroe Express Home 12:00 (DH)
17 Saturday Suffolk Away 12:00 (DH)
18 Sunday Sussex Away 12:00 (DH)
24 Saturday Suffolk Home 12:00 (DH)
25 Sunday Monroe Express Home* 12:00 (DH)
26 Monday Sussex* Away 7:00 PM
(Military Appreciation. Night)
May 1 Saturday Ulster Away 12:00 (DH)
2 Sunday Ulster Home 12:00 (DH)
7-8 Region XV Tournament TBA TBA
15-16 NJCAA District Tournament Region XV TBA
29- NJCAA World Series Enid, OK TBA
All Home Games Played at SUNY Orange Field, Wawayanda Ave., Middletown
Bold denotes Mid-Hudson Conference/Region XV Games
SUNY Orange Softball Schedule
March 27 Saturday Suffolk Away 12:00 (DH)
April 3 Saturday Nassau Away 12:00 (DH)
10 Saturday Monroe Home 12:00 (DH)
17 Saturday Monroe Express Away 12:00 (DH)
18 Sunday Monroe Express Home 12:00 (DH)
24 Saturday Nassau Home 12:00 (DH)
25 Sunday Sussex Home 12:00 (DH)
May 1 Saturday Lackawanna Home 12:00 (DH)
2 Sunday Suffolk Home 12:00 (DH)
TBA NJCAA District Tournament TBA TBA
TBA NJCAA Nationals Oxford, AL TBA
All Home Games Played at Mary B. Diana Field, SUNY Orange Campus, Middletown