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SUNY Orange Ranks 11th in Best Associate Degree Colleges in NY

April 26, 2023

SUNY Orange is ranked 11th on University HQ’s 2023 listing of Best Associate Degrees in New York.

University HQ has developed rankings for more than 4,000 schools, using government sources such as College Navigator, College Scorecard, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, and the private job search site Payscale to gather data with a goal of providing a fact-based picture of the colleges they rank. Rankings are primarily based on affordability, academics, and graduate outcomes.

The independent educational organization provides information on colleges, entrance requirements, and career paths to help prospective students make informed decisions when choosing a college.

University HQ lauds New York as home to some of the nation’s best institutions of higher learning, and touts community colleges for their flexible schedules for working professionals as well as a traditional campus life for fresh high school graduates.

Here’s what students are saying about SUNY Orange:

Hayden Hoyt (early education): “SUNY Orange has fantastic professors that are so nice and welcoming. My favorite part of SUNY Orange is the students who go here. Everyone is nice, welcoming, and easy to talk to.”

Angelina Gazzillo (liberal arts): “My favorite part of SUNY Orange are the events that they put on for the students and community. It’s always fun to see everyone come together and have a good time.”

Ryan Demarse (psychology): “SUNY Orange makes studying for tests and getting homework done so much easier. They have so many different areas to go for study rooms that I really like.”

Ahmaad Kellman (business administration): “SUNY Orange has so many available resources for when you need extra help. Whether its professors helping or other departments, SUNY Orange has options for you to fit what you need best. There are study rooms and study areas. I can find so many different spots to get my work done and it is so convenient.”

Lauren Hutchings (visiting student): “SUNY Orange has unbeatable affordability. It provides awesome flexibility for my everyday schedule. It takes a lot of stress off taking classes.”