Dr. Young's Public Schedule: Weeks of Nov. 4 and 11
October 31, 2019
College community,
Below is a sampling of events from my schedule over the next two weeks. I kickoff the fortnight by joining VPAA Dr. Erika Hackman at Bard to investigate articulation possibilities before diving back into a host of important meetings with College-based constituents. I was pleased to be asked to guest lecture, via streaming technology, on leadership for a grad course at the University of Utah entitled “The American Community College, and I will be returning to WALL radio for an appearance in which I hope to further promote our Newburgh Preview Day (Nov. 8) and our upcoming Fall Open House (Nov. 16).
The following week, most of my time will be spent at the AACC Fall meetings in Virginia. My agenda includes a Board of Directors meeting and a co-chairing role with the Association’s Commission on Structured Pathways committee.
Weeks of Nov. 4 and 11
Monday, Nov. 4:
Articulation agreement meeting (off campus at Bard College, 1 p.m.)
Wednesday, Nov. 6:
College Association meeting (MT campus, Association House, 8 a.m.)
*Open Forum (MT campus, Gilman Center, 11 a.m., co-host with BOT)
Shared Governance Executive Committee Meeting (MT campus, Rowley Center Room 110, 3:15 p.m.)
Guest lecture via mediated technology in grad course “American Community College" (with Univ. of Utah, 6:30 p.m.)
Thursday, Nov. 7:
Radio appearance on WALL (off campus in Middletown, 9 a.m.)
The Fall Fitz Event for Newburgh Ministry (NB campus, Kaplan Hall Great Room, 6 p.m.)
Week of Nov. 11
AACC Fall Meetings (off campus in Pentagon City, Va.)
*College community is welcome to attend;
$public invited (registration required, admission fee)
Schedule is subject to change