Website Accessibility
PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT the contact for Accessibility Services or academic accommodations. For these services, please visit: Office of Accessibility Services.
If you utiize a screen reader, or use other accessibility technology or services to access this website, and you are having difficulty accessing a particular page, document, other other aspect of the website, please us the contact information below:
Main Contact: Mike Albright, Executive Director of Communications
(845) 341-4728
In our efforts to comply with accessibility standards, we will:
- Assess any new or substantially changed content that is introduced on the SUNY Orange website for compliance with WCAG 2.0 AA Accessibility Standards. We will apply our accessibility knowledge and automated website accessibility testing tools. If we identify any new content not in compliance, we will work to bring it into compliance as quickly as possible.
- Utilize automated website accessibility testing tools to perform routine scans for compliance with WCAG 2.0 AA Accessibility Standards.
- Take measures to assure that content developed on our behalf by third-party vendors comply with NYS Policy NYS-P08-005 Accessibility of Web Based Information and Applications and WCAG 2.0 AA Accessibility Standards.
- Provide continual trainings to ensure that all employees who write or develop programs or code supporting current, public-facing content, or who create or post final content on the SUNY Orange’s website are familiar with this office’s accessibility policy and the requirements of NYS Policy NYS-P08-005 as well as WCAG 2.0 AA accessibility standards.
- Make a good-faith effort to timely resolve any items found by the consultant to be inconsistent with WCAG 2.0 AA Accessibility Standards.
- Provide methods (above) for visitors to SUNY Orange's website to give feedback regarding how the accessibility of the website can be improved.
For digital content (documents, video) accessibility on the website, please see our section on Digital Content.