Coronavirus Update for Employees: March 11 PM edition
March 11, 2020College community,
At this hour, this message is to update you further on the College’s response to COVID-19 and, in particular, Governor Andrew Cuomo’s announcements today regarding the entire SUNY system.
First and foremost, SUNY Orange will remain open and conduct operations as normal tomorrow (March 12) and Friday (March 13), pending any significant new developments. There have been rumors that Orange County has its first confirmed COVID-19 case. We have contacted Orange County and have been assured that there remain no confirmed COVID-19 cases involving Orange County residents. Regardless, anxiety is understandably high, so if you feel sick, please stay home. If you feel uncomfortable coming to work, you can use accrued sick time.
Since the Governor’s announcement today, we have subsequently received guidance from SUNY Administration that clarifies our responsibilities in relation to the Governor’s comments. SUNY has advised all 64 campuses to implement plans that will maximize distance learning and reduce in-person classes, to the best extent possible based upon each campus’s individual situation, for the remainder of the Spring semester.
The Emergency Management Team has been preparing for this eventuality, but today’s developments in Albany require us to further refine our plans and expectations for an alternative distance format. We will also be investigating how we’ll implement his suggestion of an extended Spring Break. The Governor’s intent is to limit population “density” and we will do our best to accommodate his expectations.
As you can imagine, the complexities in responding to this virus are many. More information will be forthcoming Thursday afternoon.
The SUNY Orange Wellness Center also recommends the following websites for additional information on the Coronavirus.
NYS Department of Health:
Orange County Department of Health: