Coronavirus Update: March 20 afternoon
March 20, 2020College community,
In his daily briefing this morning, Governor Andrew Cuomo took the bold and necessary steps to put New York “on pause,” announcing that 100 percent of non-essential work forces will be required to stay home.
Throughout this week, the College has been developing plans for resuming operations on Monday (March 23), even as social distancing and population density recommendations have been changing. We understand that many of you are adapting to the personal challenges before you due to the evolving statewide response to COVID-19, and we know you are also wondering how your professional life will be impacted.
Today’s announcement necessitates us to further revise our guidance for you. We expect additional valuable guidance to be forthcoming from SUNY and others today. Our goal remains to begin delivering, on March 30, an integrity-filled academic environment for the remainder of the Spring 2020 semester.
Again, we ask for your patience. Please watch your email and our COVID-19 webpage for updates this evening and over the weekend.